Chapter 3

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I look for her till I see her waiting for a cab I think. "Should I take you home?" I ask her. "I don't wanna make you any circumstances." She says nicely. "Probably it's better if we just keep this here professionally." She adds quickly. A cab arrives just a few seconds later. "I guess I see you on set?" I ask.
"Yeah, I guess so, bye Jensen." "Bye, y/n." These words hurt a bit. I  need to get home, since I will fly to Vancouver tomorrow at 10 am.

—Your POV—
You are sitting in the cab that's taking you, to your parents house. Did he really run after me? After all those things I did? You ask yourself. The cab stops a moment later, you pay the driver before getting out of the car. You unlock the door and walk into the living room, your family sitting there watching a movie. "Hey guys." You greet them. "Hey y/n/n, what took you so long?" Your mum asks.

"Gen got her baby and I helped'em with Thomas." "Oh congratulations," your mom says with a smile. "I guess, we'll see you in a few months?" Your cousin asks "It seems so, I'm sorry." You say apologetically. "I'm gonna go to sleep. I hope you know, how much I love you guys." You add. "Y/n/n, we do." Your sister says. You hug all of them good night. "We love you too." Your mum says, making you smile a bit. You head upstairs to your room, sitting down on your bed all the emotions and feeling starting to get to you. You are realising how much you love this man and what kind of mistakes you've done. Gosh. The more you thought about it, the more you hated yourself for being such a dumbass and just idiot, stupid. Then someone knocks on the door, it's your sister, interrupting your thoughts.

"I knew something was wrong and I was right." She says pulling you into a hug. "What's wrong?" She asks softly. "I met Jensen today for the first time after all these years. I feel so bad and guilty I hate myself." You sob out. "Honey, I always knew how much you love this guy and I thought you were actually going to marry him. We all thought that, but then everything came different." She gives you a small smile. "I know, its all my fault I know that. The most difficult thing is I'm gonna work with him." You sniffle. "Wait, that means you got a part on Supernatural?" You nod. "I'm going to play the love interest of Dean,the character he plays."

"Oh and you're really sure you want to do this?" "I have to, it's my job, y/s/n." She nods and knows you're right, hugging you tighter. "I love you, but I want to sleep now. I have to get up early tomorrow." You say a bit sleepy. She kisses your forehead and let's go of you before leaving the room. You change into shirt and lie down in your bed, sleep washing over you.

Next morning:
You wake up at 6 am, not really wanting to get up, but knowing you have to, you threw the covers off your body. You slowly and unwillingly get up and enter the bathroom. You have a shower, brush your teeth, put on some make up, put on clothes and dry your hair. You grabbed the few things you've taken out of your suitcase and packed them back into your suitcase. When you finish packing you take your suitcases downstairs to the kitchen ,where your mum is already drinking some coffee. "Morning mum." You kiss her cheek. "Morning love. You want some coffee?" "Yes, please." She gives you a cup of coffee. "When do we have to leave?" "In less than an hour." You say a bit annoyed.

"Y/n Y/l/n, I am so proud of you, with your 33 years you've achieved a lot." "Thanks mum, but I see you guys hardly , that's what makes me angry and also kinda sad." "It's okay we know you love and appreciate us." She hugs you close. "Honey? what was wrong yesterday when you came home?" Your mum and sister always know when something is off with, if you lie it would be dumb, because they will know. They always know when something is wrong.

"I met Jensen yesterday after five years years." You say with a sigh. "How was it?" "It was totally weird, when we were waiting for Jared to tell us, that the baby was born, there was this awkward silence." "Ah I see, well I have to tell you he was and I think he is the perfect son-in-law." "Mum please, we already had this conversation three years ago." You say rolling your eyes. "I know, I'm sorry." She says softly "I regret what happened , but I had my chance."

Your mum hugs you, because she doesn't know what to say about the whole thing with Jensen anymore. She always wanted you and Jensen to have your own family and live happily ever after. She loved him like a second son, she was really disappointed of you. "I guess, we have to leave." She says and you look at the clock in the kitchen. You grab your things, getting them inside the car. Your mum drives you to the airport, when you arrive you say goodbye. "Thanks mum for taking me." "No problem, love you and take care." "You too." You say softly kissing her cheek gently.

You enter the airport, walking to your check in. Handing your luggage over to the lady at the counter. After that you made your way to your gate and wait for your flight. 30 minutes have left so you decide, watching the last episode of season seven of Supernatural. Suddenly someone taps your shoulder, you look up and see Jensen. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?" He asks curiously. "Waiting for my flight, I guess." you say playfully and a smile appears on his face. That smile you love and missed so much.

"No, I mean what are you going to do in Vancouver?" He points at the gate. "I have a meeting with the producer of Supernatural. Jared Already told you, didn't he?" "Yes, he did. I just wanted to make sure." You nod. "It's really weird, isn't it?" He says. "Oh yes, it is. I thought, it was only me thinking that way." "Maybe we should meet after your meeting, getting a coffee, only if you want to." He suggests a slightly nervous.

"Sure, if you give me your number I'll call you later." He gives you his number, that means he really changed it in these years, but you did the same. "Flight 485868." "We gotta go." He says. "See you later." He adds. You wave. You go through the gate and enter plane you sit down on your seat and continue watching. 4 hours later you arrive in Vancouver, you leave the plane and get your suitcases. When you exit the airport you go to the car, where Ed is waiting for you. When he sees you, a smile appears on his face. "Y/n/n, so nice to see you, I missed you." You hug him. "I missed you too, Ed." "Let's get in the car." You two get into the car.

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