Chapter Fourteen

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*I finally found someone who matches my vision of Sonia*

Angel was speaking quickly and quietly to Tiki. They were both frowning and I could tell they were both aggravated. EZ placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to get me to relax. But, I couldn't, not when Jamison was headed our way.

Jamison walked up to the bar on the opposite side of me from EZ and ordered a beer. EZ was looking over my head at him, while I was looking at Angel and Tiki.

"Figures, always knew you would end up a biker whore." Jamison said as he took his beer. My eyes widened. The whole place was dead silent. Everybody had heard his comment. Anger boiled my veins.

"What... "

"Don't EZ, he's not worth it." I told him as I turned to look at Jamison. I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that Tig and Tiki were holding Angel back. Bishop was speaking to him from behind but, I couldn't make out what he said.

"I thought you would have chocked on those bag if dicks I told you to eat a long time ago. You really are a piece of shit. You can think what you want, I don't care. You don't matter in my life. Just another little boy wanting to be a badass." I went to turn and walk to Angel, when Jamison grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

"Big talk for a whore. You think your so much better than everybody because of who your dad was and who your brother is. One clubs not good enough for you, you gotta ride dick for some other club to." He all but hissed in my ear.

I brought my elbow back and used all the froce I could muster as I sent it flying at his nose. With a satisfying crunch he let me go. EZ moved me behind him and Jamison cursed under his breath.  I fought to move around him bit he just locked his arms in place around my waist. It didn't stop me from tryung to get free though.

"Your a fucking loser Jay. I don't know what the fuck I ever saw in your stupid ass. You think I give a shit what you have to say. My father was a better man then you will ever be. Tiki let you keep your life the first time. I'm not as fucking nice. You don't get to come here and disrespect my father's name or my brother. That's fucking low talking about a dead man." I spit. I was shaking and in that moment I wanted nothing more then to be somewhere, anywhere else. I was so mad I was shaking.

"Get over it bitch. You can't do any better than me and you know it."

"Really? Because I already have. He's not a fucking loser like you. He's a real man, something you won't ever be."

He came at me and I used the fact that EZ moved to stop him to spin around him and meet Jamison head on. I managed to avoid his grab and kicked the back of his knee so he went down.  Once he was down I took my boot clad foot and slammed it into the back of his head.  I felt arms around my waist lifting me away.

"Come on mi chica blanca loca. Lets get you a strong drink and some ice for that elbow. Pequeño luchador. You gotta quit fighting dude, it's hot as hell." Angel chuckled as he led me over to Tiki and Tig. EZ follwed us with a bottle of Jack. (my crazy white girl, little fighter)

We sat down at a table. I noticed T.O help Jamison up rather roughly and sit him down in a chair at his table. Once he was sitting T.O smacked him on the back of the head. I laughed as EZ handed me the bottle of Jack. I took a long pull before I sat it on the table.

"I see you still got it girl. You always were a scrapper." Tig laughed.

"Shouldn't have said shit about my dad." I muttered.

"Don't worry he will get his day as soon as we get back. Gotta take it to Chibs." Tig said.

"I know how it works. What I want to know is why I was blindsided. Tiki?"

"If I had told you, you would have brought the bat and we both know Opie and Jax taught you how to swing."

"Damn. I'm gonna start leaving it in my car. Be baseball time all the time." I said.

"Told you she was crazy." Bishop mumbled as he passed.

"She's my kind of crazy." Angel smiled at me as he told EZ to bring me some ice for my brusing elbow.

*Third person p.o.v*

Tiki and Tig knew they would have to report Jamison's behavior to Chibs. They also knew he wouldn't be happy. The oldest current memebers of Samcro had watch Sonia grow up. They loved her like there own kids. Which made this whole thing that much worse. At the least he would be taken to the ring, probably more than once.

Tiki wanted to beat him to death now, but knew it needed handled the right way. He couldn't go off half cocked. Besides his little sister seemed to take care of it for now. Tiki knew though, that it was far from over for Jamison.

Jamison was silently fuming. The little bitch had almost kicked his ass. He knew he had to play it safe. The last thing he needed was to piss off his President.

What none of them knew however was that the sons prospect Fro, had already called their prez and he was headed their way. Nobody messed with Bobby's daughter on his watch. It was the least he could do. He had promised Bobby a long time ago he would keep an eye on Sonia. Just because Bobby was dead didn't mean that promise died with him.

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