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Will he still be there?

Ever since I've encountered the ghost, I can't take him out of my mind. The questions flooded my mind over the night and I am more than certain to get answers to them.

Who is he? How is he related to Kim Taehyung? Most especially, how can be a dead person be my soulmate?

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's not just an illusion. The name really glows. I better ge--

"For the nth time, Y/N! Hello?" I saw Emerie waving her hands infront of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"You're so off your mind today. What were you thinking about?" Jimin commented, biting on his sandwich making his cheeks puff out.

"I'm sorry. Just things." I said as I look at the passing students infront of us. "What were you guys talking about again?"

"I was wondering if you would come by later at my place? Pizza's on!" She cheered making me smile. I thought about it for a moment. Usually, pizza's the only word you need to get me trapped into anything. But now, I have some important things to do.

"I would really love too, Em. But I gotta do something." I declined politely making Jimin choke on his bite.

"What!? Did you just rejected pizza!? This friendship is over!" Emerie said with a huff.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? I just need to work on something."

"Does it have something to do with what happened that night at the cemetery?" Jimin asked making me frown. Was I that obvious?

"What? What makes you say that?" I asked trying to play it cool by taking a sip of my soda.

"Y/N, you've been silent since that night and you just said no to pizza. Something's up. What are you not telling us?" Emerie pressed. I groaned and buried my face in my palms.

"I don't know. I really have no clue about what happened that night. I.. I want to go back to the cemetery later that's why I can't come." I explained.

"Are you sure about that?" Jimin asked. I smiled in assurance.

"I am. Don't worry, I'll keep myself safe."


"Here we go again." I muttered to myself as I make my way to the cemetery for the third time this week. My first two attempts was useless since I haven't caught a glimpse of him again. But I don't want to give up. I want answers. I need answers.

A shiver ran up my spine as a cool wind blew. Just to my luck, drizzle started falling down from the clouds soaking me in my uniform. I debated with myself if I should go back home or not.

But what if this time, he'll be here?

But it'll rain so hard. Will it be worth it?

You want answers don't you?

Sure, but flu isn't on the list.

"Screw it." I muttered as I ran towards the part of the cemetery that became too familiar to me now. A little drop of rain won't hurt. Besides, it's my soulmate and peace of mind that's at stake.

"Hello?" I whispered again, now fully drenched in the rain. "Are you in here?" I moved closer to the mausoleum and looked inside. Still nothing.

"Hello? Can you.. Can you show up to me again? I promise I won't panic. I just need answers." I said, looking back at the still lighting name on the gravestone.

"What do you think you're doing? It's raining!" A sudden voice made me jerk a bit.

I saw him appeared again. Slowly, the ashen boy made it's appearance. Finally.

"H-Hi." I said, severely amused by his presence. I'm not even a tad bit scared. I feel like I'm just facing a normal person. Like, a breathing, living, and existing person.

"Geez." He muttered eyeing me up and down with his eyes. "Come inside. Don't worry. I won't hurt you." He assured. Suddenly, the doors of the mausoleum opened up. Without any second thought, I stepped in and wrapped my arms around my body to keep me warm. The place was surprisingly clean. But the grasses already began crawling inside. The marble floors were not polished but it's free from dust and dirt. Four cemented coffins were stacked at the middle of the room.

"What were you thinking?" He whispered but stayed on his place making me look at him from the other side of the room. Concern is evident on his features and for some reason, it felt good to see him care.

"I wanted to see you. Again." I whispered with a shiver.

"You're not afraid of me anymore?"

"No." I said without stuttering and with a shook of my head. And for the first time, I saw him smile at me. His lips formed a boxy shape as a shy grin crept on his face. The sight was absolutely amusing, making me smile as well.

"Listen, you shouldn't do that. You know, waiting drenched in rain? It was appreciated though. That's very romantic. But if you're going to get yourself sick, come on. For me?" He said with disbelief making me smile. When he saw me smile at him his face softened and his lips hung open a bit.

"You care too much." I voiced out my observation. He continue to stare at me and shrugged his shoulders. A wave of awkward silence washed through us. I felt his heavy stare at me as I keep my head down. How am I supposed to talk to a ghost?

"Answers." He said suddenly making me snap my head at his direction. Bravely, he managed to take steps slowly towards me. Probably testing the waters. "You told me you wanted answers?"

"Oh, I do." I nodded. "But first, I'm Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." I intoduced myself. He nods his head but his face remained blank. He stared outside, obviously not planning on telling me his name.

"How about you? What is your name?" I asked. He looked back at me and sighed.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." He muttered with a soft voice.

He is Taehyung. He is my soulmate. Oh my God.

"Taehyung." I repeated his name out loud, his name slipped out of my lips so easily. It feels foreign yet good making me smile. Again. I haven't even known him for so long and yet he has this effect on me. It's undescribable and all new to me.

"Are you really a ghost?" I asked and he nodded.

"That I can guarantee. I wouldn't be putting my name on a gravestone for no reason, right?" He has a point. Actually, what I asked is a pretty stupid question. Way to go, dumbass.

"Can anyone else see you?"

"I.. I don't know. No one else has been to this place and I haven't left here so.." He trailed off. I nodded understandingly and decided to proceed on asking.

"So Taehyung, tell me your story." I asked him. I pushed the mere thought of having him as my soulmate and focused on knowing him. Then maybe, I can find out how he is my soulmate.

"Which one?" He asked tilting his head to the side again. I must admit, he looks cute doing that.

"What do you mean which one?"

"The story of my life alive or the story of my life dead?" He asked. I inhaled and sat crossed legs at my place and smiled at him again.


A/N: Aaand they've met! What do you think?? Is it going way too fast or slow? Lemme know! Don't forget to vote and comment! I purple y'all 💜💜

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