Nakey Party

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May 28

Travis P.O.V

"C yo' momma said come get the boys she has to go to work!" I yelled.

"Man where Carter ass at!"

"He prolly deep in that pussy!" I said laughing at my own jokes.

"Let's go man." She said slapping me in the back of my head.

"You gone stop hitting me fo' I knock yo ass out bruh and that's on everything." I said getting up walking out the house. "Stank breath ass."

"Lil dick ass."

"You ain't complaining when I'm deep in it."

"Shid, what do you say when I say go deeper?"

"Duh bitch I can't, it's already small."

"Can't fuck with a lil dick nigga name Travis." She said TRYING to rap.

"Can't fuck with a stank breath bitch named Courtney."

"Bae my breath be stank."

"Hell yeah."

"What it smell like?"

"Straight ass crack bruh." I said laughing. "You be talking to Brittany and I be like Brittany know her breath stank as fuck."

"Imma fuck Brittany ass up. She let me talk to her with my breath stank and shit. Ugh." She said. She pulled up to mama house and the kids ran to the car.

"Ha ass was peeking out the window." I said.

"You know it."

"Hey mama!" We yelled. She stuck up her middle finger and the boys got in the car.

"Hey Auntie Courtney." The boys said.

"Hey boys." She said. "Y'all don't see y'all Uncle."

"What's up Unc." Malik said.

"What's up Uncle T." Jr said.

"Fuck y'all, y'all stank asses."

"Can you turn on the radio?"

"Hell no silence." I drove the rest of the way in silence. When we pulled up I unlocked the door with MY key. Emergencies only. You got me fucked up.

We walked in the house and it was quiet. Cj took off upstairs and I followed. He pushed Brittany room door open.

Brittany P.O.V

"Bae get up." I said shaking him. He didn't move off me. I smacked his ass and get flew up with his fist balled up.

"I almost knocked yo' ass don't ever touch my ass again." He threw the covers off us and the door flew open. Cj and Travis walked in and Travis screamed then covered his eyes. Carter put the covers back on us.

"NAKEY PARTY!" Cj yelled taking off his clothes then hopped in the bed.

"Travis get him out of here!"I yelled.

"What's going on up he-" Courtney started. "Oh sweet baby Jesus. Let's go Jr." She grabbed him and took him out the room.

Travis was still standing there with his eyes closed. Courtney pulled him out the room and closed the door.

"Get yo' ass up. If you have gotten up the first time we wouldn't be in this predicament." He got off me and I went to the bathroom. "What time is it?"


"We have to get ready." I said stepping in the shower.

"For what?"

"I told the kids we were going bowling."

"No you want to go bowling." He said getting in the shower.

"So damn."






"Mommy can we have another nakey party?" Cj asked as Carter and I walked downstairs.

"Yeah when you take a bath." Carter said. I looked at Travis and he was looking at us smiling.


He laughed and turned his head. I picked up Cj and walked out the house. I put him in Carter car and I sat in the passenger waiting.

They came out the house and Travis was saying something to Carter and Carter looked pissed. They were throwing up their hands and Carter started walking to the car.

"Ma what about Harmony?" Malik asked as he got in the car.

"Her daddy bringing her." Carter got in the car and started it. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Courtney them coming."

We rode to the Shatto 39 Lane. We got out the car and walked inside. "I'm finna go get the shoes and a lane."


"Mommy!" I snapped my need and seen Harmony running to me. I stood up and scooped her up.

"Hey baby." I said giving her a kiss. "You had fun?"

"Yes, did the cases come yet?"

"Tomorrow or sometime this week."

"What's up Britt." Aaron said.

"Hey Brittany." Aden and Kiara said.

"Hey y'all."

"Let's go get y'all shoes." Aaron said.

"I'll be back mommy."

"We are at lane 5." Carter said handing us our shoes. After we put on our shoes we got our balls.

"Aye yo Carter!" Nobody but Travis ass yelling across these people shit.

"Over here bruh!" He yelled back. They walked over and sat down. "Y'all playing."


"Well Jr you up first." Carter said grabbing Jr ball.

"No ball." He ran all the way to the pins and kicked them down. "Look mommy!"

"Come here boy."

He ran back to me and say on my lap. "Carter yo' ass don't know how to bowl so sit yo' long head ass down." Travis said.

"Fuck you."

We bowled for a couple more hours, ate some pizza, and chicken, then left. It was going on 4:00 and we headed home.

We pulled in the driveway and got out and went in the house.

"NAKEY PARTY!" Cj yelled as he took off his clothes.

"Cj let's go take a nap." I yelled.

"NAKEY PARTY!" He ran upstairs naked.

"Ma, why he saying that?" Harmony asked.

"Don't worry." I said walking upstairs. I walked to my room and kicked off my shoes. I got in the bed and laid down.



"I'll be back later." Carter said giving me a kiss.

"Alright, take out something for me to cook."


"Tell them to keep an eye on Jr and put him on some clothes."

"Alright." He said giving me another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too." He walked out the room and yelled, "Jr go put on clothes!" Then I drifted off to sleep.

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