Chapter 31

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4 months later...
You're laying in bed and Jensen is resting his hand and head on your baby bump. He came home from filming today, they killed you off character because you want to be there for your little girl.

You want to name her Justice Jay, the name is cute and you can't wait to welcome her.

"Hey little girl, daddy's here. Daddy missed you a lot." you smile down at him and being so happy, your life couldn't be better. He kisses your belly and drives his hand up and down your stomach. Driving your hand through his hair and can't help but smile.

"You know your mommy and me, we love you very much." you giggle how he's speaking in a childish voice. "She kicks a lot today." he says.
"She's happy that daddy is home." He smiles at you and comes up to kiss you. "I'm happy too." he says and kisses you again.

"I missed you so much." he says while pulling away and rests his forehead against yours. "I missed you too." you say and rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses your head and pulls his arm around you waist. He begins rubbing your belly, placing your hand over his.

"What do you think how many weeks left? One or two?" he asks me. "I think one week." you smile up at him. He yawns, "You should get some sleep, you're tired." you say while still looking at him and place a hand on his chest.
He nods, "Good night, I love you." and cuddles you as close as possible and falls asleep really fast.

You hear him snoring softly as you rub your belly and feel her kicking. You smile and start falling asleep and nuzzle his chest.

Next morning...
You wake up to see Jensen still asleep, you try to climb out of his hold and get up. You stop at the mirror and regard you belly from the side as you begin to rub it slightly. you smile, "Mommy and daddy can't wait to see and meet you." you whisper while rubbing.

You feel pain in the back and stretch yourself a little as you leave the bedroom quietly. You walk into the nursery and place the rest of the stuffed animals into the crib that left from yesterday you bought with Jensen.

As you nearly finish Jensen walks in, "Hey, I wanted to do that, because I don't want you to overstrain yourself." he says as takes the last one out of your hands and places it in the crib.
"But I wanted you to sleep in." you say and he smiles as he pecks your lips. "Thank you, but you shouldn't have done that, love."

You smile at him, "I've done so many, when you were gone filming. So don't worry, okay?" you peck his lips. "Just promise me you'll be careful." you nod. "I'm going to make breakfast and you should take a shower."
"Do I stink?" "No, but you could relax a bit." I smile and leave the room.

-time skip breakfast-

You sit down at the table, begin eating breakfast and chat a bit. "So you're going with us to the party tonight?" you look at your plate and back at him. "I don't know, maybe I just should stay at home." you smile at him.

He frowns a bit, "I won an award and I want you to be there as my wife." "Yeah it's about you and not me, I don't want to be asked about the baby all the time." He reaches for your hand, "But I would be glad if you would be there with me for support." he kisses the back of your hand.

You nod, "Okay, but I will look like a whale." you say and laugh. "No, you won't. You always look gorgeous, you're a beautiful mom." he says and you feel your heart flutter by his words.

-time skip before the party-
"I told you I look like a whale." you say while looking into the mirror. "No, you're looking gorgeous." He says as he steps behind you and kisses your cheek. "We should go or we'll be late." you nod.

He takes your hand and leads you outside to the cab. You get into the car and drive to the party. You get in there and are greeted by the cast and crew. You hug Gen tightly although, you've seen her two days ago. "You're looking good momma." she says and you giggle slightly.

"You too." I compliment her back. "You guys should really sit with us." Jared says as he comes from the side and hugs you. "We will." you say as you look over to Jensen who's talking to one of the co-stats.

You walk with Gen and Jared to a table as you notice you need to go to the toilet. "Guys, I'll be right back." you say and head to the restroom. While you enter the restroom you feel that your legs are wet as you look down further you see a puddle. Your water broke. "No no no, not today." you say.

You grab some paper towels and clean up the puddle you ponded. You walk back into the hall, sit down and pretend like nothing has happened. It's his day.

Gen looks at me, "You're okay?" "Yeah." you force a smile. Hopefully she doesn't notice. You feel the first contraction and bite your lip, clenching your fists. Jensen gets on the stage and begins talking. "Hey and hello to everyone, who's here tonight to celebrate with me. Without you, I wouldn't have get this one here-" he shows the award "-so thank you for being here and giving me this."

You feel the next pain and scream softly. You cover it immediately with a cough. Gen just looks at you and studies your expression and behaviour. Jensen gets off the stage and starts talking to the directors and Jared.

A few minutes later you feel the the third contraction and scream a bit louder, but just Gen could hear. "Y/n did your water broke?" Gen asks. Avoiding her eyes for a second "No, what makes you think that?"

"What makes me think that? You bit your lip hard 20 minutes ago, then you left out a soft scream 10 minutes ago and now you let out a scream I just could hear. You're having contractions honey, I already have two kids so I know how it is."

"It's his day Gen and I don't want to interrupt that." "You're kidding me right? You're getting a baby, you belong into hospital." she whisper-shouts at you. She stands up and walks to Jensen, what you guess to tell him as you try calm down your breathing.

Jensen's eyes widen and he immediately rushes towards you. "You're water broke?" you nod and he runs away quickly to get a mic. "Guys as it seems I need to leave, the water of my wife broke. Excuse us, we're getting a baby." he says and comes back to me fast. "Hey Jared, could you get home and get the hospital bag?" he nods and Jensen gives him the keys for the house.

He lifts you off the chair and carries you bridal style to the car and gets you in, while Gen gets in on the other side. I scream loudly as I feel the next contraction.

"Drive!" Gen yells at Jensen who is kinda nervous and doesn't move. He gets into the car and drives to the hospital. 8 minutes later you arrive at the hospital, Jensen gets out of the car and lifts you out of the car while Gen gets into the driver seat to park the car.

Jensen carries you into the lobby and yells that: "her water broke." A nurse rushes to you and leads you into labour. Jensen places you on a divan bed.

A few minutes later a doctor enters the room.

30 minutes later...
"Okay, y/n you need to push." you scream.
"I'm trying." you say angrily, forehead covered with sweat. "This is all your fault." you scream at Jensen as you push and squeeze his hand tightly "I hate you." you scream. "One last time." you scream and push. "No no no, I love you." you say crying, but you're interrupted by a crying.

You begin crying because of happiness. "She's beautiful." Jensen whispers. They clean her up after Jensen cut the umbilical cord and place her in your arms.

You cry even more as you see her beautiful face. "You're right, she's beautiful." you say and Jensen rests his forehead against yours.

One or two chapters left, but I will start a new Jensen story. First of all I will focus on my Dean Winchester fanfic and after it I will start the new Jensen one.

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