About The Money

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April 16


Brittany P.O.V

"Harmony, are you ready to go?" I yelled.

"No, I can't find my soccer ball!"

"You left it in the car!"

"Okay then I'm ready."

I locked up the house and hopped in the car. I was on my way to take her to soccer practice. She said she wanted to play so I signed her up.

"Mommy guess what."


"My birthday coming up."

"I know, how many more days?"


"How old are you going to be?"


"You are growing up to fast on me."

"I'll always be baby girl."

"I know."

"I can't wait for school to start."

"I bet and we have to go school shopping for you."

"I can't wait!"

I pulled up to the park and got out the are with Harmony. I seen my daddy sitting in the bleachers and walked over to him.

"Hey daddy."

"Hi grandpa."

"What's up and I told you to stop calling me grandpa." My dad said looking at a lady on the other side of the field.

"Alright gran-pops." She said laughing. " I have to go bye mommy love you."

"Love you too baby girl I'll see you tomorrow." She gave me a hug and kiss then ran on the field. "I'll see you tomorrow daddy."

"Be safe sweetheart love you."

"Always, love you too." I gave him a hug then walked to my car. I got in and headed to the mall. I pulled out my and called Innocent.

"Hello." She answered the phone.

"Where you at?"

"Home, why?"

"I want you to come to the mall with me."

"I'll be there in ten I need some things from their."

"Call me when you pull up."


Innocent is me best friend. We met at the club I work at. She was the first person I talked to and I've been talking to her ever since.

She's 5'7, caramel skin tone, brown eyes, coke bottle shape, and long black hair. She told me she was talking to this dude name Tonio for 5 months but he don't know she's a stripper.

I pulled up to the mall and Innocent called saying she just pulled up. I got out the car and walked to the front waiting on Innocent. I seen her walking up the she gave me a hug.

"Hey bae." She said pulling away from the hug.

"Hey baby." I said as we walked inside the mall.

"Why did you come here anyway?"

"You know Harmony birthday in two days so I have to do some shopping before it's to late."

"I almost forgot my baby birthday. She would've been so mad with me."

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