Chapter 17

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Hana POV:

I quietly sit beside him and took a deep breath -You can do it Hana-

But...from where should i start the converstaion now?

Me:"The view is beautiful right?"i said looking up at the stars,that are shining brightly,he didnt say anything nor even spare me a glance.

Me:"Why you always sit alone?,Don't you get bored?"i asked again looking at him.


I sighed..-Is he deaf? Jimin didnt say anything about it-

Me:"...I think you don't want to talk again with me like yesterday...i better go then.."i exclaimed with a slightly sad tone and got up.As i start walking away suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist to prevent me from walking further. My eyes widen,and i felt a weird spark in me,i looked at my wrist which was caught by Taehyung his face still ahead.

Taehyung:"Sit"he said with low voice and i dud what he told me ".....I'm sorry for yesterday, i just..wasn't feeling well"he said head hanging low.

And his sorry really was sincere and a smile crept on my face.

Me:"That's okay Taehyung i understand"i said giving my best smile but i accidently chuckled.

Taehyung:"Why are you laughing then?"he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Me:"uh i thought you are the person who don't like say sorry" i said to lighten up the mood and giggled.

Taehyung:"Why you thought this?"he asked narrowing his eyes.

Me:"Jimin was telling me yours and his friendship stories and said you don't usually say sorry so yeah.."i said laughing a little by remembering what jimin told me about Taehyung.It was very cute.

Taehyung:"That brat!"he said in a slight anger tone.

Me:"..Jimin told me you are a cheerfull and a happy go person, and you changed alot now.....Why you changed?"even though i know the reason but i wanted to ask him.

Taehyung:"I'm not and......I don't know,"he muttered after a long pause and i hummed.

Me:"Hmmm....Maybe in future you will tell me"i said looking at the sky. He turned his head to me.

Taehyung:"...Future?"he asked tilting his head being confused.

Me:"Yes in future, we are friends right and friends share things and secrets"i said giving him a smile with a shrug he was confused, like i said something wrong and suddenly i was doubting myself -did i really say something wrong?-

Taehyung:"We are not even friends"he said shaking his head with expressionless face. And my mood all went down.

It was silent for a moment again.

Me:"....amm then.. lets be friends?"i asked with a smile while extending my right hand to him looking at him -please say yes.. i got so much courage to ask you this please please---

Taehyung looked at my extended hand and his face expression was something,.. something i couldn't figure it out like it was nervous,fear,hesitation?...i don't know...

Taehyung POV:

Hana:"....amm then.. lets be friends?"she asked with a smile while extending her right hand.

I really didn't know should i say yes or no. Friendship needs trust, and without trust friendship doesn't exist . And i'm having trust issues. When i remember Jimin's words and i said i will try and...I should give a chance. If not Jimin will surely kill me!. After a long breath.

I hesitantly extend my hand too and shaked hands with Hana,i felt a weird spark in me,Her face light up and i also gave her a slight smile.

Hana:"Thank you!"she said still holding onto my hands and shaking it continously and i internally chuckled but i just showed a little smile to her.

Me:"uh..My hand"i said gesturing with my eyes to our hands and she quickly pulled away with eyes wide and mumbled a sorry." Let's go dinner must be ready by now"i said and stood up and quickly extent my hand to her to hold. She stare at me and then finally hold and stood up with a smile which i returned and we head back to dinner side.

After dinner all boys and girls sat in a circle and played games all night as it was last day of our trip. I refused at first but Jimin pulled me in too. And everytime me and Hana have a eye contact she will smile. And here JIMIN will look at me like a creep and raise his eyebrows. i nudged him with my arm being annoy and in the end i ended up telling him mine and hana new friendship which i don't know how it's gonna be like-i hope what jimin said about her is right-jimin was really happy after listening it though.He was nearly choking me to death by hugging me too tight.

Camp trip finally ended!

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Sorry for my mistakes😣

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