Chapter 32

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Last day of exam:

After giving last exam:

Third POV:

Finally they are free from hellhole. As it was their last year in high school. They all are happy with how their exams went how they spend sleepless nights while studying. Now they are all so tired that they just want a soft bed right now and sleep for days.BUT who dont want to party hard after exams?

Right now they all are sitting in school garden while talking about their childhood, somehow that topic rose up between them.

Jungkook:"I have visited Busan many times, and the food is really good ahhh...the fishcake yummm~"he said eyes close, one hand on his belly and licked his lips

Taehyung:"Yeah that's right busan is famous for fishcakes"he said nodding

Minseo:"When we were small, we three will go to food street and will eat each thing there, it was so fun"she said and hana and jungkook both nodded smiling.

Jimin:"aww that's so amazing, me and tae do same, there were times when he didnt wanted to go but in the end he will always go for me"he said side hugging taehyung while others smiled seeing them. They adore their friendship alot.

They were still talking when someone shouted

Jhope:"Jungkook-ah! Jimin-ah!"he shouted their names and they turned their head to the owner of voice and saw jhope and suga are walking towards them.

Taehyung immediately frowned in angry seeing suga but suga smiled at him

Jimin:"What brings you two here?"he asked

Suga:"RM is giving a party tomorrow as its his birthday, so he invited the whole class"he informed and they nodded

Jhope:"You all are coming right?"he asked happily

Jungkook:"Ofcourse we all will come"he said smiling and other nodded but hana didnt

Hana:"Ahh... well I dont want t-"she was cut of by All

All:"You Are Coming!"they said in unison

Hana:"But I-"now suga cut her off

Suga:"Please Hana let's go it will be fun if you dont go i-"

Hana:"I will go I will go"she exclaimed hurriedly while blushing while suga smirked

And Taehyung was so mad seeing this 'she didnt agree when we said but suga?'he thought and his fist clenched and it didnt get unnotice by Jimin

Jhope:"Great then!"he said

Jungkook:"Where is the party?"he asked

Jhope:"RM's dad owns his own club, so the party is there"he said

Minseo:"Yayy I always wanted to see clubs, but kookie never let's me and hana"she said pouting in the end

Jungkook:"Because Its was the best for you both"he said and minseo mumbled 'yeah'pouting

After that they talked and went to their own way, some shopped for tomorrow's party some were sleeping like Suga.

Taehyung wanted to say something to jimin but all time jungkook was with them.So he didnt find the time.

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