Chapter 7

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1 month later...
Everything feels like it used to be years ago, today is the event and THAT DAY! You're so nervous. How will people, friends and family react? Everything that happens at the event will be live on TV. You told your family to watch that event on TV tonight, you told Gen the same because she won't be there and Jensen told his family as well.

Right now you're getting ready for the event, you're wearing a tight black dress that reaches your knees and it emphasises your décolleté. You wear a half bun with curls and a slightly stronger make-up. You go through your walk-in-wardrobe and put some silver high heels on and a silver clutch that fits with your dress.

You get a call from Jensen. "Babe, are you ready?" "Yes." "Then come to the SUV that is waiting for you upstairs." He says happily. You hang up and make sure you have everything you need. You walk into the hallway of your apartment complex and lock your door before leaving the building. When you walk towards the SUV Jensen looks you up and down, a bit stunned at how good you're looking.

"Wow." He breathes out as he places his hands on your waist checking you out. He gives you a quick, but gentle kiss.

"You look....breathtakingly hot." You tell him as he lets out a small laugh. "Well, I could say the same thing about you." He tells you honestly, making you smile. "But you know what's the best about the night?" "What?" You ask curiously. "I'm the lucky one who's going to undress you tonight." He whispers into your ear making you clench your thighs together. He grins at you as he pulls away from your ear as he sees you blushing.

"Let's get in the car." He says with a huge grin. You get into the back of the car, he puts his hand on your thigh to calm you down, rubbing it gently. He knows you're nervous. "I love you, y/n/n." "I love you too, J." He cups your cheek with his other hand and pecks your lips softly.

After 20 minutes you arrive at the location.
"Y/n/n, don't be nervous. Everything will be fine, I will always be by your side." You nod. "Let's get out." He says confidently. He gets out first, when he opens the door the only things you see are the flashlights of the cameras. He reaches for your hand, so you he can help you out. You two intertwine your fingers and walk to the entrance. You already hear the first paparazzi, calling your names.

"Jensen and y/n are you back together?"
"Yes, we are." Jensen answers quickly while passing by. He keeps asking questions about your relationship, but you ignore them. When you walk through the door, you see a shocked yet happy Jared.
"Guys, you're back together?" He asks with a big smile. "Yes, man." Jensen answers happily.
Jared can't stop grinning.

"I told you he will be happy." Jensen whispers to you. "Jar?" you say hesitantly.
"Yes, y/n/n?" "I think I have to apologize. I'm sorry." He hugs you from the side. "I also have to apologise, I'm so happy for you two. You are meant to be together, that's why Gen and I decided to make you two godparents of Shep. So that you two can get closer again." He says casually making your eyes go wide. He chuckles and kisses your temple gently before letting go.

"What were you two talking about?" Jensen asks curiously. "About that fight last month."
"But everything is fine now?" "Yes."
"Guys can you come here?" Jared yells from where the paparazzi are taking pictures.

You and Jensen nod and walk on the red carpet.
"Y/n, can we take a picture of you two?"
"Sure." You answer and Jensen puts his arm around your waist and kisses the side of your head.

"Jared come over here." You yell and he runs to you. You three stand there, you in the middle, Jensen left next to you and Jared right next to you. When you're about to leave one of the interviewers asks for an interview, so you and Jensen decide to give them a quick interview.
"Hey y/n and Jensen, how is it going?" The interviewer asks.
"Fine. Thank you." "The question that everyone is asking, are you two back together?"
"Yes, we are." You say nodding and look at Jensen with a loving smile, who puts his arm around your waist.

"I'm more than happy to have her back." He says happily looking at you first and then into the camera. "How did that happen?"
"Since we two are working together now, we say down and talked. We noticed there still are mutual feelings." You tell them honestly. "Thank you guys for telling." They say and you nod with a smile.

You two get to your seats, where Jared is already waiting for you. You sit down right next to Jared and Jensen sits down on your left side. Jared leans towards you. "You guys have to tell me, how you two got back together." "After the show?"
"Maybe at y/n's?" Jensen asks. You both nod.
"How are Gen, Tom and Shep doing?"
"Pretty well, you two have to visit us when we're ok a break." He says happily. "Of course, Jensen and I would love to." You say softly. "Yes." Jensen adds.

The event starts and the two narrators talk about: the vampire diaries, pretty little liars and then one of them starts talking about Supernatural. "Now, let's talk about Supernatural. Supernatural has a new season and cast member. Y/n y/l/n plays the love interest of Dean." "Wow, I heard Jensen and y/n are back together." "Yeah me too and I'm very happy for them. They're such a perfect couple." Jensen looks at you with a smile on his face caressing your hand gently.

"Let's welcome them. Jensen, Jared and y/n come join us on stage." The first narrator yell enthusiastically. All of you walk on stage, Jensen and you intertwine your fingers. Everyone claps their hands while passing them. Jensen helps you go up the few stair up. "Hey you three, what will you tell us about the rest of season 8?"

"First of all, hey to everyone and thanks for being here." Jared says happily. "Oh Jared how is the second baby doing and congratulations."
"Pretty well and thank you." Jared says with a smile. "But now, let's talk about Supernatural." Jensen adds.

"Well the end will be really emotional between Sam and Dean." You tell them. "Interesting. What about Sophie and Dean?" "A lot of romantic things." Jared says laughing.
"So Jensen and y/n, how did that happen that you two are back together?"

"I think we already got asked that question like three times." You say with a small laugh looking at Jensen. "It's because of Supernatural and the chemistry between our characters, so that we fell in love again." Jensen says with a smile.

"But we're not here to talk about our relationship, so let's keep talking about Supernatural." You say. You tell them a few things you're allowed to tell, after that you go to your seats and listen to them for an hour.

"You see it wasn't that bad." Jensen says softly and cups your faces and kisses you softly before looking at the stage again.
"Let's wait till tomorrow." You mutter and he places his hand on your thigh sighing softly.

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