Epilogue pt.2 (End)

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Long ass chapter please dont get bored sorry but its last chapter!

5000 words😅😓


"This chapter contains some mature🔞 content skip it if you feel uncomfortable,read at your own risk"

Also I suck in it it's my first time


2 days before Wedding:

Wedding dress studio:

Hana POV:

Here I'm with my mom and Taehyung's mom at the studio where I will buy my wedding dress. Mom and Aunty have already chosen so many dresses for me and ofcourse they are pretty and I tried every dress they said to try. And they weren't bad. But it was like something is missing and I knew I want Taehyung here with me and choose the dress for me.

But he is not here because of his important meeting. Mom said it's okay he will love everything you wear,but my heart wasnt having it. I pouted and roam on aisles to looking at different and so beautiful gowns. Every gown has its beauty. It was hard to choose one. I sighed pouted sadly and turned around to go back to where my mom and aunty is. And my eyes widen in surprised,my lips twitched upward seeing TAEHYUNG standing there talking with the designer.

He didnt see me and i ran to him and hugged him tightly i caught him off guard he stumbled a bit but got his balance soon. I was over with joy seeing him.HE CAME FOR ME!
He chuckled hugging me back

Me:"You came!, I'm so happy Thank you!"I said loudly looking up at him he chuckled and pecked my forehead and I heard aww's from our mom's and other staff

Taehyung:"How can i not come baby?, it's a special day for us"he said smiling at me I smiled back softly

Designer:"Come dear lets show you the dress your fiance has already chosen before"she said smiling my eyes widen and I looked at Taehyung

Me:"You already chose?"I asked he nodded

Taehyung:"Ofcourse yes, let's go now"he said snaking his hand around my waist and his other hand was on his pocket I nodded and walked with him. The designer showed me the MOst BEAUTIFUL DRESS I have ever seen. It was perfect my eyes went wide seeing it. Its just so elegant.

Me:"Its so pretty!"I said in awe

Designer:"Let's try it yeah?"she said and I nodded. I walked with designer to changing room as I enter in the room and turned around there I didnt see designer but Taehyung. I got startlet seeing him

Me:"T-Taehyung?, I have to ch-change here"i said stuttering being shy

Taehyung:"Designer had to help you right, I will help you"he said grinning my mouth opened apart at this

Me:"B-But I do-dont want help, you go outside"i said and he frowned and shook his head

Taehyung:"I'm your beloved fiance why are you being shy with me"he said teasing me and I blushed madly

Me:"Taehyung please go outside"i whined and he shook his head again

Taehyung:"I will not go out ammm yeah I will turn around okay,I won't see you change...unless you want me to"he said smirking and my eyes widen at what he said and I hit his chest blushing furiously

Me:"Pervert"i mumbled

Taehyung:"Aish okay okay i wont see you now change hurry"he said and turned around. I bit my lips seeing I have no ways to make him go outside he wont listen to me now.

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