Chapter 21

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2 weeks later...

The last 2 weeks went by really quick and they were beautiful. You visited all of your family there to let them know you're engaged now, they already started making plans. You even had a little engagement party, it was like the family get together.

They gave their congratulations and your mum bragged that Jensen is going to be her son-in-law. It was a good time there and Jensen loved to get to know all members of your family.

They were all happy to finally meet this man that made you the most happiest woman in this world. When they heard that him and you are getting married now, they were going crazy, cause you're the only one, who isn't married. Yet.

Jensen and you also traveled through Warsaw, you showed him your favourite places and shops. He even wanted to look at rings for the wedding and you were shocked, because you thought he wouldn't want to do that so fast.

But now you're on your way to Amsterdam, he wants to show you his favourite places. You're sitting in the plane and Jensen driving his fingers up and down your sides.

"What have you been thinking about?"
"Just about the time we spent with my family." you smile up at him and he leans in kissing you. "The plane will land in a few minutes, so please get back into normal position and close your seatbelts." The stewardess says and Jensen and you drive away from each other.

You close your seatbelts and wait until the plane lands. When the plane stops moving everyone, including you, stands up and gets their things.

You walk out of the plane and get your bags. You walk outside and breath the air in with a smile. "There's our cab." He points at a car and we go to the cab and put your bags into the trunk.

You get into the car, Jensen tells the driver the address and drives you to the hotel.
A few minutes later you arrive at the hotel and get out. Jensen pays the driver and gets your luggage. You push your luggage into the lobby and move to the reception.

"Reservation for Ackles." you say while putting my sunglasses off. The receptionist looks at you with wide eyes. "Are-Aren't you y/n y/l?!" She exclaims. You nod and Jensen comes from behind and puts his arm around your waist. "Oh. MY. GOD." She says.

"Sorry for bothering you, but-but can we take a picture." "Yes of course." you say smiling at her and Jensen nods. You take the picture and she gives you your keys. You take the elevator and get to your floor.

You step out of the elevator and look for your room. When you find the room Jensen opens the room and you walk in. It's was more like a suit then a room. It has 3 rooms, a bedroom, something like a living room and a bathroom. It's huge and beautiful.

He closes the door and smiles at you. "I'm so happy you're here with me." He smiles down at you and hugs you tightly. "I'm happy too." you say and cuddle you head into his chest.

"Can we go to bed? I'm tired." He nods. you walk into the bedroom with your bags. You open your bag and take out your pjs and put them on. You lay down into the bed and cover yourself with the sheets.

A few moments later Jensen slides in next to you and puts his arm around you. You cuddle up into his chest and look into his eyes. "I love you, Jensen. And I cannot wait to be your wife." He smiles and closes the gap between you two and kisses you passionately.

"I love you too, y/n/n. And I cannot wait to be your husband." He smiles and kisses you again. You pull away and drift off to sleep.

Next morning...

You wake up and look around yourself and your ring. You can't help but smile to yourself and feel more than happy. Jensen's arm is wrapped around your waist and intertwined with your fingers. You turn around to face him. You smile at him, his hair messy and sticking all around his head.

You cup his cheek and see a smile appears on his face. "Good morning gorgeous." He says and slowly opens his eyes and smiles even more at you. "Morning." you smile at him. He puts his hand on my waist to put you closer to him and removes his hand and cups you cheek.

He gives me a soft kiss and rests his head on yours after it. You smile into his chest and you stay like this for half an hour, just enjoying each other closeness. But then my stomach starts growling.

"Someone's hungry." Jensen teases.
"Actually I'm starving." you chuckle and he lets you go. You get up on your feet and look at him. "I want pancakes and-and strawberries."
"I already knew it." "How?" you ask him. "Cause I know you." He smiles. "I'm taking a shower." "And you're not asking me to join?" He smirks.

"Not today, Ackles." you smirk at him and step into the bathroom. You take your clothes off and take a shower. After some minutes you get out of the shower and put a towel around your hair then you wrap an another towel around yourself.

You get out of the room and walk to your bag to get your clothes. You let the towel drop and put your underwear and rest on. "Breakfast is here." He says while coming back into the bedroom.

"That's great!" you exclaim and follow him into the living room. You plop down on the sofa and look at the food on the coffee table. "Everything looks and smells delicious." you say and look at him while he sits down on the sofa as well.

"Yes it does." He says and hands you a plate. You take your pancakes and strawberries, while Jensen takes some eggs and bacon.
You finished breakfast and watch a movie now, because you're still not feeling good from travelling, so you decided to stay a the hotel. You're laying there, cuddling and watching.
Suddenly you feel yourself dozing off and falling asleep on his chest.

~Time skip~
You wake up still on the coach and still with your head on his chest. You look up and see him scrolling through his phone. You shift a bit and his eyes immediately lands on you.
"Hey beauty, are you feeling a bit better?"
"Yeah, I'm feeling better." you smile at him and get back into a sitting position.

You glance at the clock, it reads 8pm. "How long did I sleep?" He laughs. "You slept 4 whole hours.""Oh wow, I really needed that sleep."
"Obviously you did." He says and starts rubbing your back. "You sure you're good?"

"Yes as it seems I was just really tired." you shrug and get up from the couch to get some water. "What are your plans for tomorrow?" you ask while coming back to the couch.
"It's a surprise." He smirks. "Aww, but I wanna know." You pout like a little kid. "You're so Sweet when you're doing this-" you smile in hope that he'll tell you "-but I'm not gonna tell you." and your smile falls.

"You're mean." you pout and cross your arms over your chest. You sit down next to him and hit his chest playfully. "Can we go to bed and watch there some Netflix?" "You just woke up."
"But it's more comfortable there." you look at him with puppy eyes and smiling.

"I know what you're trying, stop that."
"I'm doing nothing." you blink your eyes.
"You got me." He stands up with you and you get into bed. You start a romantic movie and get comfortable. After a while you look up at Jensen to see him gazing at you.

You smile and kiss him softly first, but then it turns into more passionate. You begin moving and straddling his lap never breaking the kiss. His hands resting on my waist, pulling you closer to him than you already are.

He slowly starts moving his hands down to the hem of your shirt and pulls it over your head. He smiles at you while you do the the same with his and throw it on the ground. You lean in kiss him again his hands roaming all over your body.

Meanwhile the kiss Jensen starts unzipping my pants and you do the same with his.

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