Chapter Nine

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* Sonia's boots. I'm in love with these lol. Please vote and/or comment please. Happy reading*

"Fuck." Angel and EZ said at the same time.

I knew this would happen. Lilly didn't care when I brought it up.  Said she wanted EZ to get to know her before she let it be known that Hank or Tranq, the big Sargent at arms, was her dad.

"Could have come seen me sooner, but I get it. Come find me later we can talk Lilliana. EZ watch where you put your hands,  that's still my kid." Hank daid as he walked away, the turned around and winked.  "Have fun but not to much." Then he disappeared into the crowd.

"And you were worried." Lilly said to me.

"Oh,  I wasn't worried about your dad. As long as EZ is good to you your dad is fine. It was EZ's reaction I was worried about." I said as I looked at him. He was tense but not in a, I can't get away fast enough. More like a wtf kind of tense.

"You got any family your hiding, Sonia?" Angel asked with a raised brow.

"Ok, you caught me, I have an older brother. Robert or Tiki as most people call him. Though he is only my half brother." I said with a shrug.

"Yeah, y'all got different moms but that ain't ever stopped Tiki from being your big brother." Lilly remarked with an eye roll.

"What do you mean?" EZ asked her now curious.

"Right at the start of college, Sonia was dating this prospect, her brother hated it, but he seemed real devoted ya know."

"Lilly." I said hoping she would shut up. I didn't particularly like this part of my life. One of those fucked up things I did as a teen, because I was blinded by what I thought was love. My tone however had no effect on Lilly though. She waved me off and continued speaking. She had Angel and EZ's full attention.

"Anyway, we had been roommates for like a month, that's how we met, anyway. She gets a call from a girl back home. Tells her that she seen Jamison with some chick and they were getting pretty heavy, well turns out in the month she had been gone, old boy was getting his dick wet at every turn." God this was embarrassing, it quit being painful a long time ago. Now, when I look back I can't believe I was ever stupid enough to believe that piece of shit.

"She called and literally told him to eat a bag of dicks, and I'm quoting that shit. Three days later he came to campus and Tiki followed him and beat the fuck out of him right there in front of the dorms. It was beautiful. Well dude was still a prospect so he kept his life but he didn't so much as look in Sonia's direction ever again. Still don't."

"Fucker needed his dick cut off." Angel mumbled.

"Oh, I thought about it. But turns out I was more mad at myself then I was him. I moved on with my life but Tiki still makes his life miserable so theres that." I said.

"Let's get you girls a drink and watch the fight. Gilly's gonna fight Riz. Should be interesting." Angel took my hand and led us into the clubhouse to the bar, Lilly and EZ following behind us.


Lilly and EZ took there drinks and disapeared. So Angel and I took our beers and went to a quiet corner and sat on the couch. Angel took my hand in his and angled his body towards mine.

"So, your bother, he a son?" Angel asked.

"Yup. I know his mom tried to keep him away, but I think it just made him want to do it more. He got his full patch years ago."

"I'm sorry about your dad, mi dulce. Must have been hard on both of you." (my sweet)

"It was, but I had my mom and in a weird was so did Tiki. She would make sure he ate and that he wasn't drowning his sorrows in boose and bitches. Her words not mine. She was our rock for awhile."


"Oh, she's fine. She just doesn't live in California anymore. See she grew up in this tiny ass town in Alabama. When she turned 18 she came out here. She moved around a lot until she was about my age and settled in Charming. My Dad was newly divorced and had a young son that he didn't get to see much and they met at the diner. She worked the morning shift and he would come in everyday to see her. Then they had me and got married. In that order. They got divorced when I was five, but they were great at co-parenting." I explained with a wistful smile. "So, Kelly, my mom, moved back to Alabama about a year after my dad died. Tried to get me to go to but I was stubborn and thought Tiki needed me. Turns out I just didn't want to leave the only place I had ever called home."

"You're mom sounds nice." Angel commented.

"She is. Real sweet lady, she still loves my father. I think she always will, the club runs are what tore them apart. He was the secretary of the club at the time and he had to be there for important stuff and we were alone a lot. Mom couldn't handle it, I guess."

"It takes a special woman to love a biker." Angel said.

"Yeah. Speaking of secretary. When were you going to tell me?" I asked eyeing his new patch.

"You noticed?" Angel asked with a bight smile.

"I did. You will come to learn that I don't miss much."


Angel's gaze went from my eyes to my lips and back. I let mine do the same. I really wanted to know what his lips felt like pressed against mine. So much so that I was practically buzzing with anticipation.

"Really. So are you going to kiss me or you just going to stare?"

Angel smiled again, then leaned towards me, our faces inches from touching.  I inhaled his masculine sent and closed my eyes. Angel's lips were soft and gentle at first. Then hard and before I knew it his tounge invaded my mouth to tangle with mine.

I could taste the beer, tequila and a hint of cigarette smoke. It was addicting. I could keep doing this forever. When we pulled apart we were both breathing heavy.

"God, I've been wanting to do that since I first laid eyes on you. Quiero besarte en todas partes." (i want to kiss you everywhere )

"Quiero que tu." (i want you to)

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