Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is my first fan fiction in English, so please don't judge me, if anything is written wrong.
Y/N= your name, Y/N/N= your nickname
Y/L/N= your last name, Y/H/C= your hair colour, Y/E/C= your eye colour.
The story starts in 2013.

Enjoy reading. :)

It is the last day on set of the tv show you have played in for 7 years. You're a bit sad about that, that it has ended. But you're also happy, because the last 3 years weren't that easy. The crew sucked sometimes and the most member of the cast didn't understand any jokes, they were serious about everything all the time. You didn't enjoy going to work, you always thought being an actress would be rather cool, it is, but on this set you haven't felt like that. This tv show has showed you the negative aspects of being an actress. On the other hand you are thankful for this time, because of this show you met your best friend Gen.

You know her since the show has started that means for seven years and you are thankful that you are allowed to call her your best friend. She is so adorable and you love her. And because of you she is married to Jared Padalecki, why because of you? Because in 2009 you filmed 'Friday the 13th' with him, although you were in your show you managed doing both. So that you and Jared worked together,  got along very well and hung around a lot, you introduced the two with each other. One day you took Gen to a bar, where Jared and other people from the crew and cast were. They also got along quickly and went on dates but maybe you weren't the single reason why they've got married.

Gen got a small part in Supernatural where Jared has a main part as Sam Winchester. You remember like it was yesterday when they have called her, in this moment you were sitting in a tiny coffee shop, talking about everything and then she got this call. She screamed so loudly, everyone was looking at you like you two were crazy.  But yeah that's how they met first, because of you. When they married you were her maid of honour, you felt honoured, since you two didn't know each other rather long when she chose you. Their wedding was a dream, everything seemed perfect. She looked amazing, indescribable more than words can say.

Okay, enough story telling of your best friend's life. Your love life isn't that exciting right now you have been single for two years, because your ex-boyfriend has cheated on you when you were shooting for your tv show. That has happened 1 year after Gen and Jared's wedding. You two were 6 months in a relationship, so it was not that hard, like the relationship you had before. Enough of your past life. Right now you are in your hometown Austin to visit your parents, you haven't seen them for weeks even months. Your mum told you to visit her and your stepfather, because some of your family from Poland is there and you have missed them a lot.

You knock at the door and your mum opens it, full of happiness to see you, you breath out of relief, because you thought she would be really angry with you. You go through the door to say hello to the rest of your family. You all sit down to the table where the food is already waiting for all of you. Polish food. You love it. You eat one bite and you feel like you are in heaven, because it tastes so good. Then you suddenly get a call from your manager Edward Swensen. "Sorry, guys excuse me for a minute."

Your mum looks annoyed as soon as you get up, what you totally understand. You go to the kitchen and pick up. "Hey Y/N/N, sorry for interrupting your family time, but I have an amazing job offer for you." "What job, Ed?" "Eric Kripke called this morning, the producer of Supernatural." "Ed I know, who Eric Kripke is. Just keep going." "Okay, okay. They want you as a main part." Silence. You know, your ex-boyfriend Jensen has also a main part in this show.

"Wow. That's amazing, what kind of role?" "A love interest of Dean." You think Oh shit, how are you going to survive this? Just be professional. "When do I have to answer?" "Right now, Y/N/N." "Well, I'm not quite sure about that." "Y/N Y/L/N are you kidding? This is a big opportunity." "It's not that, I wouldn't take it. It's just that the character Dean is portrayed by my ex-boyfriend Jensen." You say with a sigh. "Oh shit, I totally forgot about that." "But I'm looking forward and I'll take it." You say since you kinda need the money. "So sorry to tell you this, but the meeting will be tomorrow. In Vancouver." "Seriously?" You rub your face knowing your mom is going to kill you. "Yeah, I'm so sorry." He says genuinely.

You are so annoyed, you just have arrived and tomorrow you gonna leave for, you don't know how long. "When will the flight be?" "10 am. I'll send you the ticket via email." "Thank you." "See you tomorrow then, Y/N." "Bye, Ed." You feel like you have to tell your bestie, so you call Gen but she doesn't pick up. You can understand, she is busy with Tom and her second pregnancy. You already have forgotten about Jensen that he plays Dean. Not really forgotten you've just pushed it to the back of your brain as fast as you can.

You have to leave in less than 16 hours. "Y/N/N what's going on?" Your cousin asks. "I have a new job, for which I have to leave at 8am because my flight will be at 10am tomorrow. " Your mum is looking angry at you. "I am happy for you but you have just arrived." Your sister says. "I know, I am so so-" Your mum interrupts you "Are you kidding me?" She asks angrily but then her anger turns to happiness. She comes to you and hugs you. "I am so proud of you, Y/N/N." She whispers into your ear.

Tears come to your eyes, because you are so thankful for your family, that they always support you. "Thank you guys, but I have to call Gen again. And if she doesn't pick up, I will visit her." "Sure, greet her from us." "Of course." You go to the living and try to call her again but she doesn't pick up again, so you decide to go to her house. Totally forgetting to tell you family, what show and what is actually worrying you.

15 minutes later, you arrive at her house and ring the door bell. A few seconds later she opens the door in amazement. "Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you are with your family today." She hugs you and gestures you to come in. "I thought that too. I was calling you, but you didn't pick up. Then I decided to come over." "I don't even know where my phone is." She says laughing. "It's fine, I know you're busy. I have something to tell you." You say kinda worried, but excited as well.

You sit down on their couch. "Tell me right now, I wanna know." "I'm gonna have a main part in Supernatural." "Wow. That's amazing, we have to tell Jared." "Jared." She yells. Jared comes to the living room, you two hug each other.
"Y/N/N, what are you doing here?" He asks with a smile. "Let me introduce you to your new colleague." Gen says proud and points at you.
"No way!" He says happily.

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