Chapter 23: JIBCON 1

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A few weeks later...

You've just arrived in Rome, Italy and you are happy because you'll see all the others you really missed them. You are entering the hotel room and suddenly have the need to vomit and run into the bathroom.

You hang over the toilet and puke while Jensen is coming to the bathroom to hold your hair.

''Hey Beautiful, you're okay?'' you nod and clean your mouth.

''I guess I just ate somthing bad that is everything or the whole travelling.'' you smile at him and he helps you back to your feet. ''When do we have to be downstairs?'' you ask him while walking to you suitcase to get your toothbrush.

''In an hour, it is just the opening ceremony, so don't worry.'' you nod and walk into the bathroom. You brush your teeth and get yourself ready. You sit down on the couch and scroll through your phone. And see yourself tagged in a tweet and recognize one of the girls you met in Amsterdam on that boat trip.

She posted a Picture of your hand zoomed to your engagement ring and your eyes widen.

The caption says: ''Y/N and Jensen engaged?'' Nothing more and the People in the comments discussing is it is just a normal ring or an engagement ring. This tweet already has 600k likes and 400k retweets. You did not want to go puplic that fast, it annoys you that some fans don't respect our privacy.

''Jensen?!'' you yell for him and he walks out of the bathroom ready. ''Yeah?''

''Look at that.'' you show him the picture and he sits down next to you, you see him reading the caption and comments. Jensen rolls his eyes in annoyance and hands you your phone back.

''I don't get that why some of them doesn't respect our privacy, but now although we are just a month engaged we could make it public here on the con. What do you think?'' "I don not know isn't it a bit too early?'' ''Yeah Maybe, but who cares? I want to show the world, that Y/N Y/L/N is my fiancé.'' He smiles proudly. He kisses you and holds you tight, as he starts deepening the kiss there's a knock on the door.

As you assume it is Jared, because he has the talent to disturb those moments as always.

You get off the sofa and walks to the door to open it. You're right, it is Jared.

''Hey.'' you smile at him and a few seconds later you see Misha appear behind him. You hug them both and they follow you inside. ''Hey man.'' Jared says to Jensen and bro hugs him, Misha does the same.

Jared comes over to you after they finished their small talk and hugs me tightly.

''Why you're hugging me?'' you mumble into his chest. He pulls away and looks at you.

''Because you too are finally getting married like it belongs.'' he smiles widely at you. You smile and kiss his cheek, after that Misha comes to you and hugs you as well and gives you his congratulations.

A few minutes later there is an another knock on the door it is on of the assistants.

''Hey Miss Y/L/N my name is Jane and I will take you through the convention.'' she smiles at you.

''Please call me Y/N.'' I smile at her. ''Okay Y/N we have to go now and as I hear the rest is with you?''

''Yeah.'' you call for them and y'all go downstairs to the lobby. She leads you into the main panel room.

You welcome everyone, wish them a good day and that was everyhting. You walk back upstairs back to your rooms and enter them. Jared, Mark and Misha come to your room chatting a bit and drinking some whiskey with Jensen, while you lay down in our bed and watch some Netflix.

An hour later the others leave and a tipsy Jensen enters the bedroom with a huge grin, he changes into a comfy shirt and just leaving him in boxers. He lays down next to you and puts his head on your chest, you playing with his hair. ''Hey you're alright?'' he grins up at you and nods.

You lock eyes for a few seconds when he starts capturing your lips with his. He looks back at you. ''I love you so much Y/N/N.'' he kisses you again and immeadiately deepens the kiss, driving his hands up and down your body.


He lays himslef on the back and puts you above of him and makes you straddling him, he takes off your shirt and kisses your chest. You take his shirt off and he kisses you roughly. You feel his erection digging against your core, he lays you down on your back.

He leaves hot and lovely kisses all over your body until he comes to your panties. He slowly puts them down and throws them on the ground he hovers over your core and looks up at you. He grins at you and you plead him with your eyes. He circles your clit and you arch your back, he starts sucking your clit and enters his fingers roughly.

You let out a moan and bite your lips. He starts pumping his fingers in and out while sucking. When he feels yourself clenching around his finger he stops and pulls away. He opens your bra. He kisses the top of your breasts and kneads them lightly.

You pull away and push him on his back. You kiss his lips, then along his body until you reach the waistband of his boxers and put them down to reveal his shaft. You're about to stroke him when he stops you and wants you to straddle him.

He places his member at your entrance and makes you bounce on him, you both moan by the feeling. You take his shoulders to make him sit up and press him against your chest. He places his hands on your waist and pushes you roughly down on his dick.

You moan into his ear, he puts one of his hands from your waist and kneads my breast. You bounce him as fast as you can and a few moments later, he flips you over, so that he is above you.

He keeps thrusting inside you fast and rough. You feel a knot forming in your stomach causing you to moan. You hear him groan as he picks up the pace and starts circling your bundle of nerves. You feel your coming around him and moan loudly his name.

A couple more thrusts he comes too and collapses on top of me between your breasts, after he catches his breath he plops down next to you. He puts the sheets over you and makes you cuddle his chest.

**Smut END**

''Hey Y/N?'' you look up at him as response. ''Do you really want to marry me?'' you sigh at his question, because you know he is drunk and has self-doubts. ''Of course I want to marry you. If I don't want to why should I have said yes?'' "I don't know, I just wanted to make it sure. I love you so so much.'' He says and kisses your forehead. You close your eyes and fall asleep.

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