Chapter 20

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Third Person POV:

A month has passed alot of things happened everyone is happy. Taehyung is slowly becoming talkative with other classmates too. Jimin is really happy that he couldn't ask for anything more. He knew that his old taehyung is coming back and he is really thankful to Hana. Taehyung is smiling and talking more.

Jimin told Hana about taehyung's change and is really grateful to her. Hana could see the warm feeling of happiness and spark in Jimin's eyes and she was also really happy to see this.

Hana is glad like literally alot but she didn't know that in the process of changing taehyung will make her feelings kind of weird towards him. She cant figure out what is it.

Lately whenever jimin or minseo tease her about taehyung she gets all red or whenever taehyung is near to her she always stutter and blush. Maybe she doesnt want to admit what she is feeling towards him.So she always brush it away.

On the other hand Taehyung was also surprised that he is becoming his real self which he lost a long time ago. He knew that hana did this he wasn't that happy at first but he is happy now and thankful to hana that he could see jimin's content eyes smie instead of worry ones.

Taehyung admitted it that jimin was right that all people are not same and he should give a chance to others and to himself and he did.

He made new friends and they are honestly very nice and about hana he is happy to have a her as friend....well FRIEND....Everything is going well.

He occasionally catches the odd behaviour of Hana.Once or twice he even asked if she is having a fever or something that her face is red. And as answer he always gets a no in a stutter.

Bogum was stil very furious coz' of Hana's slap. He planned to get revenge from her and no one knows what he is thinking of.

Jimin POV:

I ring the doorbell of Tae's house and soon Mrs.Kim opened the door.

Mrs Kim:"Ah Jimin-ah, come inside"she smiled taking a step aside to let me in the house, i smiled at her.

Me:"Thank you Mrs Kim, Where is Tae?.. Gosh this kid, i always gets late because of him"i said shaking my head.

Mrs Kim:"Jimin-ah...first how many times i told you to call me Mom?"she asked in a slightly sad tone with a pout invisible on her face i giggled.

Me:"Aish Sorry Mom, dont be sad now~"i did my aegyo and hugged her. Like always she melted into my aegyo..What can i say i am a Pro in doing aegyo;)

Mrs Kim:"Aww my jimin-ah you are so cute aish....oh yeah Tae can't go to school today, he is having a high fever"she said her face suddenly changed into a worry one.

Me:"What?! Since when?, How's he?"i asked getting really worried for him.

Mrs Kim:"I don't know, a little while ago i came to know when i went to his room to wake him up for school"

Me:"aish im gonna check him then"i said and hurriedly head up to his room as i entered i saw taehyung sleeping and a wet towel on his forehead.

Me:"Yah!, how did you get fever aish..How are you?!"i asked loudly while sitting on bed beside him. He slightly opened his eyes.

Taehyung:"Not head hurts and stop shouting"he said in a sleepy tone with a cute pout.

Jimin:"ah Did u eat something?!and took medicine?!"i asked as i took the towel off from his forehead and again drenched it in cold water then squeezing the water out and again placed the towel on his forehead.

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