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"Mmh." Taehyung softly hums upon feeling my fingertips scratching his head to wake him up. It has been his favorite wake up call ever since I've done this.

"Wake up, baby. I gotta work." I softly whisper but hugged him closer to me. I wonder how warm and fluffy his hair feels when he was still alive.

"I can't go if you keep holding me this way." He brushes the tip of his nose on my neck and I giggle before slowly letting him go. "I love waking up next to you." He mumbled and pressed a kiss on my lips.

"I love waking up next to you too." I gave his forehead a chaste kiss and began getting up. I get ready as he watches me from the bed. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I.. I don't know. I feel funny." He admitted making me frown. I step towards him and cupped his face to see if there are some changes. The pupils in his blank eyes were dilating but it's pretty much normal. Do ghosts get sick? "Don't worry, kitten. I probably just don't want you to go."

"You'll be fine, Tae. How about some pizza for dinner?" He groaned at the mention of pizza making me smile.

"God, yes please." I laughed off his silliness and finished getting ready. "Take care, babe."

"You too, Tae." I blew him one last kiss from the doorway and slip out.


We were supposed to be in a meeting with Seokjin until 7 this evening but he had to cancel it due to some emergency with a patient. Hoseok and I was just about to leave the gallery when for a second, I began feeling nervous for nothing at all. It wasn't the butterfly-thingy feeling on your stomach. I felt more like an-elephant-stumped-on-my-heart feeling.

Maybe I'm just gonna be on my period.

"Y/N, you wanna come eat with me?" Hoseok asks.

"I'll pass, Hobi. Have to be home early." I dismissed as I scoop up the brushes and paints to arrange them where they should be.

"Oohhh.. I get it. Have you been using my gift?" He raised his brows up and down while I chuckle.

"Oh yes. The sketchpad is great." I tried playing it cool.

"That was lame, Y/N. I'm asking about the condom."

"Stop it, Jung Hoseok. We don't do that." I shook my head.

"Yet." He added for me.

I couldn't help but think of it on my way home. I'd like to give Taehyung my first time. God, I really do. But the thing is, is he capable of doing that? What would happen right after? Can he get me pregnant? Questions swirl around my head all the way home until I opened the flat.

"Taehyung? I'm home!" I announced placing the pizza on the counter. I waited for him to come down but he doesn't. My anxiousness earlier began making sense when I found him nowhere around the house. "Taehyung!? Taehyung, this is not funny!"

I harshly look for him everywhere. I even called Hoseok but he said he hasn't seen him. I call his name out loudly and repeatedly but got no response. Frightened is an understatement for what I feel right now. Different worries and doubts began circling me as I tried not to cry but failed miserably.

Taehyung won't leave without telling me. He promised he'll stay. He can't be gone just like that. So I waited. I waited for him to come back as I sat on our shared bed until seconds turns into minutes and minutes to hours.

But still none.



The ghost boy felt so lost again. Aside from Y/N not being beside him, he was seeing nothing but pitch black.

Did he got blind? Is this another nightmare?

He asks himself as he tries not to look afraid. When everything turns white, he was expecting to see the shadow he dreads. The shadow of death, the one that has been torturing him and Y/N in their dreams. But no, instead, he was met by his beautiful mother.


"Taehyung, baby, look at you." The woman she knows as his mother was dressed in white. Like an angel that she is. She opened her arms and welcomed Taehyung's now sobbing figure. "How are you?"

"Eomma." Taehyung cried softly at his mother's chest as she tries to calm him down. God knows how long were they hugging but when Taehyung calmed down, he spoke up. "I miss you."

The woman grazed Taehyung's cheeks as she smiles. "You don't have to miss me anymore. You can be with me, Taehyung. With me and Appa."

She's right. This is the moment he has been waiting for. The moment where he could finally leave the cruel world and be with his family. There'll be no pain, no nightmares, no shadows anymore. The woman held out her hand and he began reaching for her.

The woman whispers, "Come with me, baby."



He can't leave Y/N.

"Eomma, Y/N. I.. I can't leave her." Almost as quick as thunder, his mom's peaceful face changed into angered one. As if he regained his senses, he began remembering Y/N and felt so guilty upon forgetting about her.

"You'll chose her over me? Over us!?" His mother screamed making him step back. His mother never, ever screams at him.

"I-It's not like--" Taehyung tried reasoning.

"No! You are choosing that girl over your family!?" Taehyung's eyes widen in fear and shock as realization dawned on him.

"You. You are not my mom." Taehyung stated boldly and his mom disappeared to be changed by the puff of smoke. The boy was heartbroken upon the feeling of losing his mother again, but willing not to show it. This one hell of a shadow caused him tears and hurt the one he loves.

"Where are you, Taehyung?" Y/N's broken voice rang his ears. He was quick to turn his head to look for her and was about to run when he heard another voice.

"Come with me, Taehyung. You'll never have to be scared again. You'll be fine." The shadow spoke in a creepily eerie voice.

"No." He spoke sternly. When the shadow moved towards him, he began to sprint away. He had no direction but he's desperate to run away from it and go back to his precious Y/N. His eyes blurred but he kept running. He ran until he can't run no more. He passed out falling on the ground.

All he wanted is to go and see Y/N. He wants to go home to her.

A/N: What do you think? Should I give this story a happy ending or nah?

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