Chapter 2

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"This will be so nice to have my little sis on set." Jared says luckily,  but then his smile fades slightly. (He loves you like a little sister, although you're older than him xD) "What kind of role?" He asks concerned. You start to get nervous, so you just remain quiet. You already regret saying yes to Edward.

"Uh-As the love interest of Dean." You look at the floor, feeling guilty and a bit stupid for accepting that job. He and Gen look shocked and concerned at the same time. "I don't even understand, why he asked for me." "I do, you're good at what you're doing." He tries to smile, but all he can think of is how jensen will be feelings about this change. "Guys, could you please stop looking at me like this the whole's getting uncomfortable." You say a bit nervously.

"I know guys, I didn't think about Jensen and me. I guess it's better, if I call my manager and reject this offer." You grab your jacket and take out your phone to dial Ed's number. Gen and Jared look at each other, then Gen walks towards you and takes your phone away, quickly ending the call. "Maybe you and Jensen just should talk about the whole thing out. Ask him if he and you are okay." Jared says. Jared is right, he kinda always is about things like that, but you'd never actually would admit to that.

"Are you sure? I mean you are his best friend, you should protect him of me. I know, I hurt him badly and I am sorry. I still feel really guilty about the whole thing. I let him go, for the stupidest reason. He was probably the best boyfriend, I could've ever had." You say with a deep sigh. "Wait, do you still love him?" Gen asks and you realize, what you've just said. "When yes, why did you left him?" Jared says disappointed and also kinda confused.

"I think I do. Why I left him? Because I felt so unloved and unwanted like I wasn't not good enough." you say quietly. "Y/N, you're like a little sister to me, since we met in 2008 at the set of Friday the 13th and I am thankful for introducing that wonderful woman to me..." he points at Gen "but you're definitely dumb. I'm sorry, but Jensen was gonna purpose you and you just left him because you felt this way? Why didn't you two just talk like adults?" Silence, because you know he is right. You weren't mature enough, you were like 20 or something, still a stupid child.

"He loved you more than everything." He adds. You start to cry because you know he's right, even more than right and you hate yourself for this. Gen wraps her arms around you, hugging you close. "Everyone makes mistakes, it's okay." She whispers into your ear and puts you tighter to her as much as possible because of her baby bump."Y/N, I can't believe you're so dumb." Jared almost yells. Gen lets you go. "I'm sorry, okay?" You yell back. You're are fighting for about five minutes and not noticing that Gen is trying to get both of your attention, for a few minutes now.

"What's wrong?" You ask annoyed and look at her and you realise that there is puddle on the floor, already regretting how you answered her. "Oh my god." Jared says nervously. "Get her bag and get Thomas. I'll get the car." He nods and gets Thomas quickly. He goes to their bedroom, meanwhile you get Tom and Gen into the car.

10 minutes later you arrive at the hospital...

"Just get Gen inside as fast as you can. I'll take care of everything else." You say. He nods thankfully. You park the car and take Thomas out of the car. During the drive Jared has called Jensen. This would be the first time that you see him after your breakup. You remember it wasn't that easy ,because the pressure made it a way harder for you two.

You've been together for three years with him. These were the best three years of your life. You regret everything that happened so much, because you never loved a man like him. You enter the hospital with a sleepy Tom in your arms. Your heart stops, when you see Jensen for the first time, after five years.

You feel butterflies all around your stomach, then you feel the pain and guilt in your gut. You swear you can see that his wonderful eyes are filled with anger, pain and luck. You go over to him, he tries to smile. "Hey, it's been a long, since we've last seen each other." He tries to be friendly. "Yeah, that's true." You say with a weak smile. He glares all over your body and has spotted the ring on your finger. His small smile fades away. It's the ring your Grandma has given you, before she died 1 year ago. It used to be the engagement ring your grandpa gave to her.

"They're already in, aren't they?" He nods and looks at the ring again. Tom wakes up. "Auntie Y/N/N." He rubs his eyes sleepily. "Uncle J." "Hey Buddy." Jensen says with an adoring smile and takes Tom out of your arms. You missed his smile so much. "How's life going's?" He asks. "Pretty good, what about you?" "Same old things." He smiles, you smile back.

You sit in a awkward silence for almost an hour before Jared finally comes out and tells you that their second sun is born. His expression full of love and happiness. Y'all walk through the door to see Gen and the baby. "Hey." You whisper gently and smile at her and the baby. "What's his name?" Jensen asks. Jared and Gen look at each other.

"Austin Shepherd Padalecki." Gen says a bit exhausted but happily. "And you two are gonna be the godparents." Jared says proudly. Jensen looks at you with a little smile, that you can see from the corner of your eye. You feel so indescribable happy that you're gonna be his godmother. Maybe Jensen and you will get closer again. "J can we talk for a minute?" Jared asks Jensen. "Sure." They go outside and you sit down on a chair. "Congratulations." You whisper happily. "Thank you." She smiles holding the baby in her arms.

—Jensen PoV—
„Dude, congratulations." "Thanks." We hug. But then my thoughts get back to her, her beautiful hair, her beautiful y/e/c eyes, just everything. But when I look into her face I feel deep pain. She really hurt me, after her I didn't love a woman like her ever again. "Jensen?" Jared tears me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" "Everything alright ?" "Yeah, it's just I didn't expect to see her here after all those years." "I know, that's the thing. She got an offer from Kripke, she would play the love interest of Dean." My breath stops for a moment. "Would you be okay with that?" He asks softly and even a bit concerned.

"I guess I have to." "Dude, I know how much she hurt you, maybe it's not the best situation." Jared says gently. "I guess I have to be professional and I will be just fine. Don't worry about me, just take care of Gen, Shepherd and Tom." I tell him. We go back inside the room. "Okay, guys I gotta go." She says and leaves the room. "J maybe you should follow and talk to her." Gen says softly. I think about that and she's right. "Okay you're right. Bye Gen." I hug her carefully. "I'm so happy for you, man." I tell Jared and hug him before leaving as fast as I can, trying to catch up with her.

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