Chapter 15

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Still Hana POV:

I searched all places but i couldn't find taehyung anywhere my legs are hurting now.arghh Taehyung where the heck are you?!

I was walking and still roaming my eyes here and there when i caught someone's presence behind the bush sitting near river. As i got near the person i saw it was a boy. Maybe he is Taehyung? Or not? Lets just check yeah..

Me:"....T-Taehyung?"i called nervously as i was now standing behind the boy. When he heard my voice he turned  around and yes he is TAEHYUNG. "What are you doing here all alone?"i asked now sitting beside him his eyes became wide a lil when i sat but he quickly turned his head to other side.

Taehyung:"Nothing...why are you here?"he asked without looking at me.

What should i say that i was looking for him? No..amm

Me:"Uh i was just p-passing by and saw you here alone so i thought i-i should accompany you..?"it was more like a question than stating.

Taehyung:"You don't need to....go back your friends must be looking for you" he said flatly.

Me:"But what if i want to accompany you?"i asked and mentally praised myself for not stuttering this time.

Taehyung:"And why would you want to?"he asked looking at me.

Me:"...I don't know"i said shrugging and turning to look at water.

Silence fell upon us just like that day when he came to my house.

Me:"Why don't you make friends here?"i asked.

Taehyung:"I don't want to"he simply said.

Me:"I wonder how jimin became your friend"i said shaking my shoulder with a airy chuckle.

Taehyung:"Because he is not like others"he exclaimed.

Me:"Evryone is n-"i was cut off by taehyung.

Taehyung:"Can you just go already Hana?, im really not in the mood to talk to anyone"he said looking at me with annoyance.

Me:"But you are still talking to me and answering to wha-"

Taehyung:"Hana, i said go!, i want to be alone!"he shouted.

I flinched at his sudden loud voice.No one has ever talked with me with that loud voice. How can he?.

Me:"Uh Okay"i mumbled in a sad tone while standing up and start to walk away but i suddenly remembered Jimin. "Jimin is looking for you and he is worrying, attend his calls"i mymvked loud enough for him to hear and walked away from there.

How can i bring old Taehyung when he doesn't even wanna talk with me or anyone. Really its too hard ahhh!!What im gonna do now?~

I was walking with a sad pout and suddenly i got a call from jungkook.


Me:"Look behind yourself pabo"i said and giggled at his cute reaction.

Jungkook:"You make me worry too much cupcake don't do this"he said shaking his head smiling.

Me:"Okay i wont"i said giving my best smile.

Jungkook"Cute"he pinched my cheeks.

Me:"Yah!, it hurts"i said rubbing my cheeks.

Jimin:"That how it hurts me in the morning when you did"he said coming to us and i laughed.

Jungkook:"Wait let me call minseo she was talking with sooyeon"he said i nodded and he walked to side to call minseo.

Jimin:"He called just now,..he said he is coming in few mins"he said with a smile"Did you meet with him?"he asked.

Me:"Yes i met your rude friend and talked a little"i said rolling my eyes.

Jimin:"Hey dont call him rude i told you he is not and....he talked with you?"he asked eyes a little wide.

Me:"But for now he is..and yes and no" i said he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and i told him what happened there.

Jimin:"Ohh i see...don't worry i will talk to him that idiot"he shaked his head and sigh.

Me:"No you don't have to that's okay i understand"i said smiling now.

Jimin:"Hana you are really a nice person. Thank you"he said hugging me and i hugged him back.

Me:"No problem Jiminie"i said and we both start giggling suddenly.

After sometime jimin went to taehyung and we all headed back to camp site and ate dinner then drifted to dreamland.

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