Fuck You or Love Me

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"Well Ms. Smith has passed out due to dehydration. Dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe, based on how much of your body's fluid is lost or not replaced. Severe dehydration is a life-threatening emergency. Since Ms.Smith's was mild we had her eating some ice right now." The doctor said.

"Can we go see her?" Innocent asked.

"Yes right this way." We walked down the hall and made many turns. We finally made it to her room and walked in.

"Mommy." Malik and Harmony said walking to Brittany bedside.

"Hey babies." Brittany said weakly giving them a hug.

"Mommy!" Cj said getting out Armon arms and running to Brittany.

"Big boy." Brittany said picking him up and laying him down by her.

As time went everybody was talking to her as I sat in the corner.

"Let's give them two a moment to talk." Stacey said. Everybody walked out the room and it was just Brittany and I.

"How you feel?" I asked.

"You'll know if you would've came when I called."

"Look B, I didn't mean to ignore your calls I was bu-"

"Fuck you I don't want to hear that shit! I called twice for a reason! You should've answered your damn phone! I never call you that early! Then the day I do you don't answer." She chuckled. "Look I'm done with this 'cause this isn't your first time doing this and I know it's not going to be your last."

"Done with what?"

"Us. You can come pick up the boys whenever you feel but we are not going to work."

"B I was busy you know I'll answer."

"Fuck you I know you're still in the game. I'm not fucking stupid. You put that shit before anybody."

"Don't say that shit. I don't put that before anybody."

"I don't want to hear it man. You could leave."

"Alright." I walked to her bedside. "I still love you." I kissed her temple and stood up. I walked to the door and put my hand on the knob. I looked at Brittany and she was looking at me crying.

I wanted to go back and hold her but I walked out the room and called one of my drivers. I walked into the waiting room with everybody and they looked at me sympathetically.

"Why are you crying?" Courtney asked.

"It's nothing, tell Brittany I got the boys." I said walking to pick up Cj. "Come on Malik, I'll talk to y'all later."

We walked outside to the car and headed home.

Brittany P.O.V

When Carter walked out the room I knew I lost the person I loved and who felt the same way. I laid in the hospital bed and cried my eyes out.

It was hard for me to do that but I knew it was for the best. Who the fuck am I kidding? I didn't want to let him go.

The door opened and Kiara, Aden, and Aaron walked in.

"How do you feel?" Kiara asked.

"Like shit."

"You look like shit too." Aaron added. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. "I'm just playing but I got a call saying you was in the hospital. You want us to take Harmony with us so you could rest."

"Yeah, thank you."

"No problem." They walked out the room and Innocent walked in.

"What happened between you and Carter?"

When she said his name I started to cry again. "I broke up with him."


"You know why."

"Look I know you are scared to let him in but he's not out to hurt you Britt."

"I know but I don't want to get my heart broken and what if he sees something better come around."

"Look I know Carter and he's always been loyal to his girl. He wouldn't do that to you. Put on your big girl panties and talk to him."

"Alright." I sighed.

May 27


After taking a shower and doing my hygiene I slipped on some some underwear and a bra, sleep shorts, and a sweater.

I walked downstairs and started making breakfast then their was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it. At the door was Malik, Cj, and a puffy eyed Carter.

"Good morning mommy." Cj and Malik said.

"Good morning."

"What's up." Carter said lowly.

"Hey." I moved out the way and let them in. "Did y'all eat?"

"No." Malik said.

"Go to the table breakfast is almost done." They walked in the dining room and I turned to Carter. "Are you staying for breakfast?"

"Nah I'll pick you something on my way."

"Can you stay so I could talk to you after?"

"Yeah." He sighed. He walked in the dining room and I walked in the kitchen. I fixed everybody plate and brought it to the table.

I walked back to the kitchen and got some orange juice. I sat down and started to ready.

"Mommy, daddy was crying." Cj said eating eggs.

"Shut up Jr." Malik said. I looked at Carter and he avoided eye contact. I held my head down and finish eating.

After eating I cleaned the kitchen I met Carter upstairs. When I walked in my room Carter was sitting at the foot of the bed laid back with his arm over his face.

I closed the door and he sat up. I walked to the bed and sat down. I cleared my throat and began talking.

"Look I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean fo-"

"Innocent explained everything to me already." He said looking at me. "Do you think I'd hurt you?"

"I don't know every person who said they loved me hurt me also. I just can't take another heartbreak." I broke down. He pulled me in his lap and held me.

"Look B, I'm not here to hurt. I know I hurt you before but I don't plan on doing it again. It wasn't suppose to happen. But now that we're together I'd never do anything to hurt and never will."

"I know but Carter, what if another girl comes?"

"She'll just come 'cause I only got eyes for you." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you too much to leave you and I know I got something amazing."

I looked in his eyes and finally saying it. "I love you too."

He leaned down and pecked my lips. "I promise I won't hurt you B." Just then his promises popped in my head.

"I promise to support you in whatever you choose to do. I promise not to judge you. I promise to keep a smile on your face. I promise to be honest with you. I promise to remind you everyday how much I care about you. I promise not to break your heart. My only request, is your promise too."

"Please keep it."

"Trust me I will."

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