Chapter 20

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Jensen PoV
We're walking to the lake, I look at her side profile and have to smile. "How it comes that you asked me to go for a walk?" she smiles and catches me gazing.

"I don't know, I thought it might be better than laying in bed all day and I'm for the first time here." I say smiling. "You're right." she says and stops me. "Why are we-" she cups my cheek and looks me into the eyes with her y/e/c and then to my lips. "I love you, Jensen." but before I can answer her lips are pressed to mine and my fingers tangle through her hair.

She kisses me so softly, but passionately and we have to pull away. The need for air is too high. She smiles at me, I smile back. "I love you too." I say peck her lips one last time. She takes my hand and we keep walking to the lake. When we arrive, not many people are walking around there, better for me.

My other hand plays with the velvet box.
Maybe I shouldn't do that? Is it to early?
But I've never stopped loving her.
She's the one I want a family with, the woman I want to marry, the woman I want to be the mother of my future children.

"Jensen-" she interrupts my thoughts "-you're listening to me?" I look at her. "Yeah, I was just lost in thoughts for a second." I smile at her.
"What were you thinking about?" "About how happy I am to be here with you." I bring her hand to my lips and give it a soft kiss.

She smiles at me and this smile could brighten up a room, this smile brightens up my life.
We keep walking until we approach a little bridge, where no one is. She's talking about something and doesn't notice, when I stop and get on one knee.

"Jensen?" She looks to her side and doesn't see me, she turns around seeing me on one knee and getting the velvet box out of my pocket. She looks at me in shock, but I guess the good one. She put one hand in front of her mouth and come nearer to me.

"Jensen, what are you doing?" She asks me and I take her hand. I open the velvet box with my other hand to reveal the ring.

"Y/N, we know each other since 2006, so 7 years and 1 of them as friends, 3 of them we were a couple and 3 of them we were apart

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"Y/N, we know each other since 2006, so 7 years and 1 of them as friends, 3 of them we were a couple and 3 of them we were apart. The last three years were hard, but now, since I got you back you make me the happiest man alive. I don't want to waste any more time. My love for you hasn't changed, I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children.
So, y/n will you marry me?" I let out a shaky and nervous breath.

It seems like hours until she says something. "Jensen, I really love you-" she's gonna say no, it was too early. "-but I think we're rushing things and it's not a good idea." She says and my heart tightens, until I see a smirk on her face. "You should have seen your expression-" she laughs for a second "Yes, of course I want to marry you." She smiles.

"You're mean. So is this a yes?" I ask her and she smirks. "Yes, 100 times yes." She exclaims. I stand up and take the ring out of the box and slide it on her finger. Then I take her face into my hands and kiss her passionately. She puts her arms around my neck and tends her head to the side to deepen the kiss.

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