Chapter 28

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It's been a week since you saw Jensen, you wanted to make it more special when you see each other the altar.

Today you're celebrating your stag night, Jensen mostly, because you can't. So you decided that you stay with Gen, your sister and Jensen's sister at your house. You would drink alcohol free wine and the others normal wine.

Now you're sitting at the sofa and chatting about the wedding in a few days.

Jensen's PoV
We're at a bar, Jared brought me here. To be honest I would have stayed with Y/N instead of being here, she never took my freedom away. I was a lot of times just with Jared and Misha at a bar and she never was jealous or something.
She trusted me.

"Dude, you're sitting here, like you have to be here." Jared says. I let out a chuckle.
"I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about her, I would like to be with her and celebrate with her. I miss her." I say everything with a bright smile.
"We all know that you love Y/N more than everything, but you should enjoy the night." My brother says. "You're right." I say and down a shot.

A few ours later...
We all drank a lot and some women even tried to hook me up, but I always said I'm engaged and happy, they apologized immediately and wished me luck.

I'm sipping my whiskey and looking at Jared,
"Dude you're drunk." I say and Jared just laughs, the door opens and Amelia enters the bar with some girls. I pat Jared's shoulder and he looks up as he shrugs.

Your PoV
Currently you're watching a movie and chatting, "So y/n/n-" Gen begins "-are you excited for Friday?".  (It's Wednesday) "You're kidding right? I can't wait anymore and I'm missing him so much, it's been just a week." you laugh lightly.

"Oh I was the same with Jared-" she laughs as she thinks about "-I was so excited and when we were finally married I was the happiest woman alive." "I know Gen, I was there." you say laughing and she laughs too.

You're interrupted by loud snoring of your sister and Mac. "Oh well I guess they had a bit too much of wine." you say and point at them with a grin and Gen can't help but laugh.

"I'm kinda hungry." you say as you start walking into the kitchen and Gen follows you.
"Do you have already any weird starvings?" she snickers and grins at me, you shoot her a glare.
"I don't if it is a starving, but I kinda like eating crisps with peanut butter."

"Honey it is!" she exclaims with a laugh and you smile awkwardly at her.

"Last time I was with Jensen and we had some fries, there also was ice cream and I ate it with fries, it was so delicious." you shrug and she laughs at me. "To be honest I had the same starving." she snickers and you laugh.

"But you have to be honest it tastes good, doesn't it?" she nods in agreement. "I think I'll make me a sandwich, you want one?" "Yeah, I like your sandwiches. They're made with so much love." she says and you put a hand on your chest. "I love you, that's why you're my best friend." "I know." she says as you started to get the ingredients.

You make the sandwiches and sit down on one of the bar stools in front of the kitchen island. You start eating as Gen's phone starts ringing.

Gen's PoV
"Sorry, might be Jared telling me to pick them up." I smile at Y/N and pick up.
"Hey." I say.
"Yes Jared?" I laugh a bit, because I know he's drunk.

"Can you please come and pick us up? Because Amelia appeared 10 minutes ago and Jensen doesn't stop drinking. He isn't listening to me and I'm scared that something bad will happen," he lets out a sigh "so please just get us and take us home." I try to stay calm and not make Y/N angry.

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