chapter 20

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"where were you ?" les asked as soon as i entered the room and she woke up .

"nowhere , that concerns you"

"okay ,don't be such an asshole . "

"seriously,  u wanna do this now . "i move forward and sit on my bed .

"is it me who is making you behave like an... like this .?"she corrected me and i smiled .

"No its not. Its just you know jason and all.  Anyways , lets talk about you.  What are you planning to do ?" i asked her with my eyes filled with hope that maybe she finally has decided something .

"I don't know. I mean tom called me today and said that he wants to talk so i agreed and advised tommorow to be fine. "

"well.. hope that goes well ."i really do.

"how was your school?  "

"fine.  I am starving.  Can we please go somewhere to eat. "

"yeah okay.. I am just gonna go dressed ."  she replied and headed towards the bathroom.

"The food we just had  was scrumptiousuos.  Wasn't it? "

"Bet it was ."Leslie exclaimed as we came back from the cafe.

I was feeling full for the very first time in the past 10 days .

"what are you gonna do today?"

"I don't know  , maybe check off few errands off my list  , just you know ."she answered vaguely as she sat down on the bed .

"les.. Are you hiding something " i know she is.

"uhm.. No. "she looked away .

"okay , soo i will leave and you run by your errands in amidst of chaos you have made. "i replied expecting a cold reply from her which i didn't get and was allowed to leave the room without further quarrels .

Leaving the room, just to be away from leslie left nothing for me to do and nowhere to go . So i decided to meet jason.

I entered his dorm and fell into his arms.  The feeling was ecstatic.  And from then on i knew,  no matter how hard life is going to  be he will always be there for me and i will be for him. But everyting got ruined when i realized that he didn't even considered me as his girlfriend and look i am here dreaming oit life together with him.  I think  this is only what us girls do the best, overthinking.

"can i ask you a question?" he asked.

"uh huh " cold.

"why are you being  so rude lately? "

" i am not being rude.  You are the one with all the dude issues going on ."

"dude issues.. Like thats even a thing."
He muttered .

The words i can use to answer were never meant so i decided to support silence.

Jason turned over and kissed me on my forehedad... All i can ask for a time like this. 

"do you wanna go to a party tonight? " i asked him.

"who's party? "

"uhmm... Brett  told me that he's arranging a party for amelia tonihjt and asked sm to bring you along. "

"Okay... This is surprising.  Brett is having a party,  for amelia and he told you before me.  What is happening here?  "

" Don't be upset jason,  he just wanted to keep it a surprise and knew that you would not be able to keep it from amelia. " i was clearly able to see the dissapointed men in front of me.

"okay.. I will go " we were talking when my phone ringed and i had to leave "

When i came back it was already 2 :00 in the afternoon and leslie was not there . Though i was fully aware that ,cause of my delay , she must have gone to meet tom without any further delays, i just hated the idea of making me leave my boyfriend and calling me back to an empty stupid dorm room. 

Deciding to read for a little time,  i ended up sleeping on my bed after 2 long hours of reading . It was already 5:00 and leslei was still not back from her meeting with her stupid bf who abandoned her and their child.

I hopped in my pjs and decided to get my assignments done before anyone else and arrange a dress for bretts party . From where i remembered,  i havent met brett since yesterday,  afterall  he has been super self and amelia involved .

I ended up selecting a long slit dress , thinking it might be a bit over,  but that i always am,  so i finalized my dress and decided to call mom.

My frantic efforts  to reach her were unsuccessful and they  left me frustrated . I don't know what has happened , but I definitely am aware that I haven't talked to her since like a month and I don't know why but no efforts of the same are evident from her side .

With nothing else to do I decided to get ready and help brett with the preparations , when suddenly there was a doorbell to attend to . I hopped out of my bed and  with leslie standing there, my curious eyes were looking at her to spill whatever happened  .
I waited for a minute as she settled herself on the bed and sat in silence  , when I was forced to ask what happened.

" tom was there (duh ..les , obviously ) . He tried to act like an adult and we sorted few things out . We fought for long 50 minutes when his father .."I intervened .

"Why his father was there . Didn't you had that ' meeting alone ' rule , as you told me "

"Uhm , i said his father was there , uh , no no he wasn't.  I just.. ."

"Is there something you wanna tell , les . "

"No .." she said .    

"Please...les . Not you , Why everyone is trying to avoid me nowadays ."

"What do you by everyone.. who else is avoiding you ?

"Its my mom . " I saw colors of les face changing as I took my mother's name and that was enough to know it's something about her .

"What is it les? "I asked her .

" your mother is dating Tom's father ." No this cannot be happening . I mean why she won't tell em but les .

"Wait a second . Do you even know what are you saying les . " I said and started sobbing as if she told me that my mom is dying

"Yes , I do  . And please eva calm down . "  I was really starting to think about all that what's happening lately . She is trying to cut me off from her life . Always making me think if there's a secret or I had commited a mistake , but it all seems to make sense now .

"I am okay . Could you please just leave me alone . " I shouted at les .

"Who the hell in this fucking world gave you the right to shout at me about your fucking problems miss eva "

"Firstly , you pretend to be my fucking best friend,  so that simpley gives me the  opportunity to shout  at you in difficult moments like this.  And please , you especially don't deserve to say anything about sharing our problems . What is happening to you , I mean we are sharing our sick problems since we were kids and what about your all this pregnancy and stuff ..huh? "  regret.

"I am sorry , I need to go you are out of your mind right now . "I knew leslie was hiding something as soon as those words came out of her mind .

"Are you hiding something , les "

"No "I was right ..she stammered.

"I am sorry about all this mess , but please if you know something important , tell me . "

"This was all a trap . " she began

"Wait what ... "I intervened.

"This . Stuff with me being pregnant and all . I  am not pregnant eva . Your mom and Tom's dad planned this so that your mind is diverted and you don't focus on your mom's.  

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