Bitch Ass; Meeting

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Carter P.O.V

"What's going on here?" I turned around and seen Travis, Javon, and Tonio. I turned back around trying to focus in their face. They looked up and it was.


"Woah, what they doing?" Tonio asked.

"Armon go see if they are out there." I said. He nodded and walked out. "Man them bitches been stealing all my fucking money and product."

"They not out there boss." Armon said walking back in. I pulled out my phone and called Rico.


"Aye Rico I got a job for you."

"Whats up?"

"Tell me everything about Hector and Jasmine. From where they lay their head to their families."

"I'll get back with you."


"What you finna do now?" Travis asked.

I looked at him and smirked."We wait."

Brittany P.O.V

The next day

April 20


I just left school and I'm on my way to meet my momma. I pulled up to Jack in the box. I got out the car and walked in. I spotted her at the with this buff dude.

From where I was standing I could see her glowing and she looked happy with him. I walked up to the table and they looked up.

"Hey ma'." She stood up and hugged me. I turned towards the buff dude."Hello I'm Brittany."

"I know I heard a lot about you. I'm Lamont." He stood and shook me hand.

"Hey Brittany you look good." My mother, Stacey, said. I sat at the table and they sat down.

"Talk to her babe." Lamont said rubbing her back in circles. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Uh Brittany you remember the night I kicked you out." I nodded and she cleared throat. "That night I wasn't in my right mind. At the time I was on drugs but not as bad as you see others.

When you told me that I didn't know how to react so I kicked you out. That same night I called you but your phone was going straight to voicemail." She started to cry.

"That I went out looking for you all over but nobody saw. Everything was going through my head. I thought somebody kidnapped you, and took you away or you were dead.

While I was looking for you I ran into Lamont. I told him what happened and he helped me look for you. Weeks passed and we couldn't find you and I started smoking more then Lamont told me I need to go to rehab." He wiped her tears then reached over and wiped mine.

"He told me when I go to rehab he will look for you. While I was there he came every visiting day and told me he had a lead to finding you. I had to stay in there for a year. When I got out Lamont told me he found you and I was ecstatic.

Before I could just jump back into your life he told me to get my life on track. I got a job and saved up to buy a house and car but Lamont wanted me to live with him.

Time went by me and Lamont went to go get the number from his aunt and that's when I called you." When she was finished she was in tears and I was in tears. I grabbed a napkin and cleaned my face.

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