Ready But Not So

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5 Days Later


June 12

Brittany P.O.V

"Brittany, are you ready?" Carter yelled from downstairs.

"Carter I told you I am not going with you. I told you I'll take my own car!" I yelled back.

"Alright, I'm taking the boys with me."

"Alright." I picked up my keys and walked downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a yogurt.

I walked outside and locked the house up. I hopped in Carter's BMW and drove to my mama house. Carter wanted to wait last minute to get him and the kids suits.

While rushing everybody else and he didn't have nothing. I pulled up to my mama house and got out. I opened the door and walked to her room.

I knocked on the door and heard Lamont yell, "Come in!" I walked in the room and saw Lamont, my mqma, and Brandon laying in bed watching a movie.

"Hey everybody." I said.

"Hey." They said back.

"When is Harmony coming back?" My mama asked.

"A week before school start." I said getting in the bed with them.

"Aren't you a little to big to be getting in the bed with us?"

"No, I'm never to big." I laid between my mama and Brandon. "Ma wake me up at 3."

"Go in the guest room."

"I wanna stay know here. I don't want to be alone."

"But yo-"

"Babe just let her stay." Lamont said.

"Alright." I closed my eyes and let sleep take over.

Carter P.O.V

"Daddy, what about this one?" Jr said holding up a bow tie.

"Not a bow tie." I said putting it down. "I need a real tie and not a clip on Malik, or a zipper tie Travis." Travis put the tie down and walked away.

"What color?" Travis asked.


"Why red it could've been blue, white, green, black, or yellow."

"Yellow?" I made a disgusted face.

"Just an option." He shrugged.

"Daddy I got one." Malik said holding one up.

"Let me see." I walked over to him and picked up the tie. "Okay, we could go to the register now." I said walking away. "Get y'all one too."

After paying for the tie and picking up the suits we headed home. When I pulled up the house and walked in the house. I saw Brittany in the kitchen.

"Bae." I said walking to her.

"Hey babe." She said pecking my lips.

"How was your day?"

"It was okay, I just stayed at my moms." She walked to the stove and pulled out some Chicken. "Why are y'all late?"

"Had to find the right tie, pick up the suits, and I had to take Travis home."

"Oh, dinner is ready."

"Malik, Jr come down and eat!" I yelled. I sat at the table as Brittany fixed our plates.

"Hi mama." Malik said sitting down.

"Hi mommy!" Jr said hugging her legs.

"Hey babies, Jr go sit down." Jr sat down and Brittany brought the plates out.

"Mommy I seen ties today." Jr said excitedly.

"What colors?" Brittany asked.

"Red, black, and white." He said biting his chicken then put some rice in his mouth. "Oh and spots."

"That's good." As we were eating Jr was started mumbling about something.

After we got done eating I cleaned the kitchen and Brittany went to bathe Jr.

I finished washing the dishes and walked to Brittany and I room. She was in the bed looking at tv. I walked to the bathroom and took at shower.

When I got out I did my hygiene and slipped on some boxers and some gym shorts then got in bed with Brittany.

"Goodnight B."

"Goodnight Carter."

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