Happy Birthday Pt. 1

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April 18


Brittany P.O.V

Today is my baby girl birthday. I got out of bed and went in the bathroom that's connected to my room. I did my hygiene and walked downstairs.

I made Harmony's favorite breakfast. Blueberry pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage links. I walked to her room and woke her up.

"Harmony get up." I said shaking her.

"Okay, mommy I'm up." She said getting up stretching.

"Happy Birthday baby girl."

"Thank you mommy."

"Get cleaned up and come downstairs for breakfast."


I walked in my room and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Innocent.

9:51am Innocent- I'm on my way.

I locked my phone and walked back in the kitchen with Harmony behind me.

"Go in the dining room and I'll bring your food."


She skipped into the dining room and I fixed our plates. I walked in the dining room and sat the plates down.

"Oh my gosh mommy you made my favorites."

"I know but go get two bottles of orange juice out the refrigerator." She stood up and walked in the kitchen. I stood up and grabbed her gifts and I put them on the table then she walked in.

"Mommy I didn't want oran- mommy is that for me?"

"Yes baby girl come see what you got".

I got her two pair of Jordan's with matching outfits, bracelet, necklace, two pair of earrings, and some dolls.

"Thank you mommy."

"Hurry up and eat so we could go see grandpa."


We started to eat them their was a knock on the door. I got up from the table and walked to the door. I looked out the peep hole and seen Innocent. I opened the door and stood there.

"Why didn't you use your key?"

"Cause Tonio got them."

"Where he at?"

"Getting my purse out the car."

"Oh okay, but she in the kitchen."

Just then Tonio walked up and handed her, her purse. He looked at me and smiled.

"What's up Britt?"

"What's Toni." I let them in and they walked in the kitchen. Tonio and Innocent had their talk and he understood where she came from.

He want her to stop so he could take care of her, but she don't want to depend on him. He don't approve but he let it go. He let her do her and since she don't take off her cloths he wasn't all that mad.

As for Tonio and I he's like a brother. Yesterday we went to dinner and as in we Tonio, Harmony, Innocent, and I. I found out he's a sweet person. He may look hard but he has a kind heart and I also found out his street name is Ace.

I walked in the dining room and seen them all eating. I sat down and finish eating.

"Can you take Harmony to my daddy house while go get everything set up?" I whispered in Innocent ear and she nodded. "Her clothes is already packed."

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