Chapter 12

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Hana POV:

I felt someone poking my cheeks whole giggling. I was feeling so warm that i didn't wante to wake up. I start nuzzling to something to seek more warmth. Then it hit me like a truck that im sitting on Taehyung's lap!

I immediately opened my eyes and saw his eyes are still closed i sigh in relief but there Jimin was smirking while wriggling his eyebrows.

Jimin:"We have arrived and i think you are enjoying too much sleeping on taehyung that you don't wanna come out"he exclaimed smirking.

I got all red from embarrassment.

Me:"I-It's not like that"i said hitting his shoulder and i motioned him to get aside so i can come out.

He chuckled and did what i say and when i got out from the car.

Jimin:"Tae! Come out we have arrived!"he said hitting his shoulder taehyung groaned and rubbed his eyes. He looked kinda cute rubbing his eyes like a child. wait did i said CUTE?!

After gathering in one place teacher came and told us to set up the camp by yourself and after this we will have dinner together and tomorrow we will have the real fun!
We all set up the tents and now we are preparing for dinner. Everyone was enjoying gossiping,laughing, playing all were having fun.

Boys were doing the steaks and bbq etc while we girls were cutting vegetables and some other things.

Minseo:"Yah!, i'm so hungry, when we are gonna eat?" She whined while cutting carrots.

Me:"Haha, a little more wait and you will get to eat" i said washing my hands chuckling 

Minseo:"Arghhh"she groaned

Chae:"Hana can you go and hand these steak cuts to Bogum and Suga?. I have to cut fruits"she said in a pleading tone on which i noded and grabbed the bowl of steakcuts and went to boys where just Bogum is sitting, Suga wasn't there so i had to give these to Bogum who was preparing the steaks.

Me:"Here"he glanced up at me and smirked.

Bogum:"Aaaah My Hana came huh... Thank you"he said and i rolled my eyes but when he was taking the bowl he purposely brushed his hands on mine and kept it there. I widened my eyes at him.

Me:"Bogum,What are you doing?"i said feeling very uncomfortable and tried to wriggle my hands from his.

Bogum:"ahh don't get serious Hana, i was just teasing you"he said suddenly smiling now more like smirking.

I quickly left that place to where i was cutting the vegetables.

Bogum is a playboy and have a crush on me. He always do these types of things with me like being too touchy or call me with sweet names to which I'm very uncomfortable. I told him too many times to stop it but he never listens to me. Jungkook also warned him many times also got hit by Jungkook but to no avail.God when i can get rid of him. I hate him alot.
All girls and boys enjoyed eating the food. After eating,some appointed girls washed the was already sleeping time all day went in setting up the tents and preparing the food. We all got too tired doing so much work.

Every group was provided by 2 tents. I thought i will sleep with mina in one tent and in other tent jimin,taehyung and bogum will sleep but guess what fate isn't in my side everytime!!

Mina:"I won't sleep with you Hana!"she exclaimed hands crossed on chest.

Me:"Look Mina, we only have 2 tents, We have to share. If you don't wanna sleep with me then with who?" I asked in annoyance. This girl always gets on my nerves just like Bogum.

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