Chapter Seventeen

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"You gonna let her talk to me like that? Point your gun at me?"

"Aye. Ye know why?"

"No." Jay gulped.

"Keppin' me word. That lass, her da would have done buried ye. Long before ye earned the patch boy. You disrespect her, thats disrespect to me. Gotta pay for it." Chibs said as he pushed Jay into a chair. "Question is 'ow?"

"They got a fighting cage, man. Couple pounds of flesh." Tig piped up from beside my Mom.

"Aye." Chibs agreed as he turned to look at me and Angel. "Think her Ol' Man should get 'im first."

"Are you? Her Old Man?" Mom asked Angel.

"Si, if she will have me?"

"Angel, can we talk first?" I asked. It wasn't that I didn't want to be his, I did. Do. I just want to be sure he's sure.

Nervous. I was nervous. I honestly can't say when I was this nervous. Never in Angel's presence, not even when I was cursing out my car or when I fell on my face. He had a very natural way of putting me at ease. The simplest of his touches, could either calm me or set by body ablaze. We had yet to take our relationship to a more physical level, but in all honesty, I was falling for him. I would have sold my right kidney to be this mans woman. To get him to be mine as much as I would be his.

"Yes, Mi Reina. Give us a minute." Angel said as he steered me through the door to the porch. (my queen)

"Are you sure about this. About me being your Old Lady? Because that shit is serious." I said as I faced him on the porch of the clubhouse. His eyes seemed to shine, with a determination I had never seen in the few months I had known him.

"I'm positive. I know we haven't been together that long and we got a few more steps to take but you're mine Sonia." I smiled. He pulled me close. Keeping an arm wrapped around my waist.

"Then ok. I like you, Angel. More than I have anyone in my life. I'm falling for you." I told him honesty as I raised a hand to caress his face.

"Me too. I'll protect you, care for you, con mi vida. You're mine." Angel declared. (with my life)

"You know that works both ways right?" I asked with a smile. He needed to know that if I was his, he was mine.

"I know. Trust me, I get it. Your Mom, she's kinda awesome, kinda scary too." Angel and I laughed.

"Little bit. That's why I love her, and know when to keep my mouth shut."

"Let's go back in, see whats going on." Angel whispered in my ear as he squeezed me closer. We turned back toward the door.

I pushed the door open and hit Tiki with the door. "Really? You're a gossip, I swear." I laughed.

"Well, you his bitch now?" Jay asked.

Angel moved over to stand beside Chibs. He narrowed his eyes at Jay, then promptly kicked his chair over. Making Jay tumble to the ground. "You talk about my woman again, and I'll pull your insides out through your mouth."

"Funny, she used to be mine." Jay mocked as he pulled himself from the ground. "She must ride your dick real good, for you to claim her in front of everybody." My eyes widened and I sucked in a breath. No. There was no way he was that stupid. Chibs just told him that whole thing about disrespect. So now, not only had he disrespected me, a claimed Old Lady, no matter how new, but he had disrespect an officer of an allied club, my mother and his president.

Mom and I kept quite. As backward as it may seem. This was officially Old Man business. One didn't get away with saying that somebodys Old Lady used to be theirs. As my Mom used to say, 'Them's fightin' words'. Not to mention the blantent disrespect. Jay had offically earned a beating. Mostly by Angel but I knew a few who would take there hits too. Tiki was among those, so was Chibs.

"I made a promise. I gave me word, that I would watch out for ye lass." Chibs said as he faced me. Angel and Tig were watching Jay. " And I always will."

"I know." I said softly and nodded.

" 'ave at it." Chibs said.

Two things happened at once. Tiki grabbed Jay by the collar of his kutte and Tig rushed to the door. Bishop an Taka, followed Tiki out the door as he drug Jay to the cage.  Angel handed me his rings, kutte and shirt, then headed outside. I took a deep breath and followed with my Mom. The rest of the guys behind us.

"It has to happen, mi pajarito." Marcus said as he gave me pat on the back. We had made it to the cage by then. Angel was waiting on Jay, having already wrapped his hands. (my little bird)

"I know. Wish I could have seen you on a better day." I joked.

"I know." He nodded then went to stand beside Chibs, Bishop, Hank and Taza.

"You found a good one. I've seen some pretty crappy men in this life. They let men talk to their woman horridly and treat them just as bad. Thank God, that most of the men in these clubs have respect for their women." Mom sighed as she out her arm around my shoulders.

Jay was being led into the cage by Tiki now. He looked ready to fight, but so did Angel. Jamison was not a small man, he had the muscle over Angel. Angel to his credit looked to be faster on his feet, as he bounced on the balls of his feet. I knew from watching Tiki and Jay fight on more than one occasion, that Jay relied on brute strength. He didn't seem to block or dodge an opponent, rather going in fist swinging. To do the most damage, Angel needed to be quick and calculating. I knew he could be.

Tiki nodded at me and I sent him a nod back. He moved out of the cage and Marcus yelled for them to start.  I took a deep breath as Jay charged Angel. Angel bounced around the attack. Jay missing his face by a few inches as Angel unleashed a series of hard quick blows to Jays ribs. I could hear him grunting from the impact five feet away. Coco and Gilly cheered on their friend.

It wasn't over yet. No matter how much pain those blows caused him, Jay was pissed. He just underestimated the anger that lived in Angel. So when Jay tried to take Angel to the ground,  Angel countered with a gnarly knee to the face. Jay went down on his knees from the force. Angel had been to quick for Jay. Jay had assumed that because he was more muscular, rhat he had the advantage. He was wrong. While Angel was lean and tone compared to Jays bulky mass, Angel was quick as a snake. He struck with quick sure movements made to break, then he was on rhe other side ready for another go. It was fasinating to watch.

While Jay was on his knees, Angel took his elbow and pounded it into Jays back, over and over until he split the skin. He didn't stop though, just moved on. Jay tried to grab Angel whole he was down. Reaching his fingers out to grab his pant leg. Angel just stepped on his hand, grinding his heel onto the delicate bones of Jay's fingers. Then he finshed it with a blow to the head and Jay was down.  A bloody mass on the floor of the cage. Angel had taken a little damage, split lip cut brow, but other than that my Old Man was the victor. He smiled brilliantly at me, and I at him.

This man had defended my honor and our relationship in front of his family and mine. Also unbeknownst to him he had proven to my brother and Chibs that I was safe, protected and looked after here. They would breathe easier now. My mother gave me a squeeze of my shoulders.

"Now that is how it's done. You got a good Old Man, baby. Love him as fiercely as he does you. Now, go patch him up, I'd like to talk to him when you're done. You chose good baby. I'm proud if you and I know your Daddy would be to." She smiled sadly and moved toward Chibs.

Angel made his way over to me, grabbed my face with his wrapped hands and kissed me senseless.

"Mi Luchador." I whispered against his lips.

"I'll always fight for you, Mi Reina. Con mi último aliento." (my queen, with my last breath ) I smiled and kissed him again. My Old Man.

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