Chapter 11

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Suddenly he crashes his lips to yours and kisses you harshly as one of his hands is on your clit. You sigh heavily into the kiss as he starts circling it. He gets to his knees and starts eating you out. You don't know why he's eating you out so often, more than you suck him off. To he honest, Jensen just loves eating you out, tasting you on his lips and seeing the pleasure all over your face. Before you can hit your high he stops. You look at him as he gets back to his feet and notice his cock is extremely hard.

You reach for his cock and starts stroking him him, giving him a few firm pumps, making him groan. You just know how to take cafe of his cock and before he could get carried away he stops you. He turns you around, pushing you against the wall ans slapping your ass as the tip of his cock teases your dripping entrance. You sigh heavily and close your eyes when he finally enters you. He immediately starts fucking you hard and fast, fucking you so hard the skin clapping is louder than the moans and groans that come out of your mouths. Sooner than you or him have expected, he has you cumming all over his cock. You moan his name breathlessly.

He got close as well groaning your name quietly before he pulls his cock out of you to cum on the shower floor. You breathe heavily, when he rests his head against your back, giving it a gentle kiss. You both calm down and wash up until you turn the shower off. He gets out and grabs a towel for each one of you, giving you one.

"Thanks." You say softly and dry yourselves off. You notice Jensen smirking at you and you roll your eye playfully. "You happy now?" You ask him playfully and he nods happily making you giggle and shaking your head. Jensen leaves the bathroom and lets you get ready for the wedding. You put your underwear and dress on. You do your hair and makeup before walking into the bedroom to look through your suitcase.

"Jensen!" You yell. You hear footsteps and Jensen enters the bedroom. "Yes?" He asks softly.
"Have you seen my grey heels?" You ask desperately.
"I think they're in one of my suitcases." He says with a smile and opens his suitcases. "Here they are." He says and gives you the pair of shoes.
"Thank you, you're a sweetheart." You say smiling, he gives you a quick kiss and leaves again.

You throw the shoes on the bed and look for your grey clutch, you find it quickly this time.
"Are you ready?" Jensen yells from downstairs.
"Yes." You yell back. You take your clutch and shoes, you go downstairs and sit down on the stairs to put your shoes on.

"We can leave." You tell him softly as you get to your feet. You two leave the house and walk to the car. You sit in the car and Jensen starts the car. "I'm vey happy to go there with you today." he says softly and puts on hand on your thigh. "Me too." You say with a loving smile and take his hand into yours, squeezing it gently.

40 minutes later...
You arrive at the location, Jensen parks the car and you two get out of the car. "How does this work here?" He asks confused. You let out a small laugh. "Look, when we enter the hall we just have to look for our names. Our names are on the seats." "Oh." He says rubbing his neck.

You enter the hall and find your names quickly. "Here." Jensen says and you go to him and sit down. A lot of celebrities are already sitting on their seats and waiting that the ceremony starts. You look around and spot your ex-boyfriend Matt.

"My ex-boyfriend is here." You say annoyed, rolling your eyes. "Wow." He says laughing. "I hope he won't talk to you." He says with a small sigh, since you two have enough drama going on. "Or what?" You tease him with a smile. "Will someone be jealous?" You ask playfully with a laugh. "Shut up." He says with a laugh and pecks your lips quickly. All the people are finally sitting on their seats and the ceremony starts.

You hear this special music and it reminds you of Gen and Jared's wedding, the thought makes you smile. The best friend of Ed weds them.

"Today we're all here to celebrate the love of Ed Swensen and Jo Carlsen." His best friend says with a happy smile. Ed and Jo are already in front of the altar, you don't really notice that because you're thinking about the wedding of Gen and Jared.

Ed starts reading his vow, you dont pay much attention, because all you can think about is how it would be to be married yourself.

—Jensen PoV—
When I look at her, I see how lost she is in her own thoughts, but I can also see how happy she's fro them. The last time I saw her this way was at Gen and Jared's wedding. I know she wants to get married one day. If I could, I marry her right now. On the one hand it would be too fast, but on the other hand I don't want to wait anymore I want her to call my wife, mine, forever.

"You can kiss the groom now." Those words bring me back to reality, everyone is cheering.
The married couple walks down the aisle, as they walk past us, y/n stands up and cheers happily. They laugh at her and walk through the door of the hall where we will be celebrating.

Everyone stands up and walks to their table,
y/n and I do the same. We walk hand in hand to our table until I see a waiter with some drinks. She is sitting at the table and I walk to her with the drink. "Already a drink?" She asks laughing.

"Well, I guess." I say laughing. "Hey everyone, my husband and I just wanna say thank you for coming and making this day even more special." Ed says honestly with a happy smile.

"Before everyone starts talking again, I want to make a toast. Ed, Jo? I am so happy for you two that you're finally married. You did it!" Ed's friend exclaims. "I know you've been through a lot of shit, but you did it and I am proud of you two. You two forever!" Ed's best friend says.

They hug each other. Everyone is cheering. This could be Jared at our wedding I hope this day will come as fast as possible. "Enjoy the food and of course the drinks." He says laughing and raises his glass and everyone does the same.

"Cheers." Everyone exclaims. "I'm so happy for them." She says to me. "Me too." I know she also wants to get married, I see it in her eyes. When I propose, it has to be special. "Babe, I'll go and get some food. Do you come with me?" I nod and drink my drink to the end. I take her hand and we go to the buffet. She lets my hand go and takes a plate, while Ed comes over to me.

"Hey Jensen, I just want to say I'm happy for you two." He points at y/n/n behind me and then at me. "Thank you so much, I'm happy for you too." I pat his shoulder with a smile.

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