chapter 11

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We departed for boston the same morning after an hour or so and arrived there till evening .

"It was a long flight . Wasn't it ? ." My mom asked me as soon as we stepped out of the airport and got ourseleves seated in the taxi to head for our night stay at a hotel , as we have to reach the university in the morning .

"Ya , it was ....afterall four hours 30 minutes are too much ." I smirked a bit , sarcastically.

"Evaaaaa...I told you to behave ".

" kk ..Sorry granny ."

After this reply of mine , my mom was no longer in a mood to talk to me and gave up the argument.

We arrived at our destination after... we will call it an hour and i must say the place was quite lavish.

We headed to our room , enjoyed dinner and slept . And i also rechecked my packing so as to be sure .

Next morning was really good , but only until then, when i realized that my first lecture is only half an hour away.

I hurried down the hall , streaming myself into the bathroom...
Getting ready was a tricky task ...which i completed in 15 minutes. I was wearing a black jeans along with a white top .. Staring myself i observed my old and boring called fashion sense is striking back . However i like it , but knowing what will happen if leslie would have been here , i tried to be better and ended up wearing a black jacket over the top , hoping it can be the best i can do , and headed out.

I caught mom all ready when i stepped out of the bathroom and asked her where she was .

"Was having breakfast down there". She answered.

"And can i please ask you why didn't you wake me ? "

"I felt the need of sleep for you." She maintained her concerned tone.

"Okay... can we please leave now."

"Sure ." She said and we left .

University was barely 7-8 minutes away and accomodation was also in the way. I was happy to know that it would take hardly 10 minutes to reach the university everyday.

My mom lėft and i headed to my first class. I was really happy , nervous and excited .

I was practically, running through the corridors as i was 10 minutes late to my first lecture .

I was flushed with embarrassment , helding the door of the classroom open and asking for permission by the teacher standing over there. She allowed me in , without much interrogation but i was not happy as to throw the impression of late bird on the very first day.

Nothing major was happening in that lecture and everyone was requested to introduce themselves .

"Okayy , so i am ms. lily dawson and i will be teaching you political science and now i would like to have a little glimpses in your lives as well ." She asked all of us to introduce ourselves , in her weird manner.

"I am lexi stone ." One brunette in a black dress stood up and said.

The introductions took place for another 15 minutes and everyone was looking really bored by that time when the bell rang and saved all of us.

"So that's good for today . Meet you all tomorrow. "Ms lily said as we all stood to leave.

We all rushed out of the room and followed the voices that were echoing from the hall down there and when we reached there the view was really disturbing.

Two guys were fighting , both were all over each other , drenched in each others blood . All the crew was enjoying and hooting when a teacher intervened and stopped them from behaving like a child.

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