Chapter 9

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"C'mon stop teasing me babe." He says desperately. "Teasing is more fun." You say seductively as you pull his slacks down his ankles and look up at him. He looks at you and steps out of his pants.

You slide up his body with your hands trailing up his body from his calves to his chest and then your hands grab his face. You bring his face down to kiss him roughly. While you two kiss he gently pushes you onto the bed.

"I like it rough." He whispers into your ear between kisses. "I know." You breathe out. He starts kissing down your body to your bottom lips. He licks a stripe up your folds and you sigh heavily grabbing the sheets. His tongue finds your clit quickly before he starts sucking your clit harshly. Two of his fingers tease your dripping hole, pumping them slowly in and out of her.

He slides them in in and out in a quick pace a moment as he sucks your clit fast, almost sending you out off the edge. "F-Fuck, Jay." You moan out yelling as you tangle your fingers in his hair. He groans which sends vibrations through your body and clit. "I'm gonna-." You moan in pleasure and he suddenly stops.

"Seriously?" You say out of breath as he crawls up your body until he meets your eyes.
"You teased me all night with your dress since I laid eyes on you." He pauses and kisses your neck again, making you sigh softly and leaning into him. He kisses you roughly and stands up.

You sit up and hook your fingers inside his boxers and slowly slide them off. His thick cock springs free and hits his stomach. This cock makes you drool since it always male you feel good and you just love his damn cock. You love sucking it and feeling it inside your pussy. When you are about you take him into your mouth, he stops you and gets off the bed. He kisses you harshly and lays you on your back. He doesn't waste any second and gets on top of you, teasing your entrance. He grins as he notices you bucking your hips and slams inside you making you almost scream.

He lifts your leg and rests it on his shoulder. He slides himself in and out of you at reasonable pace until you need more. "Faster, Jay!" you moan loudly. He does what you say. He hits your g spot every time he thrusts into you. Moans and groans fill the room as he goes faster and harder.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You yell out in pleasure as you get extremely close. The pleasure gets so big that you clench tightly around him and cum tightly on bis cock. He keeps thrusting until he hits his peak as well.

"That was hot." He says a few minutes later as he plops next to you. You turn your head and look at him. "It was." You say with a nod as he puts his arm around you cuddling you close to his chest. His fingers drive through your hair, you look around the room and see the clothes laying all over the ground, making you grin.

"I love you, y/n/n." Jensen says cupping your cheek, making you lean into his touch. "I love you too, Jay." You say softly noticing the loving smile on his lips, before he closes his eyes. He falls asleep a moment later and you think about the fact how happy you are. You haven't felt so much happiness in a long time. You love him so much. How could you've been so selfish? This man is the one of your dreams.

Next morning...
You wake up and notice Jensen isn't in the bed. You get up ans put his shirt on before entering the kitchen where he is making breakfast. He doesn't notice you, until you walk behind him and wrap your arms around his waist.

He holds a pan in his hand. "Good morning, handsome." You say softly and back away. "Morning, beauty." He says happily ans puts the pan with eggs down to kiss you softly.

"You made breakfast?" You ask happily with a loving smile. "For the woman I love, I had to." He smiles lovingly and kisses you one more time.
"Breakfast is ready, sit down." He says softly as he pulls away, smiling lovingly. "Wait I'll get my phone." You tell him.

You go back as fast as you can to the bedroom and take your phone. "You look good in my shirt." He yells after you. You smile and grab your phone from the nightstand. While you walk inside the kitchen again you notice ten missed calls from Ed.

"Babe what's wrong?" Jensen asks as he sees your expression, you see the headline from the website that Ed has sent you. "Y/n Y/l/n and Jensen Ackles back together after y/n has cheated on him?" You read swallowing hard, before showing it to Jensen.

"Look at this." You say with tears in your eyes.
His expression turns from concern to anger.
"I knew it." you sob out. He pulls you close making you sit down on his thigh. He kisses your forehead gently, when you cry even more. "Read more." You son. "Y/n was such a bitch, why did Jensen choose her again?" One comment says. "Y/n, I love you and you're definitely not a bitch." Jensen promises you honestly."Look under the picture you posted on your instagram."

Comments: "Die, bitch, die."
"If you hurt him again, I'm gonna kill you."
"What a whore!" , "I'm gonna kill you, you little bitch.", "Jensen, I love you, but her again?"
"I can't understand so disgusting."

"I can understand those comments, I really hurt you, I'm n-" "Stop saying that." He interrupts you. "They are not even real fans, if they don't accept my decisions." He adds. While you're looking at these headlines and comments Gen calls you. "Wait, it's Gen." You pick up sniffling and go to the bedroom and sit down on the bed.

"Hey." You sniffle. "Hun, I've read these comments, are you okay?" "Yeah." "Why are you lying?" Gen asks you softly. "Gen, I don't wanna bother you with my problems. You have a baby that needs all your attention now." You sniffle.

"Are you kidding me? You're my best friend and I know how hurt you are because of those stupid words. Jared and I always have your back, ok?" "I know." "And Jared, Jensen, your family and I know the truth, that's what is important. Most of the times you wouldn't care about something like this, Why now?" She asks softly.

"I-I don't know, I'm so afraid that those people are gonna ruin our relationship. Gen, I-I love him so much and I don't know, if I'm gonna survive this when we break up again." More and more tears roll down your cheeks. "I know, I know. I think this time your love with Jensen will last forever."

"Why are you so sure?" "Because he always loved you, do you know how many times he came to our house completely drank, that's only because he missed you so much. He always wanted to talk to you in person about this, but you never were at any parties of ours in these years. He never had the chance, because you were busy with shooting. When he was with Joanna he wasn't really happy, he tried to forget you, but he couldn't. That's why I am so sure." She explains as you let out a sob.

"And I know you never loved Matt, he was just a comfort, because you and Jensen had your issues." She adds. "I guess you're right." You say with a sniffle. "Y/n/n, I love you. See you next week, if not I'm gonna kick your ass." She says playfully with a laugh. "I love you too, Gen. See you next week." You say laughing and you hang up, feeling a bit better after talking to your best friend, knowing she's right. She always gives the best advice.

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