Chapter Three

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Same shit different MC I thought to myself as I slightly limped through the crowd to find Bishop. I spotted him at the pool table talking to Hank. I snuck up behind Hank and poked him in the back. He jumped and spun around so fast he made me laugh.

"If you were a man I'd kick your ass." Hank grumbled as he gave me a side hug and kissed my forehead. "Glad you could make it."

"You couldn't kick my ass either way." I winked at him with a smirk on my face. "I'm glad I came. Bishop owes me a game of pool and I plan to kick his ass this time 'round." Bishop just laughed and hank shook his head. I smiled sweetly like it was the most innocent thing in the world.

"Hey Taza, little Sonia's gonna play Bishop." Hank shouted across the clubhouse which got the attention of the younger members sitting at a tabke near by.

I looked over as they all looked at Hank. That's when I noticed him. Angel was sitting there with two other guys. One kind of burly dude and one skinny man with crazy eyes and longish hair. Our eyes met across the room and he winked at me. I tried not blush but it was hard. The three of them just watched us silently.

"Oh I gotta see this." Taza commented as he came over to stand my Hank.

"Rack 'em up." Bishop said as Hank handed me a beer. I nodded my thanks and did as I was told. After taking a pull of my beer I looked at Bishop and raised a brow.

"You ready anciano?" I asked with a smile. (old man)

"Watch it." Bishop said with a scowl and holding back a laugh we started the game.

Five minutes into the game we had drawn a crowd. It seemed all the MC guys and some of the women were really interested in figuring out if I could actually beat Bishop. It was all going in his favor until he missed a shot.

Taking advantage I sunk my last three balls and narrowed my eyes at the 8 ball. It would be tricky but I was confident in my ability to play.  So taking a deep breath, I hit the cue and watched holding my breath as the cue rocketed into the 8 ball and send it rolling from side to side until it lost momentum and sunk nicely into the right corner pocket.

"Fuck yeah!" I cheered. Angel and his friends from his table got up to pat Bishop on the back.

"Next time you'll get her for sure." The shorter and skinnier of the three said.

"Naw, shes a shark. Tought her well." Bishop laughed. "Sonia,  this is Coco, Gilly and you know Angel."

"Hey." I said with a laugh and a lame ass wave.

"Well have fun kid. I got shit to do. Keep the crazy in, ok?"

"Uh sure." I said with a sarcastic smile.

"Angel, don't let her kill nobody. But just in case is the prospect here?"

"Sure thing and he will be here later. He's helping Pop right now." Angel told Bishop, confusion lighting his face.

"I'm not that fucking crazy Tio. Your streching."

"Really?" Bishop asked with a tilt of his head.

"Thought you had shit to do?" I asked.

"Behave." He said walking off to meet up with Hank and Taza at the bar.

"You gonna behave?" Coco asked.

"Naw. What I am gonna do is try to get drunk."

"Well lets go then." Angel said as he led the way to the bar.

"So where you from?" Gilly asked.

"Charming." I said as we each got a beer and a shot of tequila. My answer made him spit his beer out. "That's gross Gilly." I said with a laugh then downed my shot and took a sip of my beer.

"She didn't even flinch at that. Now you know she's kind of crazy." Gilly said.

"Nothing normal ever came from Charming." I commented as I asked the chick behind the bar for another shot.

"Ain't nothing normal came from here either." Coco said.

"Who wants to be fucking normal anyway? It's fucking boring." I said as I took two more shots.

"Right." The three of them said at the same time.

Half an hour later Angel and I were the only ones left at the bar out if our little group. I was enjoying his company. Angel was pretty chill but he seemed like he had a lot weighing on his mind. His eyes seemed sad and after we got to talking I could tell it had to do with his brother. Which I found out was the prospect Bishop mentioned earlier.

"Take me for a walk Angel." I said giving him a shy smile. "I need some air. It's stuffy in here."

"Yeah, come on." He said as he took my hand and led me outside. Past the fighting cage and away from most of the people.

When we went a little further and I stumbled over some uneven ground and fell again on my hip and ass. Now I was sure I had broke it. I would have probably taken Angel with me had I not dropped his hand right before I fell. I groaned and Angel looked back quickly and seen me flat on my ass.

"Shit, Sonia you all right?"

"Other then the fact that I can't seem to quit embarrassing myself around you, sure." He laughed as he helped me up.

"It's  not embarrassing if I think your misadventures are cute." He said with a wink.

"Yeah well I think I broke my hip." I said as I hobbled over to a chair and sat down. "This is the second time today I've fallen on it." I said with a sigh.

"You're really cute when you pout. But when you smile it's breathtaking." He said. My heart beat spead up and I blushed what felt like I was crimson.

"Thank you. You know you're pretty handsome yourself, Angel."

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