Chapter 25: Jib last day

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Today is the last day of JIB and it's kinda sad, but you're glad that you can finally travel home and see your friends and family. You really miss them.

You're sitting in the green room and waiting for the panel of Jensen, Jared, Misha and you.
"Okay guys you can go to the stage now." Jane says, you all get up from your seats and walk towards the stage. You enter the stage and you all sit down.

"Hey you all, I hope y'all are good and I'm sad it's the last panel and day for this year of JIB." Misha speaks up first and you all nod in agreement. "So let's answer some questions." Jared says. A boy walks to the microphone.
"My question is for Jared, Misha and Jensen."
Jared smiles at him. "Go on."

"How is it to work on set with Y/N?"
"Well," Jensen speaks up and grins at you "it's kinda exhausting," you hit his chest playfully.
"Oh thank you." you say sarcastically.
"He's right, she's making faces so that Jensen, Jared and I, can't be serious."

"Hey! You should see your faces sometimes. And I remember my first day on set, Misha. Look we all were in our roles and the scene. Misha started laughing because of a face Jensen made, but I didn't saw there a funny one."

"But in the end you laughed as well, so be quiet." Misha says laughing.

"So I'm the one who is going to answer the question, really. It's nice to have a person, like her, on set." Jared says and you stand up to hug him. "That's why he is my favourite." you point at him and the fans laugh lightly.

"Hey! What is with me?" Jensen exclaims and crosses his arms. "You're my fiancé." you walk over to him and peck his lips and the crowd 'aws'. "Thank you for the answer." The boy says smiling and walks away.

The next person walks toward the mic. "My question is for Jared." Jared nods. "How is it to have your closest friends getting married?" Jared smiles brightly.

"To be honest, I knew this day will come." Jensen takes your hand and starts rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.

"These two make each other so happy, they don't even know. For example when Y/N/N was back, even they weren't together, Jensen was having good vibes all the time. So yeah I am really grateful for that."

-Time skip 3 days-
The rest of the panel went well, we laughed a whole lot answered some more questions, that were typical. You are home now and you're having breakfast with Gen, she came over to your house because Jensen and Jared went golfing this morning.

"So how was the whole trip through Europe?" she smiles at me "It was gre-" and you feel your breakfast comes up and run to the sink.
"Sorry." you say after you finished. "No worries, you're okay?" "Yeah, I have it since a week."
"Since a week?" she raises an eyebrow.
"I guess from travelling." you shrug.

"Did you maybe think of something else maybe?" you frown. "What do you mean?" I say before I take a sip of my water. "Maybe you're pregnant Y/N/N?" she smiles and your eyes widen.

"I can't be pregnant, I'm on birth control Gen." you laugh nervously. Your phone rings and saves you from this uncomfortable conversation.

You look at the screen and see my mum's calling. "Hey mom." - "Hey honey. How are you?" "I'm good how are you all?" - "We're good, but I'm asking did you eventually pack the lipstick of your sister? She's looking for that damn lipstick." your mom laughs.

"Wait," You walk toward the stairs "I have to look in my makeup bag." you enter the bathroom and find the lipstick and something else. "Mom I got it, but I call you later." "You're alright?" "Yeah, Yeah." I say while holding the birth control pills.

"Just say y/s/n, she can pick it up later." "Okay, bye." You hang up. You forgot to take the pills 4 weeks, you face palm myself. How could you forget to take them?

You walk downstairs, the shock on your face visible. "Honey, you're okay?" Gen asks. You just give her the birth control pills. "Oh." she says.
"Yeah 'oh'." You look at her.

"Gen, I-I can't be pregnant, it's too early. I'm not ready, we're not even married." you run a hand down your face. "Hey, hey. Everything will be fine, okay?" "What will Jensen say?" you say nervously. "I think he'll be really happy, but you should make a pregnancy test, huh? Just to make sure." She rubs your arm and you nod.

"I have a test at home. I could bring it you, if you want to." "That would be great." you smile at her and she makes her way to her house to bring it here. 30 minutes later she rings the doorbell and you let her in.

"Thank you." you say as she gives you the test.
You go to the bathroom and take the test, a few minuets later Gen knocks at the door, "Hey, you can look." and you can hear the smile in her voice. "I don't want to." "You need to, otherwise you won't know sweetie." you take a deep breath and take the test from the counter and look at it.

Positive. "And?" she asks looking at the door while I open it. "It's positive, Gen." you give it to her, so that she can have a look at it.
You drive a hand through your hair.

She looks up from the test and looks at you,
"That's great, isn't it?" "No! I-I can't have it, it's too early." "Hey calm down. Maybe you should first talk with Jensen about that, before you do anything stupid."

Tears starts welling up in your eyes and you look at her. "G-Gen I-I can't," You're a crying mess "he will think I let myself get pregnant on purpose. I don't wanna marry him just, because I'm pregnant. I don't wanna marry him, when I'm round like a ball."

She says nothing for a while as the door opens and Jensen and Jared enter the house laughing until they see me. Crying on the sofa.
"Hey baby, you're okay?"

You nod. "Yeah I'm okay." you say as you wipe your tears away. Gen looks at you sternly to signal you, you should tell him. "No, you're not okay. If you were okay, you wouldn't be crying." He says as he sits down next to you and puts his arm around you, rubbing your arm.
"We should go, they have something to talk about." Gen says to Jared and they both say their goodbyes and leave you two alone.

"So you gonna tell me why you're crying?"
"There's nothing to worry about," you take his hand and squeeze it slightly "really."
"Why are you lying? To me?" He says disappointed and looks at you, but you look away to look at your hands.

"Because I can't, Jensen." you look back at him and worry is written all over his face. "What happened?" He looks at your face, looking for any hints to figure out what's going on. "Jensen I-I.." you crack on a sob and he hugs me even more tighter.

"You what?" He asks confused. "I'm pregnant." You look back at him and see shock all over his face as he let's go of me. He gets up from the couch and looks at me with widen eyes. "You're what?" He asks calmly, a bit too calm to be honest.

"I thought you were on birth control?"
"I am, but-but I forgot to take them since 4 weeks." Silence. "I really don't know what to say." He says to break the uncomfortable silence. "So you don't want to have it?" you frown at him.

"No no no, that's not what I wanted to say. I want to have kids with you really, you're the love of my life." he sits down next to you and hugs me tightly. "I really want to have this child with you. I swear." you look up at him, seeing his true and lovely smile.

"I love you too, but I don't want to get married when I'm round like a ball." you laugh as you wipe your tears away. He grabs your face making you look at him. "You don't have to, if you want we can get married as fast as possible and you don't have to be like ball." He laughs.

"Or we will wait." He adds. "No, I don't want to wait. Then there's the kid and no." "So what should we start planning this wedding? Mac has some contacts that could help us." "I'd love to." you lean into his touch and he kisses you passionately. He pulls away and looks so happy at you.

"We definitely should make an appointment."
You nod. " Yeah I'm gonna call the doctor." you say as you get up from the couch and grab your phone.

You dial the number of your gynecologist and make and appointment for the next day at 12 am.

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