Chapter 18

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Yayy~Double update because this book has reached 100+ Votes.All Thanks to you.I love you all.Thanks for reading my book.

Third Person POV:

Its been two and half weeks since camp trip ended. Everything is going smoothly. Hana and Taehyung friendship is also going good. Taehyung talks now,not that much but he does and Hana is really happy,that atleast he talks rather than sitting quiet. Hana now makes jimin and taehyung sit with her and her friend's table at lunch time.

Jungkook and Taehyung don't really talk because of their first bad meeting in the cafeteria. But Hana insisted Jungkook about letting Taehyung sit with them and he let because Hana was doing aegyo and even minseo said to let them so he did.

Jimin was in a full hope that the old taehyung will come back soon. Jimin was secretly shipping Hana and Taehyung.Not only minseo, jimin also tease hana sometimes about taehyung.

About bogum he still comes to hana and will say 'i like you" "lets go out" "you are looking hot" etc. Hana couldn't tell jungkook about this because she knew if she tell him, jungkook will surely break his bones. So she kept this to herself.

Hana POV:

Me and Jimin are walking out of school as its off time and we both also got late because i'm very bad in math subject and jimin is the best in maths in our group so he agreed to teach me math after class. But we were so emerged in practicing math that we didn't notice that its 4:00pm already.
We both bade goodbye to each other and instead of just giving smile, i hugged him as a thanks. And we both separate our ways and head back to home.

After eating i thought i should practice math test again for tomorrow. I grabbed my bag and opened it but there isnt my math notebook!.W-Where is my notebook?! No way i forgot in library? Ahh what should i do now?

Arghh i have to go to school now. Its already 5:00, so i rushed out of the house and drived to school. When i went there i asked bodyguard to let me in after so much begging he let me in.

I went straight to the library as i entered suddenly the light went off. It became so much dark i put my hands in my pockets to search my phone but Shit! I forgot my phone at home in a rush. I already was freaking by the darkness and now i left my phone too. I slowly went outside of library and stood in the door and saw the hallways are also dark and i couldn't see a thing. There isn't even a little light to which i can follow to get out of the school.

I again went inside library and slowly crouched down and sat in the corner. -Please someone help me,i'm scared of the darkness-. Where is guard?,he should atleast come to check. Ah i'm scared.-
I was silently praying someone to come and get me out of here.

Its been 1 hour and no one came i called for help but to no avail. I didn't even notice that my eyes were brimming with tears and i started crying silently. Darkness is the biggest weakness of me. I'm scared of darkness since childhood when my friends pranked on me. I buried my head in my arms and tightly wrapped my arms around legs.

Its been like forever-why n-no one is c-coming?!-i mumbled whilst sobbing.

Suddenly i heard some footsteps and a light i moved my head towards the light while placing my hand over eyes because of the sudden light on me and i saw someone standing infront of me.


By voice i immediately knew who it is and without saying anything or thinking i ran to him and hugged him really tight as if my life dependent on him.

Me:"T-Taehyung! Thank God y-you came i-i was s-so scared"i mumbled sobbing on his chest and holding him more tightly.

Taehyung:" are okay..i'm here now"he said placing his one arm around my shoulder and one caressing my hairs slowly.

I was feeling so relieve. His voice was really working to calm me. He was so smooth with his hand which was caressing my hair. I stopped crying but i was still hugging him. For some reason i didn't want to break the hug.I wanyed to stay a bit longer in his arms.But i had to let go, so i slowly broke the hug, my head low because my cheeks were all heated and Thank God it's dark or else i would be so embarrass.

Taehyung:"What were you doing here at this time?"he asked tilting his head.

Me:"Uh i-i forgot my math notebook here t-thats why"i said and he hummed" How did you k-knew i'm here?"i asked now looking up at him.

Taehyung:"Jimin was calling you but you werent picking up your phone, he got worried, so i called your Mom and she said also doesn't know where you went.We were finding you for about one hour when suddenly Jimin said you might be here then we came here and asked the guard,he  said there is a girl who is inside. So i rushed here and Jimin is outside waiting cuz' guard isn't letting him inside"he explained also smacking my head in the end.

Me:"oh I'm really sorry to make you worry guyz"i said lowering my head biting my lower lip.

Taehyung:"Be careful next time pabo, let's go now Jimin is waiting"he said and hold my wrist and we both started walking after grabbing my notebook from the table.

His hand was so warm. His grasp wasn't tight it was soft and warm. I wasn't even looking ahead my eyes were just fixed on his hand which was holding my wrist.It-It felt....Good.

We came outside and Jimin was calling someone as soon as he sees me he rushed to me and hugged me.

Jimin:"Are you okay Hana?"he asked examining me.

Me:"Yes i'm fine . i forgot the notebook so i came here to take , sorry Jiminie i made you worry"i said with a tight smile.

Jimin:"Do you even know how worried Tae was?,  ahh don't forget i was worried too"he said shaking his head and then crossing his arms on his chest while tapping his foot. Finally he worried about me huh?.I couldn't help but to smile after listening this.

Taehyung:"L-Let's go its late"he stuttered and walked ahead.

Jimin:"haha...yeah yeah"he said laughing while nudging me with a smirk on which i punched him on his arm in return. He laughed again but stopped when i glared at him.

They dropped me home and i thanked them and went inside only to get scolded by Mom for not letting her know before where i was going then i head up to my room and started studying.

But i couldn't really focus on study because my mind always goes to Taehyung and his hold, his soothing voice,his hand.-What are you thinking Hana stop it and focus on study,Gosh what's happening to me?

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