chapter 17

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"Are you even coming ?" I asked Leslie desperate for answer.

"uhm ,yes I am sorry i didn't called you yesterday, actually I was really busy with something. I will be there today . "she babbled.

"okay but why are in such a hurry? "

"I really gotta go "she said and disconnected the call.

I definitely would have to wait for her arrival to see what's going on.

I decided to finish my homework as today is friday and work is definitely gonna load for weekend if I didn't finish it today.

Spell of sleep over me was broken when I heard a knock on the door and I realized I fell asleep in the midst of my homework .

Who could it be anyways, I mean it's 3 am ,dude.

"hey "Leslie.. said ,entering the room pushing me aside.

"Hey ,evaaaaaa "she stumbles.

"Are you drunk ? Oh my god . What happened leslie . Is everything all right ?

"Nooo" she sat across me on the small bed . Thank god brett is at Amelia's.

"Okay ..wanna tell  me what's happening?  "

"I ...I "she is stammering? "I am pregnant " wait..what?

"You are what ?"

"Yes you heard it right . Now let's not pretend to be shockeeed.  I am going to have  baby. It's Tom's and as we all know ...I mean atleast you and  i know ..I suppose you know ...that he ran . He said he is not ready to have this baby right now and now my life is fucked up and i don't  know what to do." She flooded the words out of her mouth like she is convincing me to watch a movie . 

I panicked , more than she could in this ...drunk situation.

"Okay ..your father knows about it . I mean have you told him . Is he aware. "What am I saying ?

"Noo he doesn't.  And you dare not tell him . I will kill you if you do  ,man.I mean it will not be good for a man who had just lost her wife to know that his 18 years old daughter is pregnant. " she said .

I know she has no control over her senses right now , so I know what she is saying right now she won't even remember tomorrow.

"Can we leave ?"she grinned.

"What? "I am confused .

"You don't want to spend a night with your bestfriend crying over her miserable life in your stupid dorm room , do you?" Okay ...this girl always surprises me .

"Okay where do you wanna go ? What do you wanna do ?"I asked her .

"I don't know,  just come.  "She screamed and grabbed me through   
the stairs .

"You bought a brand SUV in here? "I asked stupidly .

"No , moron, I rented it now let's go ."she grabbed me once again and pushed me in the car .

She started driving , gradually increasing her speed .

"Where are we going leslie? And can you please drive slow.

She ignored me and stepped on the accelerator with full force .

"Leslie...can you please stop what the fuck ? What are you doing ? Stop!!."I shouted

"Hey pull over guys . "Shit

"Oh my god . Now be ready to go to jail leslie . What have you done ? "I should not have allowed  her  to drive  at the very first place ."

"Hey girls . What the hell are you doing and why are you here up so late ?" The policemen raised his brows .

"What are you doing up so late ...?"leslie smirked.

"Are you drunk . Cause if you are  , you are gone. "The policemen warned.

"No she is not . And we are so sorry to be here . We will drive slow . I am so sorry sir. "I pleaded.

"Well pleadings can't make you escape every situation. "He grinned .

I am sorry ...what can pervert.

"Sorry ...sir"

"Hey ..I got this. "Leslie said and stepped out of the car . She  definitely wants  us to end up in jail tonight.

"What happened ?"

"Nothing I threw some money on his face and he was done ." that is so disrespectful and cops are not like that anymore , are they?

"You bribed him ? "

"Come on ..don't be a baby . Let's go. "

She once again stepped onto the accelerator and started driving. 

"What are you doing les . Stop it . We are going to die this way .
Les les ... . "I said repeatedly .

"Why eva... why  , nothing is good.  It's good if I die . Isn't it ?. Don't you think that too ?" I? Who made her think that . Oh my god .

"No obviously not . Who said that les . Please stop,  we need to talk. "We seriously do .

"Okay ... "She said and stoped the car with a quick break .

"Now can we please talk like adults and can you please tell me  everything ?

"Not now . "She said and reversed the car .

"We are going to die." I screamed at the moron driving the car .

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