Chapter 22

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You wake up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. You get up and pull a shirt of Jensen on and walk into the little livng room, where you can see Jensen taking the breakfast of the room service.

''Would you have woken me up?'' you tease and he smiles at you. ''Of Course I would have done that, but I thought you would love having breakfast in bed.'' he pecks your lips and walks back into the bedroom.

He places the silver tablet on the bed and pats the place next to him. You walk to the bed and sit down. He grabs your face and kisses you softly, after that he hands you a plate with some eggs and Bacon on it. You eat and talk a bit, he wants to make a boat trip.

''Wow, you're such a romantic.'' you say laughung. ''Everything for you.'' he says and pecks your lips. ''But now you should take a shower, we will leave in an hour.'' he takes the plates and places them on a shelf in the corridor.

You go into the bathroom and take a shower. After you finish and dry yourself and pull your clothes on. You hairdry your hair and apply some make up. You walk out of the bathroom and put your dirty clothes into your luggage.

A few minutes later Jensen is also showered and puts his clothes on, you walk out of the hotel room to a cab waiting for you. You drive to a boat haven where little boats are drifting on the water.

You get out of the car and get on the boat. On the boat aren't just me and Jay, but also other people. Jensen and you take a place in the back of the boat. Jensen sits down next to to the window and puts his arms around you, kissing your forehead.

You drive along the boat street of the Amsterdam, enjoying the air, the view and the company of each other. After some time a Group of girls come towards you, you two just think they want to take a seat, ''Hey sorry guys-'' Jensen pulls his arm way and looks at them '-can we take a picture with you? Sorry for asking in this kind of really private moment.'' Jensen is about to say something, but I cut him off.

''It's okay.'' you take a picture and one of the girls keeps Looking at your hand. You don't want to know the fans already it's to early, so you quickly hand the phone back and they say they thank yous and walk away.

You sit back down and Jensen puts his arm back around and takes with his other hand your face to kiss you, you both smile into the kiss. The boat stops and Jensen pulls away.

''And now I wanna take you to a Restaurant.'' you smile at him and peck his lips. You get out of the boat, he takes your hand and leads you to a restaurant just 10 minutes by foot away. You step into the restaurant, it is small but really lovely. You take seat at the table and order some food and drinks.

You order some Pasta, because Jensen swears it is the best. We eat and drink and have some fun.

''When do we want to start palnning the wedding?'' you laugh slightly, ''Why are you asking me that? We have enough time don't we?'' you say before sipping your wine. He takes your hand and kisses the top of it.

''But I want to marry you so bad.'' he laughs and gives me one of his lovely smiles. You cannot help, but smile at his cute behaviour. ''We can start, when we are back in Austin, okay? Because I think my mom and sister want to take part in this and I guess you're mom ans sister as well.'' ''You're right.'' he says and you both continue eating.

You finish eating, Jensen pays and you walk out of the restaurant. Jensen comes out with a bag.

''What is this?'' you ask him and want to look into the bag, but he pulls away. ''It's a surprise.''

''You really like to make a surprise of anything, don't you?'' he nods and grins at you.

You drive back to your hotel and get into your room. You take off your shoes and jackets, then plop down ont the sofa. You're about to take the bag, when he slaps my hand. ''Be patient.'' he says and opens the bag to reveal the dutch apple pie. It smells amazing.

"That smell so good and you know I love that pie from the shop in Austin, but an originally pie from here is so much better than the one from down there." You say and peck his lips.
You both enjoy the pie and relax the rest of the day.

A/N: sorry this one is kinda short, because it's just a fill chapter.
By the way I hope you all are doing alright and taking good care of yourselves.
Much love jass💌

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