Chapter 56

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Ruth P.O.V

I walked to where they were sitting, the doctor rush to me. We have no time, Miss Ruth. Did you get him, Ye....yes. So is he coming, i turned to look at Debi.

She nod her head telling me to go ahead, he is right here i said. Where, the doctor asked, i pointed to Eduardo. Who was looking elsewhere, do you mean Mr Eduardo Monte's. I nod my head, immediately Eduardo turned his head.

WHAT!!! Eduardo is the father! Cece said, Eduardo was shocked to his bone. He stood there speechless, his eyes were wide opened. "What are you saying RUTH!!" that Maria is my daughter.

"YES!! Eduardo she is your daughter!! your blood, the daughter you rejected years back in my womb. " WHAT!! " yes Eduardo the pregnancy was your.

I try hard to explain to you but you did not listing to me. You called me all sort of names, you even went ahead and call me whore. How can you call the mother of your unborn baby a whore.

When you heard i was pregnant, you thought i cheated on you. But no Eduardo, i was afraid what people might say. That why i always say that it was a mistake.

I was afraid people will think, i mistakenly your kindness for pleasure. I was afraid, you really hurt me that day calling me a whore. So i promise you will never know that Maria is your daughter.

But fate played a tricked on me, Maria loved you more then me. She can't sleep without seeing you, when she wakes up Dada!, eating Dada!, bathing Dada.

I can't take that from her, i wanted her to be close to her father no matter what. Because i have no father or mother when growing up in the orphanage. I can't do that to my daughter.

I wanted her to feel the love of both her parents, i was grateful Debi allowed me to stay here. You even try hard to throw me out Eduardo. You were there when she came in to this world.

You were the one who cute her cord, that were all the connection started. Her first word was Dada! It was amazing how you two look cute together. I know one day this day will come.

I stood there shock of what Ruth said, Mr Montes we have no time, please follow me. Okay doctor Eduardo said, and followed the doctor. 4 minutes later they both came back, what happen we all asked.

We have to wait for the result the doctor said. Within two minutes the result are in, the doctor opened it. What Say's the result Debi asked IT A MATCH!!

Debi and i happily hug each other so do Eduardo, Dan and JJ did the same. Mr montes please let go. I'm glad that Eduardo blood matches Maria, indeed Blood is thicker then water.

I'm so happy for my daughter, i can't wait to hold her in my arm.

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