So We Meet Again

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2 Day Later

May 8


Brittany P.O.V

"Harmony let's go." I yelled. I'm in a rush 'cause I woke up late and I have to drop her and Cj off.

"I'm coming mommy!" She yelled back. "Mommy what about Malik? Oh can you put my hair in a ponytail."

"Bring the stuff in the car. Lock up, I'll be waiting." I grabbed Cj and walked outside. I strapped him in and got in. I started the car Harmony came walking out.

"You got an apple or something." I asked pulling out heading to her school.

"Yes I grabbed an orange."

"I'll send somebody to bring you lunch."

"Okay, where's Malik?"

"He stayed with his daddy but you'll see him at school." I pulled up to her school and she got out and came to my side.

I opened the door and put her hair in a ponytail.

"Bye mommy, bye big head love y'all."

"Bye love you too."

"Bye doo doo head love you." Cj said. I watched her walk in the school and I pulled off.

"Where to Cj?"

"Grandma house!" He yell doing a dance in his seat.

"You ate your apple sauce."

"No imma wait."




"Can I see daddy?"

"I'll call him and see if he'll come by when I get off."


I pulled up to my momma house and grabbed Cj and his bag. I walked to the door and knocked on it.

A few minutes later Lamont opened the door with my three year old brother Brandon in his arms.

"Hey Brittany. Don't you suppose to be heading to work?"


"I understand hurry I got Cj."

"Okay bye baby I'll see you later love you."

"Love you too Mommy." I pecked his lips and ran back to the car. I hopped in and pulled out their driveway.

Ten minutes later I pulled up to the office building I work at and got out.

I grabbed my purse and folder and walked inside. I spoke to everybody on my way to my office. I made it to my office and go ready for my 9:30.

"Good morning Ms. Smith, I seen you were running late so I brought you your tea." My assistant Melissa said.

"Thank you, you are a life save."

"You're welcome and your 9:30 is here."

"Okay send him in."

My back was turned towards the door and my door opened. "You could have a seat." I looked at the name on the paper and my eyes almost popped out my head.

I turned around and met eyes with the person who I thought I loved. Aaron Miles. I walked to my chair and sat down.

"Hello I'm Br-"

"Brittany Smith." He cut me off.

"Hi Mr. Miles."

"Oh I'm Mr. Miles now. You know me better then that."

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