Chapter 1- Famous

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Just in case you are new,

You are reading the threequel of this book series.

If you want to read the first book; please go do that first☺️ --> "All In My Head"

If you haven't read the sequel to "All In My head", read that as well!😋--> "In Your Arms"

Then come back and read this book💓

This will be all POV's, I will probably put more writing script style in this book (but i'm not sure)

Oh, and if you are one of the amazing people💁🙊✌️ (you know who you are)

🙌👋👏WELCOME BACK TO MY BOOK SERIES (lol i dont even know)

This is Chapter 1! Yay!

Hope you enjoy & Don't forget to vote and comment✨💕(even though y'all always do so thank you!😍)



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Violetta's POV:


His name brings up so many memories. Not just memories of us... But also my whole past. Ever since I left and everything changed, I feel like I'm living the life of another person.

Of course I miss him. How could I not miss him after all these years. I completely owe it to him to be a little guilty for what I did.

My heart races and I lose my train of thought. What am I even talking about again?

Leon... Am I still in love with him?


I look up at the lady in front of me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! What was the question again?"

"I was just asking if you've ever been in love?"

"Oh erm... I..."

"Please answer."

I clasp my hands together and rub them nervously. I can feel my palms sweating. I totally lost my mind. There were cameras and lights everywhere. I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't even remember that this was an interview.

As I continued to stutter and blink nervously, I felt a warm hand grasp my shoulder lightly.

"Miss Castillo does not have to answer any question she doesn't feel like answering"

"I was just-"

"She does not feel comfortable therefore please move on to the next question"

"...okay" The lady says a little unamused.

Alex is great. We've been working together for two years. He's been so helpful to my career. It's amazing; everything he does. He's probably the best manager in the world!

"Thanks Alex" I whisper.

He gives a cheeky smile then lets me continue the interview.


After I finish the interview, Alex and I get back in the limousine.

"Hey, thanks for saving me back there Alex" i smile.

"It's no problem" he grins. "I don't want my star to feel uncomfortable and have to answer anything they didn't want to."

I flash him another smile and look out the car window.

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