Family Dinner

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April 21


Brittany P.O.V

"Bitch get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit you know that's not my fucking baby." His friends started laughing. "I heard you fucked the whole football team." He grabbed my hand pulled me to abandoned hall into a class.

"Why is you dragging me back here?"

"Bitch shut up." He slapped me. "Now I'm finna get what I want."

He pulled down my sweats and underwear then unzipped his pant.

"No don't do this."

"Bitch didn't I say shut up."

He put me on the desk as I tried to fight him off of me. All my anger built up and I kicked him in the dick and he groaned in pain. I hopped up and pulled my clothes up and ran out the school.

Tell me where I stand

Are we gonna be hand in hand

Or did I just fall in love with a friend

Tell me where I stand

We ain't' gotta move it nowhere

I just gotta know where I am

I jumped cause my phone was ringing and it's no other then Travis. I didn't have to look at the phone he set him a ringtone.

"Bitch you better have a good fucking reason for calling my fucking phone this early."

"Damn bae calm down what we doing today? 'Cause Carter wanna see you."

"I'm not yo' bae and I have some business to take care of."

"I wanna go."

"You really need a girlfriend."

"I have one."

"What's her name?"

"I'll tell you if you let me go with you."

"I'm just going to my job bruh."

"That's fine with me pick me up at my house."

"If ya' ass not on the porch I'm leaving yo' ass and send me yo address."

Desperate ass

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned the water and stripped out my clothes. I hopped in the shower and started to bathe.

After I finished in the shower I got out, wrapped the towel around me and did my hygiene.

I walked to the dresser and got my panty and bra set. I walked to the closet and pulled out some sweats, tank top, footies, and my Nike slide.

After I got finished I grabbed my phone and keys then walked downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed an orange and walked out the front door and hopped in the car after I locked the house up.

Harmony wanted to stay at my dad's house cause she wanted to stay with the dog.

I started to peel the orange cause I know Travis hate the smell. I got a napkin out the glove department and sat my orange on it. I started the car and looked at my phone.

He sent me his address and I head to his house. I pulled up to his house and he was sitting on the porch. He walked to the car and hopped in.

"Good at least you know how to listen." I said pulling off.

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