Chapter 27

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You look at the ceiling, trying to calm down and to understand why he lied to you about that.

Although you don't like Amelia, you thought she wouldn't do something like that. You're more mad about her doing that, because you thought you were something like 'friends' or at least close co-stars. That he lied to you is the fact that makes you angry the most, you think you-

Someone knocks at the door and rips you out of your thoughts, you look up to see Jensen and you roll your eyes. "What do you want?" you ask him. "Talk to you, about everything and explain, I guess."

You scoff, "You guess?" He walks towards your and lays down next to you. "Listen, I'm sorry. "
"Sure you are." you say keep looking at the ceiling and avoiding his gaze. "I really am."
you look at him for the first time. "Why did you lie to me Jensen? Although I asked you if there were any women that could come back or I don't know and you lied to me." you let out a humourless laugh.

"And then you were acting so weird around her since she was here, you were touching me all the time. Like-like I would leave or something." you sigh and he looks away and back to you.

"Can I at least explain?" "Spit it, from the beginning to the end." "After you broke up with me, I went to a bar that day getting myself drunk and forgetting my pain. After a few hours I was pretty drunk and I saw Amelia sitting there moping and playing with her glass of wine, so I gave her some company. She asked me what happened and I told her, she told me that her boyfriend Ian cheated on her or something and she broke up with him." you nod.

"Yeah I remember the whole thing." "We got more and more drinks and we ended in one bed." he continues. "So it was a one time thing or?" He say nothing, you guess thinking about if he should say the truth or tell you a lie, but he decides for the truth.

"No, it wasn't. When I woke up the next morning, I went to Jared's and talked to him, I needed to talk to someone. He told me to tell Amelia it was a one time thing and we ended up know-" "Leave the details out, please." you run a hand down your face.

"So yeah and we went like that- I don't know 3 months, after those 3 months she wanted more than an affair. A-And I couldn't, I still loved you. She was just a distraction for me." He finishes and you look at him seeing him playing with his fingers. He's sorry, you can see that.

"Answer me one question." you say and he looks at me. "Of course." "Why did you lie to me?" He looks down at his hands, "Because I thought it wasn't important." "Not important?" you scoff.

"You're kidding me right?" you add and get up from the bed. "No, I'm n-"  "Jensen." you say more firmly. "I ask you one last time, why did you lie to me?" He takes a deep breath and walks towards you.

"I was scared, I-I thought, if I'll tell you you would left me immediately all over again and I couldn't help it." He says avoiding eye contact. "Sure, it wouldn't have been nice to hear that you had an affair with one of my co-stars but it was after we end things, right?" He nod.

"But what hurt me more right now is that you lied and I hate lies more than anything, you know that, because they make things so much more worse." "You're right." He looks you into the eyes for the first time after he explained, you hope it was really everything. "So you're mad at me?" he asks.

You rub your temples and close your eyes, "To be honest I don't know, it's just that you lied to me. I don't have the right to be mad, it's- she was one of my 'friends'." I question mark the word with my finger. "It's so weird to know that you...and...her." you let out a small laugh and look at him.

He comes a step closer to you and takes your hand. "I'm sorry." he says and looks you deep in the eyes, he really means it. "I know." you say and squeeze his hand.

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