Chapter 33

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Thank you so much for waiting❤
The long ass chapter I have ever written, beleive me I dont know it's good or bad I never wrote agnst so it maybe very bad"Im so sorry for it"

4204 Words!😓🤗


Me:"He didnt do anything!"i said in a loud voice stopping him he turned around

Taehyung:"Then who the fu*k did this?!!"he yelled.



Third Person POV:

Taehyung's hand left the door knob,he just stood there frozen in his place like he couldnt process at what he just heard from Hana. His eyes are wide from shock mouth slightly apart.

Taehyung's heartbeat was beating so fast that he could hear it himself. The room was quiet only the voice is coming from Hana's sobbing quietly.

He couldn't form the words.Its like the world has stopped. He stared at Hana completely shocked

Taehyung:"W-What?"he managed to ask in a whisper

-'Say i-it was a j-joke Hana'-he mentally prayed

Hana slowly lift her head and looked at bed infront of her. She didnt want to look at Taehyung. She didnt wanted to tell about this to him,Hana really thought he remember when he rescued her but when she heard he dont even remember that and thought Bogum did it was clear that he dont remember anything from that night, she was somehow got relief but now he saw the Hickey on her neck, she had decided to hide it but the moment she is in she cant hide it anymore.

《☆[ Flashback ]☆》

Hana POV:

Me:"Let me go you jerk!"I yelled at Bogum but he just tightened his grip on my wrist it started to hurt alot and I knew it will leave a red mark.

Bogum:"Not anymore darling~"he said turning back to look at me and smirked while walking with dragging me too. I screamed many times for help but the music is blasting and no one could hear me. I slowly lost my hope that someone will come to save me. My eyes started to water.

My heart started to beat at high pace. He is dragging me to the private area section.

Me:"Please Bogum"i begged him and tried to push his hand away from my wrist but to no avail, he just smirked

Bogum:"Darling~ let's just have some fun for sometime then I will let you go"he said smirking and opened the door of private room with a key in his right hand and hurriedly opened in one go. As he was about to push me in the room, A hand held my arm from backside and roughly pulled me backwards. I stumbled and hit my head in someone's rock like chest. I looked up at the person and my eyes widen. I never in my dreams thought he, 'Taehyung' will come. He pulled me behind him

Bogum:"WHAT THE FU-"he got cut off by taehyung hard punch across his face he stumbled backwards, bogum tried to dodge it but taehyung was more stronger and kept beating him. Bogum lips started to bleed.

Taehyung:"I WARNED YOU FU*KER TO NEVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!!, YOU WILL DIE FROM MY HANDS NOW!!"he shouted in so much anger and this time he punched him hard and he fell on floor

I tried to pull taehyung off of him but he kept pushing me away, tears starting to form in my eyes from fear.

Me:"Taehyung p-please let h-him go!"I yelled this time and he stopped after kicking him one last time, before Taehyung can say anything I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room which was opened by bogum and locked the door after we entered. I leaned against the wall and took deep breath to calm myself down. And looked at him and our gaze connect,he stared deeply into my soul.

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