Now you know

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April 19


Brittany P.O.V

I woke up at 6:00 to get ready for school. I walked to Harmony room and went to her closet. I pulled out a white polo shirt, light blue skinny jeans, light blue head band, and her powder blues.

I walked to her to Harmony and start to wake her up.

"Harmony get up." I said softly in her ear.

"Okay mommy." She said sitting up.

"Go get in the tub and go eat breakfast so we could go."


I walked to the next room and woke the kids up then to the last one. They went to the closet and started pulling out their clothes.

"Come downstairs when y'all done." I said and they nodded.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and pulled out some Frosted Flakes and 7 bowls.

I walked back upstairs to my room. I walked to my closet and pulled out my black and white high waisted leggings, white crop top, and red sandals.

I walked in the bathroom and took a 15 minute shower and got out. I did my hygiene and walked out the bathroom. I slipped on my panties and bra then their was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled.


"Come in." She walked in and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"My hair."

"Go get the jam, brush, and comb." She walked in my bathroom to the hair stuff and I sat in the chair in my room. She came out and put the stuff and sat it down. "Get my towel."

She went and got my towel off the bed and brought it back to me. I put the towel on my lap and she sat between my leg. I put hair in a neat ponytail and put her headband on then she stood up.

"Thank you mommy."

"You're welcome, did you brush your teeth?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Tell yo' cousins to get ready so we could leave."

"Okay." she said and walked out the room. I put the stuff back in the bathroom and washed my hands. I threw the towel in the dirty clothes then put on my cloths.

I grabbed my purse and phone then walked downstairs to see the kids waiting in the living room.

"Come on y'all." They got up and we all walked outside. I had to take my Tahoe since my Range didn't have enough seats.

I locked up the house and the kids were strapped so I hopped in the car and headed to my daddy house.

Twenty minutes later I pulled up to my daddy house. We got out the car and headed to the door. I pulled out my key and unlocked the door. I opened the door and the kids walked in then me. I closed the door and my daddy yelled.

"Britt is that you?"

"Yeah I'm just dripping the kids off."

"Hold on."

"I have to go bye Harmony love you."

"Love you too mommy."

I walked outside and hopped in my truck. I looked at the time and it is 7:00 I started the truck and headed to McDonald's. When I pulled up I went through the drive thur and ordered.

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