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One Month Later

July 7


Carter P.O.V

"Bae, what time you want me to pick you up?" I said through the phone.

"Pick me up in 10." She sighed. "Babe I need you to look at something when we get home."

"What part do I need to look at?"

"I have to show you."

"Alright I'm on my way."

"Okay." She hung up the phone and I put it down.

"Jordan I'm trying to stay calm here. Where the fuck is my money?" I said.

"With that sexy ass baby mama of yours." He said laughing.

I leaped up from my seat and started punching him as Jasmine yelled. I pulled out my gun and shot him in the shoulder.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled.

"Ahh fuck you."

"Man fuck y'all and that money." I shot him twice in the head and shot Jasmine in the head then left. I walked upstairs and saw some of my workers sitting down. "Since y'all asses don't have nothing to go down there and clean that shit up."

I walked outside and popped the trunk and pulled out my slides and a clean shirt. I slipped it on and hopped in the driver seat.

For the past month Brittany and I found a house. It's a 5 bedroom 3 1/2 bath. We got a bigger house because we want to have another child but not now.

The kids love the bigger house because it's closer to their school, Brittany job, and more space.

I've been slowly getting out the game and focusing on my family but it's going to take more time.

Brittany has been planning the wedding and we went cake tasting Saturday and some of them shits was nasty as fuck. Other then that everybody been the same.

Travis being Travis, Innocent being 7 months and annoying as fuck, Tonio running around like a headless chicken, and Courtney still being Courtney.

I pulled up to he job and she walked out the building. She hopped in and kissed my lips and pulled away.

"Hey babe." She said dryly.

"What's up, how was your day?"

"It was more calmer then usual, how about yours?"

"Had to finish some things up, but I chilled other then that." I look over at her and she was looking out the window. "What did you have to show me?"

"I have to show you at home."

"Alright." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. She looked at me and have me a weak smile. I pulled up to James house and Brittany got out to get the kids.





"Bae come here!" Brittany yelled from the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom and saw looking at her nipples.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

"Look at this coming out of my nipples bae." I looked at what was coming out and it was like a clear gel.

"You want to go to the hospital." I said leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, I need this to get checked out."

"How long have this been going on?"

"Like two weeks."

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