Chapter Nineteen

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My shower was on the small side, but we seemed to fit just fine. Caressing and kissing while washing each other seemed to be the most erotic experience of my life. Angel knew all the right places to touch and he seemed to be loving every minute of it.

My brain was shattered in the most delicious ways. If I didn't know it before, I definitely knew it now. Angel was, is, and probably would be the best experience of my life. If it stayed that way, only time could tell. My heart was all in, but my mind was still cautious. It just needed time to catch up with my heart.

Angel lifted my body and slid home, in what had to be the sweetest agony imaginable. We were both a groaning, quivering mess. Enjoying this new experience, of being one together. I couldn't get enough. Wanting more but, feeling like it was it was too much at the same time.

"Damn, Nunca tendré suficiente de ti." (I will never have enough of you.)

"Oh shit, Angel."

Those seemed to be all the words we could muster. The feelings were so intense, so over welmingly good, that we couldn't speak anymore. We both shattered in strangled crys. Slowly coming down and rewashing each other inbetween sweet kisses and what can only be described as loving caresses. Turning the water off Angel stepped out of the shower.

"Where are the towels, mi corazón?" (my heart)

"Above the toilet. There should be enough there."

"Found them. Here let me help you." Angel gently helped me out of the tub. He wrapped a towel around his waist before wrapping me softly in a towel og my own. "I don't think I have ever felt anything quite like that in my life. Tan intenso." (so intense)

"Me either. Some of that I understood, some I didn't."

"I'll teach you spanish, if you want me to. I can even be rewarding when you get it right."

"Don't right checks you dick can't cash." I smired as I ran from the bathroom.

"Oh really. Come back here you little tease." Angel laughed as he ran after me.

I was in the bedroom when he caught up to me. He grabbed me around the waist and threw me gently on the bed. He pounced in top of me and began to tickle me every where he could reach. I was a laughing mess.

"Ok, ok. I... Was.... Just.... Kidding." I tried to say between breaths. Angel moved to the side and pulled me to lay on his chest.

"Te amo, Sonia."

"I love you too. I knew that this morning. I think I've known that for a while now." I smile.

"Me too." Angel ran his fingers over the exposed flesh of my shoulders. "I know it's fast. I mean you've only been her for 4 months, but this is real for me."

I picked my head up off his chest and looked him in the eye. "It's real for me to Angel. I wouldn't have said I would be your Old Lady, if it wasn't. I'm honest, and faithful. I may be a little crazy but I'll be crazy for you too." I smiled and wrinkled my nose.

"Of that I have no doubt." He laughed.

"I believe you promised me food, Mi amor." (my love)

"Pizza ok?"


I got up and threw on some underwear and pajamas. All the while Angel watched with a lazy smile on his face. "I'll order you get dressed. Lilly will be here soon and I'm sure your brother won't be far behind her."

"Como un perro." (like a dog)

"I know what you said." I yelled at him as I made my way to find my phone. Ordering pizza was easy. Large, meat and peppers. Placing the order online was so much faster then calling.

When that was done, I cleaned up our mess from the bathroom. After throwing Angel's clothes in the washer, I made my way to the livingroom. Flipping threw the channels, trying to find a movie is how Angel found me.

"Are you mad that EZ and I don't get along like you and Tiki do." He asked as he snuggled up to me on the couch.

"Believe it or not, Tiki and I fight more than we get along. It's a sibling thing. When we were kids I was convinced that our dad loved him more because he was a boy. I stayed pretty mad at my dad for awhile, and at Tiki. I resented him for something he had no control over."

"What changed?"

"My Dad actually. He sat me down at 10 years old and made me tell him what was wrong. After I started talking I couldn't stop. Dad said 'Sonia, I love you both with all my heart, just on different ways. He's my son and your my daughter. You're different so you both need different kinds of love. You're both stubborn but you use your big ol' brain more so I can love you tenderly. Your brother is like a hurricane. I gotta be loud for him to hear my love over his own raging wind.' That stuck with me." I smiled at the memory. "You and EZ don't have to be perfect brothers you just gotta be youselves and be brothers at the same time. That what Tiki and I do. I'd kill for him but I'd also like to kill him at times."

"I get it."

"Don't get mad ok, but I think you should talk to your Dad."

"Sonia." He groaned.

"Just hear me out."


"I think you should lay all your thoughts and feeling out to your dad. I lost mine, he was taken and messed up then shot in the head like a wounded animal. There was so much of my life he missed, so much I wanted to tell him. Don't leave things unspoken, because despite everything he loves you Angel. You're his son. He just wants good things for you." I sobbed.

"Don't cry, Mi amor." (my love)

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to hurt anymore. I know it hurts you that you and your Dad have a rocky relationship. I want you to at least to be able to talk." Angel wiped my tears with his thumb and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I promise that I'll try."

"That's all I ask."

I am so sorry you all had to wait so long. I had some serious writers block. This chapter could be better but I am happy with it. More to come soon I promise. Happy Reading!😍

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