chapter 3

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"Eva wake up" I heard my mom screaming .

"No please let me sleep" I shouted back ,covering my ears with pillow.

"Fine by me . But let me tell you its 10 am and it's against your habit to get up so late." She said making me jump off my bed .

"Oh shit . Why you didn't wake me earlier ?"I asked annoyingly.

"Its ok baby ,we slept very late last night. "She said

"Ya but i am guessing you have been up since 6 ....."I yelled.

"Ya , but I have to go to office and you are free so its fine"she said making me even more  annoyed .


"Ok take a shower and come down ..breakfast is ready and I have to head to work early and aslo  I will be  late today".she stated . 

"Why ? " I asked

"Cause I am working on two projects right now" .she informed.

"Okkkayy" I shouted and headed towards shower and closed the door and heard her slamming my bedroom door ." I suppose it's a habit of hers ... slamming doors .

I don't know why but as soon as i entered the bathroom my tears knew no boundaries and were pouring right out of my eyes to the bathroom floor like an early monsoon rain...maybe because of all the things going on in my life and the problems of my mom and Leslie's post breakup drama ...I mean it's good they are now together now . But I don't know  there's something I feel I have left behind . I am not happy with all what's going on in my life and the situation is  not getting any better and that sucks .

"Eva come down .I am getting late." My mom screamed from downstairs breaking my own little sad bubble .

"Coming" I replied wiping  the tears off my face.

I headed downstairs and stuffed my mouth with doritos .

"You are again eating that junk eva." My mom screamed .

" Mom ,not again !"I pleased.

"Ok .. but you have to finish all of these ."my mom said placing a tray full of cheese sandwiches in front of me .

"No, Why do you want me to be fat?" I screamed jokingly.

We were giggling just  when her lawyer's name flashed on her phone and  ruined the moment.

She talked to him and disconnecting the phone she had a sense of pride in herself.

"What was it "I asked her knowing that she may not answer.

But to my surprise she did.

"He said that legal notice has been sent to the lawyer and date will be revealed in 2-3days and even earlier if his lawyer replied to the notice ."she told happily.

"Mom are you really ready for this ". I inquired knowing what how weak she has been since last 11 years.

"Yes I am ready . And please  if you can't support be at least don't drag me down  ."she sighed.

"Mom ,How could you say that? I will definitely support you as I always do ."I told her.

Her phone ringed again.

"Ok so it's my office ,May I leave?" She asked as if she knew  she maybe said something wrong.

"Okay bye "i said and she kissed my forehead and headed towards work .

I jumped on the sofa as i started working on my next week's project ."

I started watching season 8 of friends for the 50^th time I suppose but I love that season and expression of Ross when Rachel tells him about her pregnancy is legendary.

After watching it for 2 hours .I got a notification on my laptop about the music pack i bought online .....ya I am a music lover and that's the thing which continues to make me happy even in harsh days .

I love the band with five boys and the dragons and many more people who express the same feeling about life as I do.

And I feel that not only me but everyone in this world is living with a broken heart.

It was 7 in the evening when I got up from the couch and called my mom answer .

I called answer I don't know what's happening.

There were two missed calls on my phone from a bank for credit card and one from Tom.

I got nervous and thought why he is calling me ..but called him back anyways.

"Hi "he picked the phone on second ring .

"Hi " I said eagerness dripping from my mouth to know the reason.

"I want to meet you " he said to my surprise .

"What ?I mean why." I said

"Please eva don't judge me but I am kinda in love with someone else now." He said.

"Whaaaaaaat " I said falling to my knees.

"Ya ."he said coolly

I disconnected the phone and tried to call leslie .

"Pick up the phone ..PLEASE "I said to myself .

Tom was calling me back again .

I didn't pick.

Again Tom's name flashed on my iPhone's screen .

"Nooooo I am not picking it " I said to myself .

But ...ya ... I did.

"Helloo" I said .

"What do you want to say now "I said .

"It's you eva ...I love you ." He said .

"What you cannot love you cannot even like me ....Leslie's my bestfriend and I don't want to loose her . I mean is this kind of a joke or something, cause it's not funny .

"I know eva and I know that   you will never love me back ..because you are a loyal friend ... but I love you too much to hide it and atleast I cannot be with leslie when you are in front of me.

"Okay talk to you later."I said as i  slammed my phone on the ground .

I was not able to understand anything when leslie called back . God i am screwed.

Oh my God!!! What should I do ?Should i talk to her right now or ignore her?

I didn't.

A few hours later.

There was a knock on my door and when  I opened it was leslie crying and at first I thought that she knows what happened ..who told her Tom .. no ...he can't...I hate him.

She fell in my arms and told me that her mother died in a car accident .

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