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The days at uni passed before I even knew it. I guess that thing happens a lot when you're happy. I've had the best night of my life so far. I actually doesn't want it to end but here am I, living that perfect night for weeks now.

I was humming softly at the cab on my way home as I finish my homework so I get to spend time with Taehyung. School is never hard for me. Not to brag but they always say I have the potential. That is what my parents used to say everytime. That I have a potential of being a professional doctor, engineer, architect or something between those lines. But that isn't what I want. So I stood by my choice and took up arts. At first I was questioning if my dream is worth losing connection to my family but now, I take things slow. Who knows, maybe one day my parents would accept what I really want and support me, right?

"I'm home!" I said as I entered the door of my flat. Taehyung is nowhere to be seen, making me frown. He's usually here to welcome me home. "Taehyung?" He came out of the kitchen with a white envelope in his hand.

"What is that?" I ask him then I noticed how off his face was. His lips were curling downwards and his eyes were puffy. His sad eyes seemed to bore through me soul as he took shaky steps towards me, heightening my nervousness.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me what this is?" He said with a harsh tone as he handed the envelope to me. I took it and quickly look at it.

It's a ticket to Daegu along with a business card. Shit.

"A-Are you leaving me, Y/N?"


"What? Taehyung, no." She quickly said, stepping closer to him but he jerks back. She swallows down the pain of rejection as he stood his ground.

"If you want to get rid of me then you should've just told me. You don't need to move away." He said. The girl heaved a sigh.

"It's not that, Tae. Come on. Let's talk about this, baby. Hear me out first." It was his turn to sigh and he nodded. They situated themselves at the couch, the ghost keeping a distance with his arms crossed.

The moment the mailman slipped the mail in her door, he quickly got up and get it. He opened it, knowing it would be fine with Y/N but when he did, his thinking halted. It's a one-way ticket to Daegu. His paranoia attacked him making him think of the worst things and the fact that Y/N never mentioned anything to him made him more anxious. He felt fragile and vulnerable once again.

"Is she leaving me?"

"Why don't I know any of these?"

But then he felt bad for jumping into conclusions. And the more he thinks of it, the worse he feels. Especially when guilt flooded her eyes, he had read through her. She felt bad that she didn't get to tell Taehyung about this before he finds out himself. He's too occupied of the thoughts of Y/N leaving him that he has totally neglected his past at Daegu.

"I-It's a ticket to Daegu." She said, breaking off the silence.

"I know. I can see that." He sassed with a roll of his eyes. The girl let out an exasperated sigh and turned to him.

"Taehyung, please." When he didn't respond, she proceeded. "I.. I got this call from Hoseok the other day, right after the exhibit. He said a doctor from Seoul saw my work and wants me to paint for him. But he's currently in Daegu now and that's where he wants us to meet up. Hoseok said he's going to take care of the expenses and--" she was cut off by Taehyung and she anxiously look up at him.

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" He said. His tone even more softer than earlier, slightly putting her to ease but then it all went back when she saw him tearing up. His eyes were now slowly blinking, nose getting a little more redder, and his lips tugged even more lower.

"I was just searching for the perfect timing. I swear, I plan on telling you! I don't want to leave you here alone and I'm not sure if you want to go with me there. I've dragged you into a lot of mess already and I don't want to ever do that again to you. I don't want to put you through something that would hurt you so I'm thinking cautiously about this." She looked down and fiddles with her fingers. The boy stared at her with a frown before he envelops her in a side hug.

"Y/N, there's no way in hell that I'm not going with you. You said you'd stay with me forever right?" He asked and she nodded. "Then I'm coming with you to Daegu."

She gasped softly at his response and said, "Tae, no. You don't have to do that. I can just call the project off."

"And you don't have to do that either, Y/N." He pulls her closer as she sat perched in his lap, facing him. He stared at the beauty in front of him. The way his mouth dries up under her gaze, his feeling seems to warm up, he knows he loves her already. And boy, it feels so good he wants to write it down.

He's one to get attached to people quickly. That's why he felt concious around others most of the time when he's still alive. But with her, he can't. He can't watch his back, can't control himself, can't leave her alone. When he was young, he wonders how being in love feels like upon seeing how his parents were. But the thing about love is no matter how clueless you are about it, you'll know immediately that you're caught in it once you met the right person. He doesn't tell her this. No. Their relationship is as weird and wrong as it is. He doesn't want to make Y/N suffer and worry about them.

"Wherever you are is the place I call home, kitten. You're my home. You can drag me to hell for all I care. I just want to be with you." He admitted honestly. She felt so cared for at this moment. Finally, someone cares for her. "I want you to prioritize your dreams. It's fine for me to come in second." He smiled.

She adoringly looked at him as she ran her fingers through his hair. She sighed and said, "Kim Taehyung, you're the best person I've ever met. Thank you so much for understanding, baby. I appreciate that." He giggled and cuddled her to his chest.

"So.. Will you come with me to Daegu, Tae?" She asked. He immediately nodded, feeling beyond ecstatic for her up to the point where he forgot how miserable his last memories there was. She beamed at him and caressed his face. "I'll be there for you. Dont worry."

Oh god, the boy swears in his head,  he just wanted to kiss her right then and there.

"Wait, I haven't gotten my kiss since I came home. Can I have it now?" She asked then winked causing him to let out the sexiest chuckle she's ever heard.

"It depends, Ms. Y/L/N. After keeping this thing from me, I don't think you deserve it." He joked. She pouted trying to look like a lost puppy but his arms stayed crossed and his cocky smirk never fading.

"I'm sorry, okay? Please?" She kissed his nose. "Pretty please?" She kissed both of his cheeks making him close his eyes, obviously enjoying the attention. "Please?" She placed her forehead on top of his, making him smile.

"Come here, you." Taehyung said pulling her close until their lips met. She was giggling and smiling all throughout the sloppy kiss but he doesn't mind because he loves hearing her happy.

He loves making her happy.

He loves her.

A/N: this is unedited bc I just rlly rlly want to update for you all. Howare you keepin' up with the boys on break? Lmao I've been on BTS World more than I should have.

And oh, see that little star over there? Can u give me a favor and tap it for me? I'll love you forever *winks* Also, what do you think will happen in Daegu? And who's this Doctor Y/N speaks of? 😏😏

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