Chapter Eighteen

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Kelly Munson was and probably always will be like a wreaking ball when it comes to her kids. Momma bear just didn't seem to cover it. She had always been like a fierce warrior when, she thought we needed her to be. Mom had been good about letting us handle things on our own but she was always ready to be back up. Which is why she had pretty much claimed Tiki as her own a long time ago. He didn't seem to mind and back when Dad was alive it seemed to make him happy.

Dad was always happy that Mom seemed to love Tiki just as much as me, so it wasn't a surprise that she had called him her son infront of everyone. It sent a clear message, to everyone listening, he has her. So it wasn't a surprise that Tiki lit in to Jay as soon as Angel was done. Angel had already beat Jay bloody, but Tikiade it so much worse. We couldn't even see Jamison's face when Tiki walked out of the cage. He was laying on his stomach, covered in his own blood. He would have appeared dead if it wasn't for the rapid rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took.

"Run your mouth about my family again." Tiki spit as he made his way to Angel and I. I held my fist up to him and he bumped into it with his.

"She did it again." I told him as I smiled and wrapped my arms around Angel.

"I know." Tiki laughed. "I don't mind. Kelly has done a lot for me over the years. There are worse things I could be called. I'm honored that she thinks of me that way. Makes life easier and more enjoyable. I get to rile her up."

I laughed and hid my giggles in Angel's side. "She is gonna kick your ass."

"Probably but Ma always was a fighter. What was it Dad called her?"

"His warrior princess. I always thought that was sweet."

"I guess. Women are fucking weird." Tiki said with a shake of his head. "She's got her eyes on you. I better go talk to Chibs so she can hound Angel with questions." Tiki walked off and passed Mom on her way back over to me. They hugged and exchanged words we couldn't hear.

"So lets have a seat and I can get yo know you better." The three of us took a seat at the old table outside the clubhouse. "So have you ever been married Angel?"


"It's alright Sonia. No, no I've never been married. Never thought about it much to be honest. I always just assumed that I would be to wrapped up in the club, to keep a woman interested in me. A lot of the women around here are not like Sonia and Lilly. All they see is a patch and money. A danger they can't get anywhere else. Sonia makes me think I could do it. Makes me want to do it."

Mom smiled at him and patted my hand on top of the table. "You know when I first met Sonia and Tiki's Dad, Bobby, he told me he wouldn't ever get married again. He said one failed attempt was enough for him. Love does funny things to a body though. Things you thought you woukd never want, become important to you because of love. We were married for five years before we divorced. The club took so much of his time I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't have a job and I wasn't as involved with the club as much as the other Old Ladies were. So we divorced, but a year later we were back together. I don't even think our kids knew." Mom smiled sadly at me. "We thought it best to just keep it between us. The club didn't know, besides Chibs that is. It made our relationship a little better, but Sonia isn't like me. When she knows what she wants, she goes for it. Fear be damned. Bobby always said she ruled her life with her heart and her gut instinct. Said if she were a boy, she would have made a hell of a patch. The thing is though, she isn't fearless, she just doesn't let it rule her." Mom sighed. "I always feared that Jamison would be who she ended up with, but Tiki told me, he said, 'Ma, she will wake up and see who he truly is and she won't hesitate to walk away.' He was right, he is sometimes, ya know." We all laughed. "Just care for each other. Be the shoulder when you each need one. Be honest and open with one another. If you do that, well then you will make it. I love you Sonia. No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby. A parent loves their children, no matter what they do. Always remember that." With that she hugged me and walked away.

"That wasn't so bad." Angel commented.

"No, but she may come up with other things before her and Chibs leave again. She usually ask a question so thay she can launch into life advice. Her and my father were a like that way. He always said if I needed the truth to ask him or Mom. So I know that she will always tell me the truth and give true advice."

"I'm glad that you and your Ma are so close."

"Me too. So do you think we could sneak out without anyone knowing?"

"No, but fuck 'em. I need time with my Old Lady." He reach for me and threw me over his shoulder. He marched towards his bike. I squealed and laughed as he sat me on the seat. He put my helmet on as everyone outside whistled and hollered.

It wasn't long before we were speading through the gates and down the road. Riding on the back of a bike always made me feel free. Driving one was so much better, I just hadn't had the time to buy a new one.

The old bike I had before I came to Santo Padre was, well, old. It was something that Tiki and I found in Dad's garage and we fixed it enough that it was rideable. It was a good bike an old sportster. I would talk to Angel later about a good place to buy one.

Angel steared us into my driveway and killed the engine. I slid off the bike and unhooked my helmet, laying it on the seat. Lilly's car wasn't in the driveway so I knew we woukd have the house to our selves.

"Looks like its just you and me for a while. What do you say to a good hot shower and some food?"

"Only if you join me for the shower first."

"That I can do." I said as we made our way inside. Angel had grabbed his extra clothes from the side compartment of his bike, so he didn't have to walk around naked.

Nerves started to hit me. We would finally be naked together. In my shower. I wasn't nieve I knew what was going to happen. Finally. We could finally git rid of all this sexual tension between us. Or we vould cool it a little at the least.

"Lead the way, Mi Rey." (my king)

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