Chapter 10

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Jensen knocks on the doorframe and you look at him with a small smile. He walks over to you and looks you in the eyes, in his eyes you can see pain, anger and concern. He pulls you into a tight hug and kisses your forehead gently.

"I don't care, what they're saying about you. I love you no matter what." He says softly and honestly.
"I love you too." You say looking up at him with a small smile and red and puffy eyes.
He leans down and gives you a gentle peck on the lips before brushing your hair out of your face. "But now let's have a cold breakfast." He says with a laugh trying to lighten up the mood. You let out a small laugh and get up with him, walking back inside the kitchen.

"What did Gen tell you that your mood got so much better than like it was moments ago?" He asks curiously and you shrug with a smile. "She just knows how to make me feel better." You tell him.

A few weeks later...
The last few weeks have passed really quickly and the comments of the people have calmed down too. There still have been mean and hateful comments, but you decided to ignore them. You guys finished shooting for the season and go on break. Jensen and you have decided to stay at his house in Austin for the time.

Right now you are waiting for your flight to Austin, Texas. Then a fan approaches you asking to take a picture with Jensen after that, they've taken the picture, the fan calls you a bitch and you sit there in shock, bot knowing what to say or how to react.

"What's your problem? You come here to call my girlfriend a bitch? You're not even a real fan if you're acting that way. Don't you have any respect?" He asks angrily, still in a normal tone, and the fan looks shocked, swallowing hard at how Jensen has reacted. The fan disappear with wide eyes walking back to the people she's there. "Babe, I'm so sorry." Jensen tells you softly taking your hand in his and squeezing it gently.

"It's not your fault." You say with a weak smile, feeling horribly and also overwhelmed for hearing something like that in real life. "Flight 678912." The airport calls out. "C'mon, our flight back home." You say to change the topic. Gen told you to be confident and strong, you remind yourself, but it doesn't seem to help right now. You enter the plane and go to your seats. "Misha?" Jensen asks confused. "Oh, hey guys." Misha says with a smile. "What are you doing in a plane to Austin?" Jensen asks curiously. "Ehmm..." "Because Gen and Jared have a barbecue tomorrow, you forgot about that?" You ask Jensen and save Misha, smiling at them.

You want to throw a birthday party for Jensen and Misha and everyone will be there.
"Oh yes." Jensen says laughing. By the way Gen and Jared really have a barbecue tomorrow.
Today is the wedding of Ed, it's really an advantage that the marries so late that day. Jensen puts his arm around your shoulders, so that you can lay your head on his shoulders, because you're pretty tired since you didn't sleep so much that night. You were busy packing your suitcase and making sure you got everything.

4 hours later...
"Babe, wake up we are landing." Jensen wakes you up gently, causing you to whine slightly. You rub your eyes and give him a tired smile. You get out of your seats and go to the station where you get the baggage. You get your things and walk outside where Gen and Jared are waiting for you to pick up.

"Hey you two." You say hugging both of them, with a smile before Jensen and Misha do the same. "Where is lil Shep?" You ask with a huge smile. "Sleeping at home." "Sad to hear, I wanted to see him." You say with a pout. "You will see him tomorrow, but now we will get you home." Gen tells you softly. You nod with a slight pout. Jensen, Misha and you get in the car.

20 minutes later...
"Thanks for picking us up." You say gratefully. "No problem." Jared says smiling. You and Jensen take your suitcases out and Jared and Gen drive away.

"Keys?" You asks and Jensen gives you the keys before you walk to the door and unlock it. When you open it, you see a lot of rose petals. "How did you do that?" You say with a huge smile. "Not me, but Gen." He tell you. You enter the house and he closes the door behind you.

"Y/n/n, do you want to move in? Again?" He asks hesitantly with a shy smile. "I know you have an apartment just 20 minutes from here but I-"
"Of course I want to move in. Again." You interrupt him laughing, smiling lovingly. "Really?" He asks kind of surprised and you nod. He kisses you lovingly, both of you smiling into the kiss.

"I love you." He says between the kisses.
"I love you too." He kisses you again with more passion, but you stop him, smiling lovingly at him.
"We should get ready for the wedding." You say softly patting his chest.
"But I wanna do some other things." He says with a pout and starts kissing your neck. "Jensen stop." You say giggling. He pouts at you and squeezes your ass gently before pulling away.

You take your suitcases upstairs to the bedroom, while you walks upstairs, Jensen slaps your ass playfully. You giggle and shake your head before opening your suitcases to look for your dress. Then you walk inside the bathroom and realise, nothing has changed. It makes you smile.

It's a bit weird to move in for the second time, but you can live with that. Jensen's home has always been more home than the apartment you have 20 minutes away. You get out of your clothes putting them into the laundry basket, since you sweated duding travelling. Jensen walks inside the bathroom grinning widely, when he sees you naked. You turn around and blush slightly at the way he's observing you. He bites his lip, when you see him checking you out. You turn the water on and get in the shower.

"I'm gonna take a shower, you wanna join?" You ask him softly a moment later. "Yes." He says almost immediately and takes his clothes off to join you.
You wash your hair and he does the same with his hair. You wash the rest of your body, until he stops you. "I want to do this." He says with a smile and washes your whole body. You close your eyes, enjoying how he touches your body.

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