Chapter 13

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"We should undress you." He tells her softly. "Are you okay with that?" He asks her softly and she nods. "O-Okay." She says and Jensen starts taking her shoes off. When he wants to takes her dress off she backs away and he nods in understanding. He takes his button up off and his t-shirt too before giving his shirt to her. She takes it with a shy smiles before taking it on, after pulling her dress down her legs. She lies down on the bed as Jensen takes his slacks off and lies down next to her.

He pulls her into his arms and she snuggles into his chest. Jensen rubs her arm gently, "You're safe." He whispers softly and kisses her forehead.
"Thank you." She whispers, before they doze off to sleep.

The next morning when Jensen wakes up, Y/N is still asleep as he climbs out of bed and takes his slacks on, before leaving the room to call Gen. He tells Gen everything that has happened the day before. He feels so helpless and clueless about what happened. He doesn't know, how to help or make her feel better, but Gen tells him, all Y/N needs is him to be there for her. Jensen thanks her and walks back inside the room he shares with Y/N.

He smiles at the sleeping form of her, at least in her sleep she looks peacefully. When closes the door of the room, Y/N slowly stirs awake and Jensen smiles lovingly at her as he sits down on the bed next to her.  "Good morning." He whispers softly and kisses her head as she snuggles into his side. He rubs her arms gently smiling at her, but frowns as he notices the dark bruises her wrist carries. "Are you okay?" He asks her softly as he looks at her wrist and she quickly covers it with the blanket. She nods and Jensen can look right through her lie, but doesn't say anything.

She gives him a small smile and disappears into the bathroom. She looks at herself in the mirror, gripping the sink tightly as she feels herself tear up. She feels disgusted by just looking at herself. She's so thankful, that she's found a moment, where she could free herself from him. She's never seen Jensen hit someone and he's only done that because of her. She washes her face and dries it with the towel, before taking her dress on she's taken with her inside the bathroom.

Y/N walks out of the bathroom and returns Jensen's T-Shirt, she's been wearing the night before. Jensen gives her a smile and she returns it slightly.

She walks back into the bathroom and closes the door. She lean against the door and takes a deep breath. You got this. You're safe with Jensen.

Jensen knocks on the door, "You okay. Y/N/N?" He asks you softly. "Yeah." She tells him, lying to him and herself. She walks out of the bathroom a moment later. Jensen is still in front of the bathroom and places his hands on her shoulder. "Talk to me baby." He says softly and she starts sobbing as he pulls her into his arms. He hushes her softly and hugs her close, rubbing her back gently.

He cups her cheek gently and when he looks at her, she looks away. "None of what happened yesterday is your fault, you hear me?" He says softly. She nods as she still sobs. When she looks up at him, he notices how broken she looks. The shine he loves to see in a her eyes seems gone.

Few hours later...
Y/N and Jensen have been home for quite some time. During the drive home, they haven't talked a lot nor did they when they've got home. Y/N has disappeared into bathroom for about an hour to shower, trying to wash off Matt's dirty hands and touches. Jensen's felt devastated, because he hates seeing the woman he loves so hurt and broken. He thinks for now, he should give her some space, because she doesn't want to talk and he has to accept that.

She's curled up on the couch in the living room, watching Jane the Virgin, trying to distract herself from the events from yesterday.

The doorbell rings and she gets off the couch to answer the door. "I'll get the door." She yells. "Fine." Jensen yells from his office. She opens the door, surprised to see Gen. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asks in confusion and Gen just walks past her. "We'll see us in a few hours." Y/N tells Gen.

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