Chapter 36

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This chapter is all about Jimin and Hyuni so have fun😘we cant forget this ship can we?

Enjoy reading!

(The day Taehyung and Hana went on date)

Jimin POV:

I hurried and parked the car and went inside the cafe and looked here and there to see Hyuni. I found her sitting on the corner table I smiled and walked to her surprising her and sat on opposite side to her.

Jimin:"Aish sorry for being late, also I'm so sorry for not coming to meet you yesterday,I really was on my way to you but suddenly mom called me for soemthing important"i said explaining her feeling bad i made her wait yesterday she just nodded with a tight smile, I frowned -'What's with this tight smile?'-

Me:"What happened Hyuni?"I asked worriedly

She didnt say anything and bit her lips

Me:"Tell me you are making me worry"i said

Hyuni:"I-I'm going back t-to Busan in two days"she said and my eyes widen

Me:"But you were supposed to stay here for one more month"i said

Hyuni:"I-I was, but Dad called m-me"she said and her expression are sad...?

Me:"Why?"I asked


Me:"Tell m-"

Hyuni:"Dad is arranging a marriage of me!"she said and tears flowed from her eyes and I frozed on my place looking at her eyes widen.


Me:"Wh-What? You are joking r-right?"I asked in a low voice.

Hyuni:"I'm not!, and I-I dont have a-any other choice b-but to agree"she said sobbing and my heart shattered into million pieces. My heart starts to beat fast. I cant believe this


-'No it cant happen'-

-'W-What should i d-do?"

Tears wanted to escape from my eyes but I held in it, it was hurting me too much.

Me:"W-Why cant you reject it?"I asked with hopeful eyes that she will reject this bullshit marriage

Hyuni:"You k-know my Dad Jimin, he never ta-take his words b-back,I c-cant reject"she said sobbing

-'No! W-What I will d-do?'-

-'I cant let he-her go when I'm madly in love with her!'- I thought

Me:"Hyuni-"she cut me off

Hyuni:"I-I think I will be okay since I kn-know the boy, he-he is nice"she said I parted my mouth in shock -'How can she?'-

Me:"B-But you are not ha-"

Hyuni:"I'm leaving in two days and my marriage is also soon, I have to to-go to decide the marriage da-date"she said and I just kept looking at the coffee on table. Her words pierced through my heart

-'She agreed to marry'-

Me:"B-But Hyuni I li-- I wish you the b-best"i tightly smiled at her and stood up and turned around and the tears I was holding in it finally came out of my eyes one by one then like a pool.

I walked towards car and sat in car and started crying.

That cant happen.She cant marry someone else. W-Why?!, I didn't even get the chance to tell her my feelings for her.what do I do now?!, how can she agree to it so easily!.

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